Cleansing of the Small and Large Intestines using Magnesium Oxide

This is a question with regards to colon cleansing and the question is, how long does it take for a complete cleanse of the small and large intestine using magnesium oxide? We are starting the liver and gall bladder cleanses as soon as we finish with the intestines.

Now, I have repeatedly stated that there are various methods of colon cleansing that I promote and the foremost method would be colon hydrotherapy or colema using a colema board, followed by two to three back to back water enemas using about a liter or two liters, quart to two quarts of water at a time, and the reason for that is because water has been shown to soften up thicker matter, crusted matter, when you put it in through the anus, up the rectum, all the way up to the transverse colon and then into the ascending colon so if the water reaches the entire colon, then it can clean it out very quickly in a matter of forty-five minutes to an hour. And this is certainly the preferred method in relation to doing liver and gall bladder flushes and this is the fastest way too. Any other method can take a  long, long time.

Using magnesium oxides like colosan and oxy-powder that is an oral cleanser, it particularly works on the small intestine but also on the large intestine and, it breaks down thicker matter gradually, over a period of time, but it is very difficult to predict how long that will be because, it depends on how much has been accumulated in terms of undigested food, fecal matter, crusted bits and pieces, a film of mucus that may have been there for a long-long time, so, for magnesium oxides to act on these fecal deposits it is pretty much unpredictable.

So for, a person who is doing a liver flush, I would suggest, do either a colon hydrotherapy, a colema, or two to three back to back water enemas rather than doing several weeks of using colosan or oxy powder which are magnesium oxides. So, sometimes one notices when your colon is clean, you feel very flat and empty there, that is typically a sign that you are ready for doing the liver flush. But, once again, you can achieve that within a matter of forty-five minutes, much more quickly, it is more easy going and  it is not very unpleasant either. Having to take colosan or oxy-powder for a long, long time you will develop liquid stools, diarrhea-like releases that are not as pleasant as doing like one colonic or one colema. Before  a liver flush, ideally on the day of the liver flush, and once again two to three days after the liver flush, to get rid of any stones that may have accumulated in the colon during the time of the flushing which tends to happen, so when you do colosan or oxy-powder that does not remove any stones that remain in the colon following a liver flush. So, I strongly recommend that you do not use magnesium oxides for that purpose, but to use the wash out as available through a colon hydrotherapy or colema, or if that is not available, a couple of enemas.

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