Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is Andreas Moritz and today I would like to discuss a question from Catherine and she is asking if someone with Stage 4 gallbladder cancer is strong enough to do the liver cleanse, and she is asking if it will help with the cancer or even the side-effects of past chemotherapy treatments.

First of all, I don’t recommend anyone who has been undergoing chemotherapy to begin with the liver cleansing procedure or process unless there are at least six to eight months between the two.

Chemotherapy drugs are extremely toxic and they cause damage to many parts of the body because of inflammation of cells. As you know, chemotherapy only works because it destroys cells so it will destroy lot of cells, healthy cells, in the body just as well as it can destroy cancerous cells.

It also is a leading cause of gallbladder stones – or gallstones in the gallbladder, and gallstones in the intra-hepatic bile ducts – the bile ducts inside the liver, and so this is something we have to be very careful about, because the inflammation can be so strong in the body because of the chemotherapy that the body doesn’t have the strength and the stamina to endure a cleansing process that will eliminate lot of toxic particles that come from the previously experienced poisoning through chemotherapy.

So, a lot of these stones are filled with toxins, and they should at least stay in the liver for six to eight months before coming out so that the toxins, the poisons are properly encoated – coated and enveloped with bile – so that when they come out they don’t cause harm to the gastro-intestinal wall as they come through. So I don’t recommend at this stage then to do liver and gallbladder flushes.

The other thing is that at that late stage there can be all kinds of complications when stones actually pass through or are eliminated from the gallbladder that I don’t recommend when there is an illness an acute or severe illness like that to do the liver and gallbladder flushes.

So it would be best to focus on other things like diet, lifestyle changes, increasing the vitamin D in the body through regular sun exposure, sleeping early before ten o’clock and eating the main meal at lunch time, so whatever food is digested there is a better chance to digest the food more effectively if it’s eaten at lunch time and only have a light evening meal so that there is not a lot of undigested food lingering in the lower intestines which can put a great burden on the liver.

So I would rather focus on these things. You find a lot of information in my book “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation” which might be helpful for that person.

I have seen Stage 4 gallbladder cancers get reversed. So once she is feeling a lot better, she may intend doing liver and gallbladder flushes, but again, there should be at least six to eight months between doing that and the treatment of chemotherapy.

Thank you so much.

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