Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

This is a question about anger and rage and how anger and rage stem from an unhealthy, clogged liver.

That is a very good one because I, over the years having helped many people, millions of people around the world, to do liver flushes and I get feedback from them. In my own case, I did have frustration and anger in me when my liver bile ducts were completely clogged up and my gallbladder was clogged up, and people who have a clogged liver or gallbladder tend to be angry and frustrated, sometimes the anger is turned into depression.

So what I found over the years is that when people cleaned out their liver and gallbladder, they find themselves to be less angry or completely without any anger once the liver is completely cleaned out. And this was my experience. After my liver was completely clean, I couldn’t find a reason to become angry about and so this was a very fascinating experience for me, and I have seen it in many, many thousands of people who also followed the same path, cleaned out their liver.

There is a saying that a person has a bilious nature, he is an angry person. That means when bile is overflowing or rather backwashing into the bloodstream and this happens when the bile ducts are clogged up, the liver is no longer able to remove toxins form the blood, noxious substances, and once they are in the blood, that itself can create irritation and anger, frustration, in the body because these emotions, they are physical messages that the body is sending us, emotions, energy… emotion and energy are always related to the body, we cannot have emotions without the physical body. So when the body is not getting enough nourishment because the liver bile ducts are clogged and nutrients are not passed to the cells in the body in sufficient quantities, then there is not enough glucose or oxygen or other nutrients made available to these cells and the cells become frustrated. They diminish some of their functions and when the functions are suppressed then the body cannot be happy, and when the body is not happy, and the opposite of happiness is anger. So we naturally become frustrated or angry when these cells are not getting enough nourishment.

Bile itself, when it moves in the wrong pathway, when it moves into the blood instead of out through the bile ducts into the small and large intestine where they help with the digestion of foods and elimination of toxins and waste matter, when the bile ducts washes into the blood even in small amounts, it creates irritation. So that is what when we refer to a bilious nature, a person who has overflowing bile, it’s just not coming out of the body, and so this is a very central part.

We also know that people who have liver issues, they are angry, very many people who have liver issues are known to be angry, and that’s why liver and anger go together.

The liver also contributes chi or life force throughout the body and this is the prana, chi, life force that the Chinese medicine refers to, or the medicine of Ayurveda, and once that diminishes again the person becomes very frustrated and he’s just running out of energy, you don’t have the enthusiasm, the joy, the happiness that you need to live your life successfully and therefore it goes into the opposite… your life becomes less successful, less joyful, less happy, and less peaceful and that automatically puts you into the category of frustration, anger, sadness, fear. all those qualities. These are emotional responses by the body that shows that the body is congested, that the liver is not functioning very well.

So I hope this gives you an idea that puts us back into the understanding that cleaning out the liver is very important.

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