Interview:   Andreas Moritz and Raena Morgan  (2011)

Raena Morgan: Andreas, you say in your book Diabetes – No More! that there are three sources that cause diabetes. What are those three sources?

Andreas Moritz: Yes. There are probably many more, but some of the principal –

RM: The three big ones.

AM: Yeah. One of the most unknown causes of diabetes is actually protein consumption.

RM: Protein consumption.

AM: Protein, animal protein particularly. So over-consuming protein, which diabetics are supposed to do –

RM: Right.

AM: – because they’re supposed to avoid carbohydrates, and they are actually worsening their effect or they make diabetes permanent, which is not a given. You can reverse diabetes through diet quite easily. I had people who were diabetics for twenty years and I put them on a vegetarian diet and within eight weeks they were diabetes free. So it doesn’t necessarily mean once you have diabetes you have to live with that.

RM: Would that be Type II diabetes, or Type I?

AM: Type II.

RM: But not Type I?

AM: Type I is a slightly different story.

RM: It’s genetic.

AM: We can cover that as well, because that is also not a permanent case.

RM: All right. But one of the major sources is too much protein, which doesn’t square at all with trendy diets like the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet.

AM: Not at all. The misconception is because we don’t study the processes in the body, we look at the body like a frozen sculpture. We think this is fact and this is how it is. By dissecting the body, you don’t understand how the body works. You don’t understand how the eyes influence your bladder. How would you? Or how the kidneys are determining how you hear.

RM: No. I don’t think so.

AM: The ears look like kidneys; they’re shaped. How much influence do tonsils have on your brain? They are little filters, blood filters that filter out toxins, waste products that are not supposed to go into the brain and into your eyes and into your ears and into your nose and into your tongue. By looking at the body you don’t understand how all those connections are there. We don’t understand how the colon is directly connected through every part of the body, through colon reflex points. If there is stagnation in the ascending colon, you can get a neck ache and shoulder pain here and you don’t know that it has anything to do with your colon. So again the processes are very important. Now when you eat a lot of these animal proteins, what happens is your insulin secretion will sharp the increase because anything that is a stimulant- and meat is one of the greatest stimulants, not just of the immune system but of the pancreas to produce insulin, so you produce ten times, twenty times, sometimes forty times more insulin in response to eating a steak than eating half a cup of white sugar.

RM: No kidding!

AM: Yes. And to process away the protein on the cellular level, you are producing a lot more insulin than- you have to dig out the research to show that.

RM: If you had a steak or a half cup of sugar, your pancreas would secrete more insulin in response to the steak.

AM: Far more. Now when you do that on a regular basis, you have produced so much insulin that your cells will say that is dangerous, because we know insulin produces cancer. If you make too much, you produce cancer. When the cell recognize you’re making too much insulin, which is supposed to take the sugar into the cells, the cells will shut their doors to insulin, but that means they will also shut their doors to the sugar, so no more glucose or not enough glucose comes in. This is called insulin resistance,-

RM: Right.

AM: -and that damages the cells. That’s why so many people have amputations, eyes becoming blind, or other things are becoming dysfunctional or the nerves become damaged. So they are basically shutting down the nutrient supply to the cells by simply the cells trying to save themselves, protect themselves against the insulin that could cause the cancer. So the body says it’s better to have a dysfunction in some part of the body than have cancer.

RM: Okay.

AM: So again it’s a measure of sequence. So eventually a lot of diabetics get cancer, by the way. They also have cardiovascular disease. We can cover that, basically they’re the same diseases.

RM: Okay.

AM: They are not separate illnesses. But the protein is blocking at the same time when you eat too much protein it will get into the basal membranes of the blood vessel walls, these are first capillaries and then the artery walls. So the protein is such an acid forming thing that it should not stay in the connective tissue, the tissue fluid that surrounds the cells, longer than twenty-four hours, because if it did it can kill you, according to the American Medical Association. There was a study done in 1961-

RM: And it showed-

AM: That if you have protein in the connective tissue too long, more than twenty-four hours, you would die. So that includes plasma protein, which is constantly transferred from the blood to the connective tissue, then the lymphatic system is supposed to take it out and put it back in the blood, so it constantly gets recycled or re-circulated. Now if you have a stagnation in the lymphatic system and protein foods are the most lymph congesting foods of all, particularly the milk and cheese, they prevent the body to get rid of the proteins that may have come in through those foods or the plasma proteins. So the body now has to convert those proteins into what is known as collagen fiber, and that is built into the basal membranes of the blood vessel wall, and that is a membrane that holds the cells of the artery or capillary together so that the cells don’t just fall apart and just disappear. So that membrane becomes thicker and thicker, filling up with these proteins, and then the nutrients can no longer get to the cells.

RM: All right.

AM: And this is so typical to what I’ve seen with diabetes, and it is a leading cause of diabetes.

RM: Too much protein?

AM: Too much protein. And so it creates the insulin response and it causes the damage to the blood vessels.

RM: Okay, number one cause.

This is an interview with Andreas Moritz about his book Diabetes – No More!.

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