Air Conditioning is not just cool air

Air conditioning is not just cool air, if it were just cool air, I would not have a problem with it, at least not like I have a problem with air conditioning. Many people get headaches from being in air-conditioned rooms. They get cardiovascular problems, they get thick blood. There are many effects when you inhale positively charged ions that are very acid forming in the body, and they inhibit the normal functioning of the heart, the brain, of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and so on.

So many things happen when you ingest that kind of air. You must remember it is not just air like fresh air. It may appear fresh, but it is not fresh air. It is diminished in negative oxygen ions, so the body has to work extra hard in order to get enough oxygen into the cells and so you get an oxygen deficiency on a cellular level if you constantly get exposed to that kind of artificial air, and it comes out of, it is very basically chemicals that are used to produce the cooling effect, but, that is suppressing the natural balance of ions in the air and the body does not have a contract, an agreement with ingesting artificial air. The only contract it has is with natural air.

And the other problem that results from constantly having a well-tempered environment and not allowing yourself to have the seasonal changes in temperature and being exposed to them, is then your body will not go through the sweating cycles… the perspiration is extremely important for the body to expel toxins, to allow the skin to function very well, to be oiled because when you sweat properly you put oils into the skin and it keeps them healthy whereas air condition can dry out your skin there is a lot of moisture removal in air conditioned rooms and so it can cause damage to the skin.

The other thing is that you are basically no longer allowing the immune system to be activated and stimulated when you are in air conditioned rooms all the time or in heated rooms in winter. So it is important to lower the heat in rooms in winter if you need heat, and to decrease air conditioning, if that is possible, or shut it off all together and allow the body to perspire because that will stimulate the immune system far, far better than like hot air around you.

People used to live without air conditioners, they survived quite well. Heat strokes were far less common in those days than they are today. People are just no longer capable of adjusting to temperature shifts, so they are in the air conditioned rooms, they get out in the heat and they have a heat stroke. It wouldn’t happen to a person who has not been used to air conditioners.

How can we reduce the negative effects?

Well a good thing is to frequently open the window and let the exchange of air be renewed with negative oxygen ions, so that there is some natural air coming in, so that… and it will cool down again but at least you have a fresh supply of negative oxygen ions on a regular basis.

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