Birth Control pills have severe side effects; we can instead learn how to trust our power of intent

This is a very interesting question, I have been asked that for many,many years and it is from Sandra Pryce, and she is asking what my thoughts are about birth control.

I personally never encouraged anyone to take birth control pills right from the beginning I was standing against it because of the severe side effects that one can expect including breast cancer and heart disease, stroke and many,many other complications if you take it even for short term.

I know that birth control pills produce a lot of intra hepatic gallstones in the liver and that itself leads to many, many other illness and conditions in the body that are not even linked to birth control pill. So birth control is something I never recommend, (also UTIs) it is  something that I do not recommend at all. I have been seeing many cases where the chi or life force flow through the body and particularly reproductive functions gets diminished which can cause a lot of reproductive disorders and again it is basically closing the door when there needs to be a flow of chi or life force through that very important part of the body and using these devices are basically preventing that exchange in flow of chi or life force.

So I have seen women getting into trouble by having these devices implanted.  The obvious method would be avoid a relation, there are some devices now where you can measure when ovulation takes place and to avoid the days of ovulation. Ideally a woman will have ovulation during full moon and the day before the full moon day and the day after would be the times when a woman, living a natural life a balanced lifestyle, would ovulate so that would have given clues to woman in, let’s say, hundred or two hundred or three hundred or thousands of years ago, that ovulation was in the air and that would be the time of being in the most fertile.

Of course that is also the time when sexual desire is also very strong, because that would allow the woman to know when to have sexual intercourse to conceive and to bring a baby into this world, so it goes both ways, you can use the clues that nature provides to know when ovulation takes place. There are also temperature gauging methods because temperature may just go up during the time of ovulation.

However the most powerful and effective method has nothing to do with any physical procedure or device but to do with a mental recognition that, when a baby comes into this world through a woman that baby doesn’t come in by accident. Many people are not aware that every person that comes into this world is coming because they want to, and they have an intention, and they are connected with the souls of the parents. There is a contract between the incoming child and the parents who decided that they would be the vehicles, so to say, to make the passage of a child that is not in embodiment to bring into embodiment; and the soul is the ultimate determinant in contract with the parents to come into this world, and if the child is receiving basically a red light and hears from the parents, because the souls of the children, they hang around the parents for quite a bit of time before they choose that particular set of parents to come into this world, because of contractual agreements and karmic agreements that has aligned a child then to make that decision; but if the parents do not agree the child can not come in. so the most obvious thing to do would be that the parents make an agreement that at this time a child is not welcome and that soul would not be able to come through and then the conception would basically be prevented or hinder, and this works 100% of the time. Even though it is very simple but if the parents are very clear without any sort of subconscious desire that go like this “yes, I do not want a child now but, really, I want one” so the subconscious feeling “yeah I really would love to have a child but I am afraid of having a child”, then the first desire may actually allow the baby to come through. So the parents have to be very conscious, very aware of what they want.

If they at this time do not want to bring a child into this world, there is absolutely no way that a child can go against the wishes of the parents. A soul cannot come through, no matter what happens. I cannot come in by accident. That is a very-very important fact to learn that parents can prevent any kind of pregnancy if they both agree and, both have to agree because there could be the father who will say “What I am not really, one way or another” If he says “Well, even if a child comes through, fine” and if the mother says “I do not want it”, it may not be enough to prevent a pregnancy. So both of them have to be behind it 100 % to give the right message to the soul of the incoming, or the child would have to determine either parents to conceive it and to bring it to this world.

There is not much literature in this field, I remember years ago there was a little booklet, but unfortunately I cannot give you the reference… I looked for it again but couldn’t find, it that can only confirmed in my own life of 50 years I do not have any biological children, I bought up two girls from age 3 ½ and 5 I helped bring them up but not had my own biological children and we both decided that we would not want to bring more children to this world, the mother of these two children and myself, so we make sure that we would not bring a new child to this world and it did not happen, and we were both physically very fit and healthy so, there was no other way. If my wife did not then use birth control pills so, it worked very well and I have seen it in many other cases that it really – really worked far – far better than birth control pills but, it requires trust and knowing that the body is not the only thing that is real, in fact thoughts, feeling, emotions they are just as real and they determine our body more than anything else.

So our body cannot NOT obey to the commands that we give it and that includes reproductive capabilities.

Thank you.

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