Flushing out calcified gallstones 

Hi, this is a question from Aradhna, she bought my liver flush book and had done one successful liver flush where numerous gallstones came out of her liver. These were green stones, these are typical cholesterol stones, but, there are two three, there are several two-three millimeter calcified, these are calcified, gallstones in the gallbladder that wont budge, and, she is taking some of the recommended products like Chanca Piedra that are mentioned in the book and she is still getting a lot of pain in the gallbladder though.

I mention in the book that calcified gallstones are typically the last stones to come out and that is because they are heavier they tend to sit in the pit, in the lower part, of the gallbladder and typically they are more reluctant to come out because gravity keeps them at the lowest point and the lighter stones, the cholesterol stones, that are lighter than water, in fact that is why they float in the water, in the toilet water, these are more ready to come out, so, this is a matter of patience. I passed my own calcified stones not before cleanse number six.

Some people pass them at the eight or ninth liver flush, my wife passed hers on the ninth flush and it was a very large stone, it was over two inches and it was fully calcified and after that she passed all her other calcified stones that she had in her gallbladder for many years which caused her a lot of pain, so, it is hard to tell when they are coming out. One older gentleman, he was 90 years old and he was diagnosed with large calcified gallstones that were more than one and a half centimeters large and he passed them… he had three of them, he passed them during the first liver flush, he went back to his doctor, his doctor said I cannot believe that they are gone, that was a 90 year old, so, it is not quite predictable but from my experience, it takes a while before calcified stones come out.

So I cannot tell you anything more about that, keep on using Chanca Piedra, have the juice of one or two lemons a day which also reduces the size of stones and so then they are more likely to come out during one of the future liver flushes. So I wish you well and keep going, because that is about the only thing I know of that can clear out calcified stones.

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