Video Post by:  Andreas Moritz
Posted:  February 8, 2012 — updated 2016

This is a question about the gallbladder, and a gallbladder surgeon who wants to take out someone’s gallbladder. This is from Coleen Woodman; she has had two gallbladder attacks this fall and did my liver and gallbladder flush a month ago and got about a thousand green, white cholesterol stones, some as big as 1.5 centimeters in diameter. And she says she feels great after the flush. She had an ultrasound when she was in the ER for the attacks and requested another one today to see if there are any issues or stones.

I can tell you that as long as you feel good, don’t feel tempted to remove an organ that is already functioning much better. My experience has been that people who do liver and gallbladder flushes or liver cleanses, and even after the first liver and gallbladder flush, they don’t have another attack. Simply because many gallstone attacks happen not because of stones that come out of the gallbladder, but stones that come out of the liver bile ducts. In fact, I have had many, many people who had their gallbladder surgically removed and still they have gallstone attacks where a stone from the liver bile ducts comes out and gets stuck in the common bile duct and triggers an attack. So there is no guarantee that once your gallbladder is out, you won’t have any more gallstone attacks.

The surgeon has no clue as to what these stones are; as you have indicated, he is not aware of intra-hepatic gallstones that are described by Johns Hopkins University as intra-hepatic – inside the liver. They occur inside the liver. Most doctors are not aware of these terms simply because they cannot be recognized through ultrasound scans and they don’t show up because there is no reflecting. There is nothing in these stones that causes ultrasound waves to bounce back, to be echoed back, and therefore these waves simply go through. The sound waves go through them and there is no image of stones in the liver or in the gallbladder from the soft kinds of stones, the cholesterol stones, that don’t contain calcifications.

So I would suggest take your own health in your own hands because nobody else will do that for you. And listen to yourself, how you feel. Having passed one thousand stones is a good beginning, but there is more in there. People who have gallstones in the gallbladder have thousands of stones in the liver bile ducts and the earlier, the faster you get them out, the better.

So keep cleansing the liver and gallbladder until there are no more stones coming out. Then you may want to, if you like, have another ultrasound. I don’t recommend ultrasound because they also have been shown to have negative effects on the human body. But if you want to do that, you can do that.

Typically I found that calcified stones come out not before cleanse number 6, 7 or 8, as it has been in my own case. But before that I passed thousands of non-calcified stones, just as you have experienced it. And these are the more important stones to release rather than the few small, relatively small, or small numbers of stones that occur in the gallbladder itself.

So better to follow your instincts, your inclination, and follow your happiness. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.

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