Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is Andreas Moritz and this is a question from someone who is asking “How to deal with a surgeon who insists on removing your gallbladder?”

And my answer is quite simple, don’t deal with a surgeon who wants to remove the gallbladder, this is not the right person to deal with your gallbladder, unless of course, the gallbladder is dead is completely damaged, inflamed, and there is no chance for it to be restored.

However, I have seen people with completely filled gallbladders, like my own, after having gone through 40 gallstone attacks, I still didn’t want to give up my gallbladder and I am glad I didn’t.

So when I did my liver and gallbladder flushes, during the cleanse number 6 and 8, I passed all my calcified gallstones, I never had a gallstone attack after I did my first liver and gallbladder flush, and so anyone that can follow suit, anyone can do the exact same thing, it’s just an illusion that we have to take recourse to gallbladder surgery in order to get rid of one or two or three or even five or ten stones that might sit in the gallbladder.

There is just no good reason, as long as there is function in the gallbladder where the gallbladder still secretes or passes bile into the common bile duct and into the small intestine, as long as there is still some function left, you can clean out the liver and gallbladder, and save the gallbladder and make sure you don’t have gallstone attacks.

So there is no reason why we should go to a surgeon to get advice on how to save the gallbladder, because their job is to remove gallbladders, not to save gallbladders. So this is not the right person to ask.

There is a lot of good information in my book “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush” that gives you more concrete answers, and of course it offers the procedure to clean out the liver and gallbladder.

In any event, I would advise anyone who is in that situation to try it out, it won’t harm you, and so trying it out… and it gives you a better perspective of what you can do, and take charge of your health rather than relinquish your power to another person who is not interested in saving your gallbladder at all to begin with, but wanting to take it out, that’s their job, so find someone else to ask but not a surgeon.

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