Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  March 4, 2012 — updated 2016

This is Andreas Moritz and here is a question from April Blake, who is wondering if there is an alternative to citrus fruit juice for the liver and gallbladder flush (also known as the liver and gallbladder cleanse) because she is allergic to citrus.

It’s not the best solution, but this is what I would suggest you do.

Take about two thirds of a cup of apple juice and combine that with half a cup of olive oil and mix it (shake it) just like you would with citrus juice, and use that instead.

It’s not ideal, definitely not ideal, but it’s second best. I would try that and maybe you can let us know how this went.

The main thing is that there is enough olive oil and that is the biggest trigger. The citrus juice also helps to relax and expand the bile ducts and to discharge the stones from the liver and gallbladder. But, apple juice, the malic acid, has somewhat that effect, and so you may want to do that.

If apple juice is not acceptable to you, you may use half a cup of the sour, tart cherry juice and use that instead. Half a cup of sour, tart cherry juice would be another way to substitute that. Not a good way, but again, second or third best.

Hope this works for you and I look forward to your feedback.

Thank you.

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