Interview with Andreas and George Whitehurst Berry

George Whitehurst Berry: Welcome back to another edition of ‘Crash, Are You Ready?’ This is your host George Whitehurst Berry and today we have a very special guest Andreas Moritz and Andreas has been writing a series of books, which will, in my opinion, and are already rocking the foundations of the medical establishment. I have actually done his liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse and having fabulous results, that is one of his books which I would urge all of my listeners to get a copy of, and Andreas has another book now which has a very different approach from what we see as even in the alternative to the drug culture of the medical, allopathic medical establishment, the shortcoming in my opinion, of a lot of these alternative methods is that they adapt the same framework of the germ theory of disease that the allopathic medical establishment has, the only difference being that they are using potentially less toxic herbs instead of drugs, but they’re still focused on -quote unquote- “fighting the disease”. So now Andreas has a very different approach, he has rejected the utterly ‘infamed’ in my opinion, germ theory disease and he’s written a book which is coming from a very different perspective “Cancer is not a Disease — It is a Survival Mechanism”. There is a link to Andreas’ website, on my website of course which is or you can go directly to Andreas’ website and this is quite a different approach, Andreas, from the regular alternative approach. What did you mean when you made the statement that “it makes no more sense to say that germs cause disease than to say that flies cause garbage”?

Andreas Moritz: You are absolutely right there. Good morning. I’m really enjoying this already because your question is quite deep, very profound statement that’s being made there, simply because you cannot blame a bacterium for decomposing something that is already dead, or that is half dead. It is very normal for an apple that is fallen from the tree, and starts the rotting process, that there will be plenty of bacteria in that apple that will finish off the job, and once the bacteria have done their job you will see a film of like fluffy coloring which will be composed of fungi, so the fungi are there for a purpose, the bacteria are there for a purpose; they are not there to cause disease of the apple, the apple is already useless, it’s bruised and damaged and so therefore nature will deal with it and clean up and mop up the ruins basically.

So what we have in the human body, we have 90 percent of all the cells that exist are bacteria cells. So we are bacteria mostly, and we have a couple of other cells which we call the human body, but actually we are bacteria and it’s not surprising that we are all kinds of bacteria. There are hundreds of strains of bacteria in our body that all fulfill a particular purpose and some are of the destructive kinds, some are anaerobic, some are un-anaerobic that means they live without oxygen, but each one of them has a particular purpose, and to go and say that germs are bad for us like Louis Pasteur, who invented the germ theory, stated early in his career that germs are responsible for causing infectious diseases… but he had to retract that statement at his death bed because he was made to see that germs are not the cause of infection, it is the terrain, it is the environment, that attracts those bacteria to do their job, there is nothing wrong about them.

George Whitehurst Berry: So in essence, then, the whole allopathic standard -quote unquote- “approach” is based on fighting nature?

Andreas Moritz: It is, it’s as if there is the enemy out there and we have to blame the enemy for invading us and we need to destroy the enemy, and so in reality, it’s quite the opposite, the antibodies considered the enemy, the bacteria, are actually the ones that are helping us to get better. What is an infection, after all? An infection involves inflammation, a response of the immune system to kick out and remove toxins that have attracted bacteria or germs, in the first place, if there is something in the body it needs, the body needs to get rid of it, if it cannot do it itself, it needs help of bacteria, fungi or even viruses.

Viruses, by the way, are not living organisms, they are just fragments of proteins so they need the body to reproduce them. The body will only reproduce them if it finds there is a need for it. It doesn’t make such crucial mistakes after having being on this planet for millions of years. We have evolved together with the germs, we are not germ-free, as I said in the beginning, we are full of germs and we have all kinds of germs. We receive germs from our mother when before we even get born, just at time of birth, the mother passes TB-bacteria on to the child… it’s in the breast milk; we get it from the breast milk, why would the mother pass TB-bacteria on to us? Although we need TB-Bacteria to destroy damaged and week cells, so that’s a part of decomposing benefit of bacteria. So instead of going out there and killing them with antibiotics, by making sure we don’t get infections, by suppressing the immune system with the help of vaccines, we are running into deep, deep trouble because we are destroying the very system that is supposed to keep us healthy and we now know that vaccines destroy, literally destroy the immune system…

George Whitehurst Berry: Therefore germs are a vital part of keeping us healthy?

Andreas Moritz: Yes, absolutely, there is a very interesting piece of research that was published a couple of years ago. It didn’t make the headlines unfortunately, but it should have, because it shows exactly what is going on. There were 151 scientific studies that were all pure reviewed studies, very profound studies, done over the last at least 100 years up to the date 2006, and what these studies showed is that children that received vaccines had a significantly increased risk of developing cancer later in life because they were vaccinated against infectious diseases, childhood diseases, that a normal child will experience usually in mild forms, sometimes severe, but typically non-eventful even. Many times we are exposed to germs, our immune system will respond, it will create antibodies and we don’t even know about it. But to go…

George Whitehurst Berry: Is it possible that these childhood diseases ‘so called’ are actually stimulating the immune system to avoid in later life potentially much more life threatening situations?

Andreas Moritz: Exactly! That’s what the study was about, to prove that suppressing the immune system with vaccines, not allowing the infections to occur, not allowing…

George Whitehurst Berry: Their natural process, there’s that music we’ll be right back after the break with Andreas Moritz…….

All right, we’re back with our very special guest Andreas Moritz, and again Andreas’ website is and Andreas, I’d like to talk just briefly about one of my favorite books of all time, the book I’ve got in my hand right now “The liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse” and I actually did the cleanse after taking a, doing a, series of colonics, I spent several months, every lunar new month doing the liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse, and I would like to specifically zero in on the other insanity of the standard allopathic approach with an example in this book and then apply that same logic to the new book “Cancer Is Not A Disease — It’s A Survival Mechanism” and in “The liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse’, you mention the fact that the body has a logic and a wisdom of its own, so for example, when the body raises the blood pressure, the body knows what it’s doing, the standard approach is to suppress the body’s efforts to heal itself. What’s really going on when the body raises the blood pressure…

Andreas Moritz: Right, that’s very good example. You can look in nature, if there’s a pathway blocked for example, there’s a river and you put up a dam, obviously you’re building pressure against the dam wall and if the pressure exceeds the resistance that the dam wall provides, then the dam wall is going to break, so it’s just like that in body, if there is congestion building up, if the large intestine is clogged up, if the kidney pathways are clogged up with stones, you can expect high blood pressure. If the lymphatic vessels are congested, the blood pressure will go up because the lymph and blood are connected, if the liver bile ducts are clogged up, you can get hepatic hypertension, wherever there is congestion, it will add to the overall blood pressure in the body.

So when the blood pressure is going up, it’s sign that the body is doing the right thing to deliver the right amount of nutrients and oxygen to the cells in the body. Now, when you artificially lower the blood pressure, what you’re doing is… you’re basically undersupplying, you’re causing a famine among the cells of the body, and this can cause damage to vital organs, eventually the kidneys are going to fail, eventually the liver is going to fail and the heart itself is going to fail because it also needs to be supplied with oxygen and nutrients. So there are studies now to show that if you lower the blood pressure with medication, you’re actually causing the same thing that you’re trying to prevent, heart disease…

George Whitehurst Berry: That’s absolutely astonishing, that that alternative approach would not be more accepted when the overwhelming amount of empirical data supports that easily researched conclusion, and now when you have a situation where somebody might be asking the question “well, how could I be starving, I’m eating a lot of foods”, well, If I understand you correctly, what you’re saying there is that it doesn’t matter how much food you’re consuming – if you’re body is not absorbing properly, then you could literally, even though somebody is eating a lot of -quote unquote- “food”, they might be starving at the cellular level, at the cellular level the body is trying to compensate by raising the blood pressure…

Andreas Moritz: You’re right, you know the problem is partly due to what we eat, when we eat, if you eat a major meal in the evening, when the digestive ability of the body is about 10 percent of what it is at lunch time, at noon time, then obviously you’re having a lot of undigested food that is going to decompose in the intestines, which invite the bacteria, the destructive kind of bacteria to decompose it, and these bacteria produce toxins and these toxins get absorbed, they get into the blood and lymph and then they’re carried to the liver and then the liver tries to accommodate those in the bile which causes clotting or clogging up of the bile ducts with intra-hepatic gallstones, then you don’t secrete enough bile and then the bile is insufficient in helping you to digest the food that you eat, even if you eat healthy foods, and if you eat light meals in the evening and more substantial meals at lunch time, suddenly you are not going to digest all your food anymore, and the less you digest, the more deficient the nutrients supply to the cells is, so now you have a direct connection between undernourished cells and the bile duct congestion in the liver, that’s why the liver flush, the first book that I wrote and that’s still there, it’s “The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush” is helpful to flush out the stones and clear the bile ducts, making sure that you produce enough bile, release the bile when it is needed to help digest foods like fats… in order to digest carbohydrates you need fats, in order to digest fats you need bile, and not making enough bile or secreting enough bile will leave these carbohydrates, also plus the protein is undigested and then you have lack of nutrients on the cellular level, then the body is congested all over because once the cells become undernourished, their metabolism drops, and then they cannot get rid of their metabolic waste products like lactic acid, uric acid, urea, ammonia…

George Whitehurst Berry: Could those lead to conditions, those facts lead to conditions like gout etc. and a host of other acidic based diseases?

Andreas Moritz: Absolutely, because then the cell environment becomes acidic and then it cannot take up oxygen well enough anymore so its literally lying in an oxygen bath, sorry, in an acid bath, and then the body becomes acidified and gradually the oxygen supply to the cells diminishes and that brings us to cancer as it has been known for a long, long time that each cancer cell is an oxygen deprived cell where the cell has learned to live without oxygen, that it can survive living without oxygen and living…

George Whitehurst Berry: In other words, are you saying that an effect of the cancer cell is a type of anaerobic cell?

Andreas Moritz: Yes, because cancer cells by their very definition are cells that live without oxygen, it’s not possible for a cancer cell to thrive on oxygen, it cannot grow on oxygen, it has changed, mutated its genes, to be able to live without oxygen, and that’s because the cell environment has changed and become toxic…

George Whitehurst Berry: Cell environment has changed and there’s that music again, we’ll continue this right after the break with Andreas Moritz…….

I’m with Andreas Moritz and Andreas, I’m holding the book the “Liver And Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse” in my hands, and as I mentioned earlier, I did the whole cleanse for several months and very painlessly and a 100 percent painlessly I was able to get out thousands of liver stones and gallstones by simply using olive oil, grapefruit juice and Epsom salts, and following the exact sequence that Andreas talks about in his book, and I will highly recommend all of my listeners to get a copy of this, not only would the information possibly save your life and that of your loved ones and friends, but also having read for years and been interested for years in alternative medicine, what I found in Andreas’ book is something that anyone, any lay person can read, because it’s not full of a lot of technical, obscure terminology, it is written so that any lay person can easily understand it, and what’s amazing about the information revealed in this book and specifically applying this to the liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse, in contrast to what I believe is the utter insanity of the standard allopathic approach, which is to remove the gallbladder and then they say that you shouldn’t eat fried food as well, as Andreas just pointed out earlier, without a gallbladder you can’t digest any food properly, now I contrast that what I believe to be utter insanity, with the fact that the body, when it raises the blood pressure is making a logical tradeoff, yes, I know that I might die down the road by raising my blood pressure, but on the other hand I might die right away from a heart attack and my cells are starving right now, so Andreas, what really, really impresses me is the fact that the body has a logic and a wisdom and it’s making a logical tradeoffs…

Andreas Moritz: You’re absolutely right, the body actually never ever makes mistakes, what we call mistakes are very sophisticated survival or protective or compensation mechanisms, and if we only read those instead of misdiagnosing them as diseases or symptoms of diseases, and if we understood what they really are and why they occur, then we can trace them back to their root causes and say okay, now lets rectify that, and let the body take care of the rest, supporting the body through an illness is far, far more efficient then trying to vilify the body and tell it that it’s making a giant mistake and it needs to be saved, the body is already saving itself when it has an illness, fever, for example, during an infection is the perfect way to increase the immune cells so that the white blood cells… so that the body can deal with it, if we suppress the fever with medication, then the body cannot do that, now the body cannot rid itself of the toxins that have accumulated that led to this infection in the first place, likewise cancer is really a toxicity syndrome, the body becomes so toxic or overburdened with carcinogenic substances that we ingest through our food, we know we have herbicides and pesticides, we have environmental toxins, we have fluoride in the drinking water, they are all carcinogens, there is aspartame which breaks into wood alcohol, there is formaldehyde like in vaccines, the vaccines have 63 carcinogenic chemicals in them. So there are so many different things that we ingest in the body, no wonder the body will have to come up with some ingenious rescue, remedy-type situations which we unfortunately deem to be diseases, whereas there are very, very calculated wise decisions the body makes on our behalf. So we should…

George Whitehurst Berry: And that is absolutely amazing, the statement you made that the body never makes mistakes, the body knows exactly what it’s doing and that is an incredible tribute to the wisdom and logic of nature, and by fighting nature, we assume that we’re smarter than nature is, and then we get the tragic results of people actually being harmed instead of benefitted, but let’s apply that logic of how the body is making logical tradeoffs, specifically to the book that you wrote about cancer. Now “Cancer Is Not A Disease &mdash It’s A Survival Mechanism”, what logical tradeoff is the body making when it is in a cancerous state?

Andreas Moritz: Well, first of all, every person makes cancer all the time, every single day we turn over 30 billion cells, one percent of which are cancerous cells, so the immune system tracks them, makes sure that they are not proliferating, that they are not spreading, they are basically demolished. There are different methods the body uses in order to do that. Now when you have a different case scenario that is not arising from the turn over cells there because the body becomes congested, that cell groups in the body are cut off from their oxygen supply when their surrounding tissues become acidified, or the person goes through trauma that raises the stress hormones like Cortisol and adrenaline which are basically undermining or paralyzing important functions in the body, so during stress, the body cannot deal with the removal of metabolic waste products and so the tissues become acidified. In that instance the person will have to take recourse to other measures, the immune system will start sending and packing a lot of immune cells, white cells, to the area where your cancer can develop and it is actually supporting it, it is not trying to destroy these cancer cells because it knows these cancer cells they mop up toxins, they imbibe toxins, you find in every cancer cell a lot of bacteria and fungi and possibly even viruses that help to mop up like solvents and breakdown and decompose harmful substances inside the cell. Now in order for cells to do that, they will have to change the program, they have to mutate, so that it allows them to do this extraordinary job that normally cells are not supposed to do. They’re not meant for that, the body will support the growth of these cells, these extra cells and make more of them by…

George Whitehurst Berry: That’s an amazing concept; the body is actually supporting the cancer…

Andreas Moritz: Yes, tumor cells like the white blood cells, they are there, they are attached and let’s say, if you look at any tumor, 60 percent of all the tumor cells are actually white blood cells, white cells that come form the blood that these are the killer cells, the so-called killer cells that’s supposed to destroy cancer cells, but they don’t do it, they don’t act on it, it’s not that they are stupid, they are very wise, white blood cells are extremely wise, they are so complex that we don’t even understand them yet.

Now when you look at why the person is allowing the cancer to grow, then you understand that there is a deep wisdom behind cancer, it’s not an accidental occurrence, when the tumor is growing, it will start mopping up the surrounding, it will be supplied with new blood vessels, new blood vessels are forming to supply the cancer cells, to actually then increase their growth rate. Now there comes a point when the mopping up has been completed and the toxins and harmful substances are gone, then the cancer tumors will simply collapse through a massive infection which will include TB bacteria to decompose these cells, and will show up in the pee, in the urine, as extra protein, and it can happen within 24 to 36 hours…

George Whitehurst Berry: Oh that rapidly? All right, we’ll be back right after the break with Andreas Moritz…..

All right, we’re back with Andreas Moritz, and I would like to call your attention, listeners, to an article I wrote on my website, which of course is and then specifically apply that logic, that reasoning to this interview because in the article I wrote “never allow the mass media to set a false frame around an issue and then argue from within that frame of reference because if you do, your counter argument has already degenerated into a controlled opposition argument” and as I said at the beginning of this interview, that’s the problem that I see with the alternative, so many in the alternative medicine field will use a weak degenerated controlled opposition type argument to counter the allopathic standard approach which is to use toxic drugs and surgery.

So if you are arguing within that false frame of reference, you’re going to lose, and you’re going to lose every time so if somebody says we should fight cancer with toxic drugs, then you respond no, there are less toxic ways, to -quote unquote- “fight the cancer”, you already lost that argument because you are arguing within a false frame of reference, you allowed the opposition to set the frame and then you argued from within that false frame and in neuro-linguistic programming they call that ‘framing’ and the mass media with its propaganda knows all about that they have some of the best experts in the world. So, Andreas, what is the proper frame of reference for this issue, should we, in fact, be -quote unquote- “fighting the cancer” at all?

Andreas Moritz: Absolutely not, because the moment you’re going into a “fight or flight” response, you are jeopardizing the healing response, you’re rendering it impossible for the body to heal itself, so the diagnosis of cancer is a very serious death sentence that is being given to a patient with a condition, but “we can perhaps prolong your life if you do this, this and this, if you take chemotherapy, radiation, or have surgery, or all of them combined…” so you are almost blackmailing a person into submission, getting into a corner, feeling cornered, weak, becoming a victim of some sort where the person will either fight or flee, and so the “fight or flight” response will occur under severe stress ,and one of the worst kinds of stress that you can experience if some one is telling you, you have a deadly disease and you’re going to die very slowly, so what the person is taking from this, he’s going to go home, he’s going to worry about it, he’s worrying for his life, he’s scared about his family being put into a very difficult situation, he may lose his job, be unable to work, and he’s making up all kinds of… imagining all kinds of difficulties in life including dying from this vicious thing, and so what the person is undergoing is like the typical severe stress response, he goes into a shock, the shock is not allowing the person to sleep during the night because the person is producing so much adrenaline that he cannot sleep, he cannot relax, the second thing is that the digestive functions are shut down, literally shut down, because the blood vessels are constricted, the blood vessels that supply the digestive system to help digest food are restricted, they are not allowing enough blood to enter the small and large intestine and the stomach, so the food isn’t digested, the person is wasting away because the nutrients are not reaching the cells, and then the person is being told, “well, the cancer is doing all this to you and therefore we need to cut it out we need to burn it or we need to poison it…”

George Whitehurst Berry: The predisposition to all of this is that we know better than the nature, we, the body is making mistakes, and we’re going to fight nature, and we’re so much smarter then the body is…

Andreas Moritz: Yes, and once again, it’s not really cancer that has any killing qualities to it, these are cells that… if you saw a cancer cell and compared it with a normal cell, you wouldn’t see much of a difference there, it’s just that the behaviors, the responsibilities of the cancer cell is very different than a normal cell. When you get stressed, when you get frightened of something, your lungs will start producing extra cells that take up oxygen, they’re called alveoli cells and they are produced in large quantities and so if you get a diagnosis, if someone looks at your chest during the stress and says “oh my god, there is a speck of something, there is like a tumor growing in your lungs”, this is a normal situation and it will disappear again by itself, there is now research to show that actually most cancers disappear on their own, there are many people who die from natural or unnatural causes like an accident, and then they are receiving an autopsy after they die, and so what happens is that 45 or 44 percent of them had had tumors in their body, cancerous tumors, and never had a problem because of them ,and we now know that many cancer cell become inactive, they become encapsulated, if they’re not healed up they become completely harmless, don’t do anything to the body, so…

George Whitehurst Berry: That’s the kind of logic that I encounter so much, about in relation to these people that really write newsletters and about markets, and the economy, and their reasoning was completely faulty, I saw lightning, I saw a war, I saw gold go up for example, therefore the war caused the gold to go up, I saw lightning hit the ground, saw gold to go up, therefore the lightening caused the gold to go up, so again the fact that people, these autopsies, show some cancer cells… then how can they, as you just pointed out, how can they treat the cause and effect the person die from the -quote unquote- “cancer”?

Andreas Moritz: Yes, the cancer again doesn’t have killer weapons, they are no weapons of mass destruction, cancer cells don’t kill the body, they can become obstructive in certain organs and there are things one can do to alleviate that but in itself, cancer cells have no killing qualities, the wasting that results when there is a cancer is due to the worry, their ‘fight or flight’ response that can go on for months and months and months after diagnosis. When I used to see cancer patients I told them that there is something wonderful about the cancer, I completely restructured their belief system and then focused their attention on what caused the cancer, and to completely leave the cancer alone and they completely disappeared and in almost every single instance…

George Whitehurst Berry: Also, they are also changing their frame of reference from “you’re going to die” to “you’re going to live” and something you said earlier is amazing, that the completion of the healing process can occur between 24 and 36 hours…

Andreas Moritz: Oh yes, tumors can break down, I’ve seen a tumor can disappear within 15 seconds on an ultrasound comparing the original tumor and then seeing what happened during the process of healing, in 15 seconds the whole thing collapsed, disintegrated and then the person had to run to the toilet 20 times, found a massive amount of protein in the urine which was basically tumor proteins from the tumor cells. So it’s not a difficult thing for the body to do, but the body doesn’t try to do it right away, when you have had a massive buildup of extra cells, I don’t call them cancer cells, they are extra cells… they are doing extraordinary things, they are built during stressful times when the body cannot live with the regular amount of cells, they need extra cells…

George Whitehurst Berry: You said something earlier about the fact that these cancer cells are 60 percent white cells and the macrophages could easily destroy…

Andreas Moritz: Tumors… yes…

George Whitehurst Berry: The cancer cells if we choose to do so, but they don’t…

Andreas Moritz: Tumors are composed of 60 percent of white cells and 40 percent cancer cells, plus and minus, but that’s basically what the tumor is…

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