Healing Chronic Fatigue

Regarding chronic fatigue, I can say that in my experience chronic fatigue is mostly caused by an accumulation of toxins in the liver, kidneys and also in the intestinal track. And I find that a lot of heavy metals or chemicals have accumulated even in parts of the brain, that it is important to clean out the eliminative organs and to take recourse to a more balanced diet and lifestyle that will help the body to avoid exposure to such heavy contaminants and all those substances, chemicals, medications… many medications lead to chronic fatigue and also to make sure that the body is exposed to regular sunlight because vitamin D is absolutely essential to re-energize the body and allow the most important functions to occur and take place in a fashionable way.

So I recommend first of all cleansing and eating right, being with nature, drinking enough water and removing also specific chemicals and harmful matter through such wonderful tools or substances like ‘adya clarity’ A-D-Y-A and then clarity, as in clarity of mind, which will systematically break down and remove these accumulated chemicals, substances, metals and also excessive calcium when it has accumulated can definitely lead to fatigue. The approach of liver cleansing is key to decontaminate the liver, open the filter of, basically clean the filter of the blood, which is very, very important with chronic fatigue syndrome.

So I hope that this might give you some ideas and they will be helpful for whoever you are referring to.


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