Interview with Andreas Moritz

Man for All Seasons ~ Andreas Moritz

Richard Miller: Good morning, everyone. My name is Richard Miller and welcome to ‘Never Not Here’ and we are doing a series of talks this fall, it’s going to get very busy actually pretty soon, but this is one I have been waiting for, for a while, a good while, let’s say, and I am sure you are going to be amazed and what I want to say is sometimes we meet somebody and very quickly we just fall into sync with that person, and it could be an actual physical meeting or it can actually, or it can be reading a book let’s say, in this case it was for me, and I just saw so many things it’s kind of like a dream that you can just open a book you can look at a website, you can hear a person, you could go to a teacher and just kind of a dream a lot of things would fall into sync that you would just have a lot of interest in one moment that “hey look what is he saying, here hey that means something. I used to think the other way but why not this is logical too. Hey!” and then just 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 and you going deeper and each one is just a rich path I just, wouldn’t life be some, just amazing if that was your daily life, that you were somehow finding things that were just totally connecting with you, y..ou know. Whether they are real or false or whatever I mean whether someone else connects with it I mean it’s just like our path would just connect and I just felt so great when I, and I am just so curious and I was so much into going into you know this might be one of the most researched guest that we have ever had for many, I mean, I still don’t know what to say but anyhow let me just say please help me welcome Andreas Moritz. So, Andreas…

Andreas Moritz: Thank you for having me.

Richard Miller: I have been waiting for you

Andreas Moritz: Thank you.

Richard Miller: So at first I, I saw your book at a friend’s house, one of your books and it was “Cancer Is Not a Disease”, and I don’t have cancer; nobody in my family has cancer now. I guess my mother did have it but she is gone and, but somehow that was just such a provocative title, “Cancer Is Not a Disease”, and I had to kind of take a look at it and from that I just really fell in love with you, I guess. I, one thing I want to applaud you for or thank you for is that now finding more about you, finding out more about you I, I find you on many, many different levels in one way when I read that book I thought that it was kind of separated. In another words the book, at least one chapter, I remember, I think it was the second chapter ‘The physical causes of cancer’ and I really appreciated that being separate, and just talking about the physical causes of cancer, the physical parts of health, because if you had talked about the Sacred Sounds or Artwork or other things I probably wouldn’t have gone into it and I believe that you, you know, you as a professional and as a person have touched so many lives and maybe that ability to touch everyone on their own level is just really a miracle.

Andreas Moritz: Thank you and I definitely agree with you there because most people believe that there are physical causes and emotional, mental causes. We know that the Centres of Disease Control, they now recognise that 85 % of illnesses are directly related to stress and that means our response to certain situations and circumstances, our relationships, just the day to day life that people respond to it in various ways, but if it is a stressful response that means they evoke the production of stress hormones in their system, then it interferes with the biological programs that we have set for ourselves or that our body is performing on our behalf and that includes the digestion of food, the elimination of waste, the transportation of nutrients to the cells in the body and we are recognising that there can be severe emotional stress are causing the so called worst illnesses of that we have in human history, and cancer is included.

Now when I call cancer not being a disease, I am very aware of the eyebrows that are going up when people hear that, but I have to speak my own truth form my own experience with cancer, thousands of people have had cancer and don’t have it anymore, you start recognising that there are other reasons for causing the cancer, and from my experience I discover that cancer is actually part of a healing response or the healing mechanism and it is not in itself a disease that is trying to destroy us, that it is a rather an opportunity for a person to improve their lives on many levels including the emotional, psychological, and spiritual health. It’s not just about physical health here.

We have separated mind from the body for decades now ever since mental doctors, psychologists and psychiatrist have told us that there is something separate from the body and that is the mind but it is not really true. You can never separate the mind from the body and that’s why the Centres for Disease Control are finding out that 85 to 90 % of the diseases are caused by stress, so what is it mean?

It is really very clear that the mind cannot be separated from the body otherwise if they were separation there would be separate illnesses but the two overlap, or one causes the other, and likewise we can have physical disorders that affect us emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

We can, simply by being congested in the body by accumulating waste matter, toxins in the liver and the bile, in the liver’s bile ducts or in the gastrointestinal tract or in the tissues in the body, we can have a suffocating feeling, we feel suffocated which depressed many functions in the body and we can call that depression.

So many of the typical emotional psychological problems that people suffer from, may in fact be related to physical blockage and I have seen that over and over again in people who cleanse the body, that suddenly some of these depression, anxiety feelings are disappearing just as if they were never there, and, we can go into that because it is so crucial, it’s so important for us to know why things happen, why people get ill, not just that they do fall ill but why do they get ill. And once we know that, we can change those particular influences and take control of our own health and being, and suddenly realise that it was not that difficult….

Richard Miller: …you know when you said that yes a lot of people’s eyebrows go up and I was so much into that book, I was on a trip and I would, and I was reading that book, I was doing filming too and it like ten days or something like that, I was just imbibing, imbibing and I was so full of that book I got on these airplanes to go home, via two legs to take, and both times I sat by someone, you know, and this book just start pouring out of me, you know, I couldn’t help it, and it turned out both those people had cancer, had survived cancer, they had, and one of them his brother just got it and he, they both had been through the whole thing probably with chemo and the whole thing, I imagine, and more or less they say things like ‘what does this guy know? This thing is tragedy,’ or so many people’s eyebrows go up because they live with their parent or somebody that’s had cancer for years and years and years and all the suffering, and somehow you can hardly, somehow you have to say it in such a soft and beautiful way that doesn’t confront or doesn’t break those people because they had an experience which you have to honour, and that’s what happened to me anyhow. It was crazy.

Andreas Moritz: yes, interesting, every person’s cancer is different because every person brings in their own reasons for it. I look at so many cancer personality histories and I discovered that there is a common thread in each one of them and so there is a connecting underline fact and that is that a person is not secure, doesn’t feel secure himself. There is a sense of not being good enough, there is often a personality that is trying to please everyone because in, somehow during childhood experiences, he was not loved or cared for enough, and so he is looking for compensation throughout life, he is looking at other people to give him back or her back what was missing or what was missed during their childhood years experience and so when people are craving or trying to please others, help others to serve them to be the kindest person, it is often that they do not like themselves and so they are trying to put out a sense of… them… to help other people love them more.. so to give them the opportunity to love them more …and that could stem in a difficult place because it is very stressful to try to please everyone all the time and that because that causes self-neglect because in the reality that person doesn’t have a very good opinion of themselves and I find that fascinating and many times people do not realise that but when you ask cancer patients What happened before you had cancer? What happened? Was there any trauma? Any relationship breakups? Anything that made you feel weak or inferior feeling inferior, having a low self-esteem? Then people respond that yes there has been a conflict of some sort preceding the diagnosis of cancer, and I never found anyone yet who didn’t agree with that.

Then people are saying what about children… because children are not emotionally distressed when they… they have… they get cancer, leukaemia, or another form of brain cancer, they don’t have these emotional hang-ups yet like adults have, and I have to remind them that they do, because I have seen again, babies literally suffering from emotional trauma, that prematurely born babies that are separated from their mother, that they no longer hear and feel the heartbeat of their mother because they are no longer allowed to be close to the mother, they are sitting in an incubator or lying in an incubator and have no contact to their sense of life force, which the mother represents, by having a heartbeat and there are studies to show that babies that are put back on the mothers chest at least a couple of times a day even with the tubes connected to them, premature babies, then they grow up to three or four times faster and they do not have serious infections or skin eruptions like the ones that are disconnected from their mother. So they do suffer emotional trauma and…

Richard Miller: That emotional trauma, I think could just be the vibration of being in the womb because the mother has the emotional trauma, so then that is just, or maybe it is even more than just a physical connection to say ‘aahhh, a fetus is in a womb and there is a vibration and then there is a feeling and then there is a tension’, and all these things, and there is also a whole though pattern that surrounds the whole family, and like, I just want to say one thing because it is so easy to say that a person did not feel good about himself as if I do feel good about myself, as if I get it all and figured out, but none of it is really, I wanted to say, like to me it feels like life is a mystery to all of us ,and just honour that, and everybody, and maybe it erupts in someone in a way we can see, and it doesn’t erupt in us in a way we can see, it comes in us in some kind of, like a disease, but I mean…

Andreas Moritz: Yes, we often obviously are growing up, we don’t know how fast we grow unless you check the height and your mother or a friend comes by and says “Oh my gosh! You have grown two or three inches!” the person doesn’t know that, and likewise because we grow up in a certain way… there is a new study that was released and that it confirms studies that I have written about fifteen years ago that babies, fetuses in the womb, they do respond to emotional conditions of the mother and if the mother gets upset then it shows that the heart beat is changing and the baby becomes fearful so the trauma starts and they now know that the baby is eavesdropping on the conversations that the mother has with the father for example and so everything is recorded in the baby and when it comes out it may already be fearful of coming into this life and the new study shows that there are quite a lot of changes that happen when, before the baby actually gets born, and when it gets born, there are other traumas and many are born with Caesarean Section which is very traumatic for the baby because it is supposed to slip through the birth canal which is the first orgasm that the child has, and it’s a really shown to give the baby the feeling of being squeezing out, it’s like making love to the baby and the mother feels in the same way, and if that is missing, then there is a disconnect to life because you do not know how you came into this world, so you have sort of you don’t quite know who you are…

So the disadvantages that arise that are carefully studied and it shows that these individuals have more difficulties later in life to deal with difficult situations, like stress, and so once again there are many, many factors that I found as well that babies that are injected with harmful material that contain poisons as found in formaldehydes and preservatives are in vaccines that embodied parts from other animals are in the vaccines that.. that creates a severe emotional trauma in the child’s body and it can lead up to many years of stress reactions as the child grows up and develop an illness from very early stage on.

So there are many unknown factors or have been unknown factors that are now surfacing that are now being studied. and I am very grateful that it is happening now because I even 35 years ago was talking about how vaccines are responsible for so many emotional and psychological and physical illnesses that are now being studied and referred to as being caused by vaccines.

Richard Miller: you know, just going right back to the very beginning of our conversation, when we started to talk about disease and disorder, so much of it is stress based, so then ok, let’s look at the world in all the efforts to heal the world, and all of really what should I call them, I want to say, like good efforts but I mean…sincere, totally sincere, and very… let’s say, efficient even, but there really getting something done but somehow they are based on an anxiety that things aren’t right, and this is the most critical time and I even read or heard somebody saying the other day that this is a pivotal generation that this generation is either going to make it or break it and like this is it and so it is anxiety based and we are just proving that, we are finding that all the diseases are anxiety based and so then how can these things really cure the world, I mean how can we cure the world with anxiety there is got to be a different approach.

Andreas Moritz: Absolutely, and it is a change of minds, it literally is changing our perception of what is, if we perceive something as negative and threatening, it cannot be resolved because the moment you resolve that problem, you create ten others and so that is what we find in medicine; the entire approach of fixing a problem which only means fixing the symptom of the problem, not really the problem, because you cannot fix problems, you can make it disappear, it’s easy to take chemotherapy drugs and shrink a tumor, there is no miracle about that because you kill the cells altogether, they will be gone, but does this mean the cancer is gone? No! Because the underlying roots are still intact, it’s like cutting off the top of the weed like in a plant and thinking that it will not grow again but before long, in a very short time, it starts coming up again, and probably stronger than before, because the roots are going deeper, so that is what we find with the medical approaches.

We are diagnosing something and that is just the tip of the iceberg and we forget there is a mountain underneath and if the ship runs into the mountain because we cannot the symptom, we cannot see the tip of the iceberg, it breaks apart the ship. So it’s like that, that’s what we are doing.

We are treating the symptoms without dealing with the root causes, and by doing that we suppress the symptom, we make it go away so that we don’t have to bother with it, we don’t have to think about it for the time being, and then we have ten other problems arising from not really treating this thing, and we are literally, in modern medicine, we are trying to cut away the symptomology and not realizing that this symptoms of disease are part of the healing response that the body is coming up with, in order to bring balance to itself.

So the body doesn’t create illness, we call it disease. In reality it is the healing phase of a disease. It’s the body correcting itself, the body going back to homeostasis – which is never comfortable.

When a disease manifests itself, you don’t have any symptoms. That means that is the phase when the person is terrified. Think of the ‘fight or flight’ response, that is why the CDC is right about, that most diseases relates to stress because that is where it begins. We are, let’s say I am diagnosed today with prostate cancer, or colon cancer, then if I were weak spirited and I wouldn’t trust my body and I would only trust the doctors, I probably would believe that this is the end of my life, my life is threatened. So I am experiencing a death threat. That is a death fright. I am frightened to death.

Now when you are frightened to death, your body is coming up with very powerful biological programs in order to deal with that severe stress. Typically called the ‘fight or flight’ response. So what will happen is, my breathing will stop, it will like “oh my god I can’t breathe” we even say these things. So when I cannot breathe my lungs have to produce an extra amount of cells in order to facilitate and enhance the breathing to take up more oxygen, so we produce more alveoli cells, which will help the body to deliver more oxygen to the cells. It is a totally normal response. These extra cells are unfortunately called cancer cells. So now, we have so many people developing lung cancer because so many people are frightened to death and we are creating these extra cells, they are marked as extra cells so the body when it tries to get rid of these extra cells when the stress is over it will have no problem finding them, and recognizing them that these are extra cells, they can be broken down again once we no longer need them.

So what happens is that, the stress induced will be like the diagnosis that I have received, will cause me to produce these extra cells, they can proliferate, they may start developing into big tumor and once I am settling down and saying “well I believe they are other ways to heal this”, So I am starting to get hope, the death fright is diminishing. During the death fright I cannot sleep I wake up like twenty times in the night and start worrying what am I going to do? What is going to happen to my family? I won’t be able to work, if I get treatments, then my hair is going to fall out and there so you start thinking about a thousand different things. Your digestive system doesn’t digest food under stress. The blood vessels in the gastrointestinal tracks constricts under stress when you produce the adrenaline and the cortisol and so on, so you are not, you are wasting away, that means the cells in the body don’t get enough nutrients, maybe other cells will have to be created in order to create the nutrients efficiently, then you get secondary cancer, it is not metastasizing from one place to another, but it is created in another place for the same reasons. It is a compensation mechanism. The body is setting itself up to deal with the duress, with the extreme difficult situation that the person undergoes physically and emotionally.

Now when someone comes along and says, “Well, you know, your diagnosis was wrong.” This happened to Susan Somers, Susan Somers wrote a book “Knockout” to give alternative approaches, provide alternative approaches, to see cancer, to view cancer, and to treat cancer, and there she mentioned me throughout her book because she approached me and asked me, “you know, your approach is so different than what you find in mainstream medicine, can I quote from your book because it is so unusual”, and so she felt that this was the truth, so she asked to contribute to her book.

When I saw that, when, let’s say, if I had the cancer and I read a book and said “oh my gosh, there are other ways to deal with this, and it’s not such a bad thing, cancer can also help me I am proud of myself and take the power back into my body.” and say “I can heal this, if I set the preconditions to heal, and the preconditions, the most important precondition to heal anything, is to remove the fear, or to become fearless, and what modern medicine unfortunately is doing, it is creating, inducing fear in the population. They recognize the symptom and say “you have got to be afraid of it and you got to fight it, because when it is endangering you or your life, you have to kill it you have to destroy it, before it destroys you,”

Richard Miller: so anyhow it must be that an idea or a theory that fear is the basis of our sincere action, and you know, from what you are saying, the thing is that is so exciting to me right now just coming to me now, is that our whole life is this way. You are speaking mostly of medicine and you are telling a fascinating story, also centered around cancer but, I think it would work with heart diseases and many, many other things, diabetes and, this story, really this story is all about relations, it is about being at your job, it is about politics, it is a fact that we believe that we are supposed to move from this position of anxiety and that we need to have enough weight on our shoulders and enough people raining down problems on us that we finally believe in enough anxiety and that we are going to end, so then all this energy is going on the same conceptual base which has created the problem and it is building this conceptual base which in one case is a cancer, in case is a heart disease, another case it is political unrest, or some terrible war like conditions in the Middle East or any kind of discord between humans, is all based on the fact that we believe we have to move from our real pressure point and that we have to build this conceptual base of discord to the maximum ,before it can get resolved and somehow it is a belief that that is going to help. Somehow that helps, that is the only way we will move, otherwise we will sit on the couch and be dead, I don’t know what…

Andreas Moritz: yes, you are bringing up one of the most important points that humanity ought to recognize and understand, we are not threatened by anything. Most people believe we are constantly under threat, but the negative situations that people experience, doesn’t matter what it is, related to medical issues, relationship issues, loss of a home, a job, or anything like that, not having enough money… so there are many issues that in “Lifting The Veil Of Duality” I went through most of them and showed that there is a another reason why these things happen to us. They are not there to destroy us, to harm us, but to enhance us. That negative things are actually just disguised as negative things, they are positive things, and when we try to get rid of the negative things, we are stuck with them…

Richard Miller: they are not really disguised even, they are neutral, it’s just us that is misinterpreting it, is it not?

Andreas Moritz: it is because it is our perception of what happens to us, and that determines whether it affects us positively or negatively. So if I, there are many people like that have the same experience let’s say two people travel to the airport and they are on the highway, and there is a traffic jam, and one person, he has a heart attack because he cannot cope with the idea that he is missing this crucial meeting that he has to attend to in New York City, and so the other person taking the same flight, and he is not going to make it either, and he says ‘wow, I really don’t really feel like traveling today, I am happy that I am going to miss my flight,’ and he is turning on the radio and says “aah! I was waiting for this piece of music to hear that song thirty years ago,” and he is calm as a, he is just so happy about it. So, two people respond to the same situation in two different ways.

When I wrote “Lifting the Veil of Duality” something happened to me. I woke up one morning and I could not believe it. Every time I was listening to the news or some negative news came up, or I was thinking about something terrible, like an earthquake or even World War II, I thought, these things were just horrific, and then I immediately as I was thinking that I had images and words that were spoken to me, or I got information intuitively, I saw the immediate opposite counterpart to that particular event, and I could no longer find anything negative. I tried as hard as I could, I could not find anything negative that has happened in the past, in the history of mankind, or that is currently happening, and so I was in that stage, sort of an higher state of consciousness for quite a long time before it sort of balanced, not disappeared, it never really disappeared, and stayed with me up to this day and I wrote the book I think eight years ago, and so it’s a pretty long time I am saying this to and you know strange condition

Richard Miller: so you are saying that you don’t see the negative side, well of course you could, I can say it but you don’t believe in it, right? In another words, you can see that like an arbitrary description, or what are you saying exactly?

Andreas Moritz: for example take it to the extremes, I grew up in Germany and when I grew up in Stuttgart which was a bombed out city, and at age two years I was driving through the city and I saw these walls with no, with just some windows, smashed windows, and it was no house to it, just walls that were basically bombed out homes, or houses, and high buildings, and so I couldn’t understand what happened, why would anyone destroy these homes, and so as I grew up, obviously and I realized what happened, and I learned in school that the Germans were, are, creating World War II, and they were basically bombed in by the enemy and then they created these terrible things and that the Germans are creating these concentration camps where they slaughtered millions of Jews, so here I saw something terrible, when I had this uplifting experience before I started writing “Lifting the Veil of Duality” in the back seat of a car driving through California, I was just scribbling, within two days I had basically written the entire book, I just came out of me, I didn’t think about writing it just happened and so it was a really channeled experience and what I came out is that, World War II, and this is how I saw it and that you can take it any way you want but it doesn’t matter to me because that was my experience, I saw World War II, I saw the bombing and the many people dying like thousands of people sometimes at a time, either in concentration camps or being bombed by those fighter planes, and I saw so many souls and I literally saw them taken out of their bodies. So I was transferred into 1943, 1942, 1944 and I saw these groups of individuals lifting away from their bodies and I saw happy faces! Like they showed me smiles on their faces and collectively they told me that this was a very important experience for them. They told me, and I had flashed back so, many individuals at the same time I could see where they originally came from, I saw past lives of theirs where they slaughtered others, like I saw Armenians, they are being killed by these very same individuals, and I saw that karmically this was a very good way for them to balance an old account, an unfinished business, collectively, I saw that behind them there was a dark cloud of ugliness that was stress, collective stress, pain, suffering that the earth had experienced for a long, long time and it didn’t have an outlet, it didn’t have a relief valve, it didn’t have a way to unburden itself of that and these individuals helped to lift that collective stress and it showed that dark cloud, that ugly looking cloud, and it took off and I saw it high in a different dimension like a hole or in an opening, a portal, where there was lights streaming in and they all merged with that light and it was so beautiful that I could not think of the dying experience or these people are dying as something negative, and they, they showed that beautiful radiant radiance that emanated from that, and then they, then I asked the question and collectively I received the answer “why is this all happening? Why do you do this?” And then they showed me a sort of, like when you have a video and you fast forward and you go very quickly and you see the event in the future basically of that particular film, so you skip everything in between and you see the next things so, what they showed me was World War III and I saw nuclear bombs going on, I saw these mushroom clouds everywhere, and I saw that, and then they said “that’s why we have to have World War II to prevent World War III, if we didn’t do what we were doing here collectively and individually as to balance our feeling of guilt of having harmed other people in other lifetimes, then World War III would not have been prevented, and that would have destroyed the entire world”, so here I couldn’t and see I didn’t wake up in the morning with the intention ‘let me find out all the positive things behind negative things’ I just happened to think about it and then I saw this whole thing open up in front of me like in a movie.

Richard Miller: something like that happened to me this morning maybe, actually without much belief in it but I mean I was just thinking about you and thinking about talking to you and thinking about cancer, and I did say that I never had cancer, so but I mean to provocative title kind of grabbed me, but my mother did have cancer, cancer of the colon, and this morning I just realized in a way cancer was a savior, because she was just having a very suffering life and there was no way out, and everyone has to find a way out and something about her was hanging, and the moment, ok she had cancer for maybe some years but she only found about it much later, and the moment she found out about it boom her whole life was like a drop, you know…

Andreas Moritz: and that’s when the death fright kicks in. There is actually studies, there are studies and I cite them in my cancer book, that autopsies have shown that they are 40, among the people that died and have an autopsy done on them, they die from accidents or other causes and over 40 or 42 or so per cent and maybe much, much more because you don’t have so many people to test on them, they found that close to half of the people have tumors, cancerous tumors in their body but they never ever died from that. So is cancer really killing us, or is the diagnosis of cancer, the death fright killing us?

Richard Miller: right, right I was just saying like ok, I just had this other view like cancer was a savior in that case because it made a way to get out just like you were telling the story about this vision you had.

Andreas Moritz: Again, we are so terrified of death. Doctors are trying to prevent death at every cost, even if it causes extreme suffering in the individuals and it’s not worth it, because there is nothing wrong with death, there is anything frightening about death if you ever died. I died three times, so I know how it is. I had malaria that was the longest time I was dead. I was dead for eight minutes, and suffered from malaria lying in New Delhi in India, and the fever so high, I refused to take medication to lower the fever, because I knew I was about to have a fantastic experience, and I had died two times before so I wasn’t scared about that. So I let it go, and doctors were already putting me away and then I woke up again. But I didn’t wake up; I was awake all the time. I, there was never a loss of awareness, and I moved into a state of total clarity where everything made sense. Everything I was thinking of, and I could think a thousand things at the same time, it was absolutely unbelievable, and that you have such immense clarity there is no….

Richard Miller: in a way you are not thinking of a thousand things you are just seeing them or knowing them, and the thinking process is what slows you down maybe…

Andreas Moritz: exactly, and so it is an intuitive knowingness of everything that is relevant, and so, and the closeness to everyone, it’s like the love bond doesn’t have, its like not one side of the bridge to the other side, it is oneness, it just feels so one with the things that you are intuiting, or that you are perceiving, that you have no fear, and when you die, it is the most beautiful thing because you don’t lose anything, you don’t even feel like you are dropping the body. You are still yourself, and you still have all the capacity, except it is much more rich, much more beautiful and enchanting, and so it’s just euphoria, and so when I came back into the body I was pushed, pulled back into the body, it was gruesome, so I felt, I imagined that being born is more like dying. The dark channel, canal, during the birth and then you start crying, say ‘why in the world do I have to get born here’ because right before you are born you are aware, and you are knowledgeable of everything, you know who you are, and then you lose everything, you start from scratch. Like you have no idea, and you don’t even know how to say anything yet, except ‘ahhh’ you know!

Richard Miller: you know for some reason we are here you know, for some reason we are here, and I don’t know like I, maybe its arbitrary but maybe I chose to honor that and just say ok, if there is a purpose to it and some reason I am here and I am going to give it a go, and I know it doesn’t at this age years fly by so quick and I am not really worried about it, they will be gone in a flash.

Andreas Moritz: so what would, I am trying to get to is that, if we were able to accept the situations that happened to us, just accept them without passing judgment, whether it’s a good one or bad one, just accept it for the time being, there would be no suffering because we would recognize that every negative things has a positive counterpart. We would also realize that negative things are non-existent. They don’t exist, because when you think of it, an angry person, and he says well this person is way angry today. There is no such thing as anger because anger is merely the absence of happiness, if the person were really happy, truly happy, he would not be able to be angry. It would be absent, right? So anger doesn’t exist because it’s defined by the absence of its positive reason, of its positive counterpart, so likewise, there is no sadness or depression, because sadness is absence of joy, if a person who is joyful cannot be sad at the same time, it’s either, or so when sadness is there it’s merely because there is no joy, it’s absence of joy.

Richard Miller: in a way I have always been looking it the other way around not always but lately saying that ok anger and sadness are both activities in a way but joy and happiness are not activities, they are maybe our na…, and if that’s the truth that would mean that’s our natural state and there is no such things as happiness there is no such thing as joy, there is no such thing as truth, there is no such thing as peace, there is no such thing like there is no darkness, there is only the absence of light…

Andreas Moritz: because you see, we, when we talk about these like anger and happiness or dark and light, we are talking about the duality about life.

Richard Miller: we objectify both of them right?

Andreas Moritz: yes, and so it’s like a pendulum. One end of the pendulum it’s dark and the other one its light or here we are right and here we are wrong; and here we are good and here we are bad; and this is happiness and this is anger; and this is sadness and this is joy; and this is fear and this is love, so we have always opposites, but if you imagine the pendulum rests in the middle, you are in a state of neutrality and you are both, you can be both, joyful and sad at the same time and it doesn’t make a difference. You are not caught up by them, you are not attached to either of them but you can be both, and you don’t have a problem being both.

Richard Miller: well in that case they are both together all the time right, but somehow our focus goes one way or the other but I mean how can there be happiness without the sadness otherwise, the whole, it comes down as a, how do you call it, like a scale, you know.

Andreas Moritz: right, exactly and there we do need contrast to be on this planet because there is dark and light, we can’t really say that half of the world be in darkness right now “all those poor people, darkness is so bad and so there is suffering!” but darkness gives rise to light. Its contrast, but if you know anything about darkness, it doesn’t exist they are no photons of darkness. There are photons of light, so the sun is giving us the light, but darkness is the absence of light, so if we don’t like the darkness, we can turn on the light, and that’s all we need to know.

So in order to lift through life, we don’t have to fight the things that don’t even exist, anger doesn’t exist, evil doesn’t exist, sadness doesn’t exist, we don’t have to fight them, but what we’re doing in life, and that brings us to your original question here, we are fighting things that don’t exist, instead of fighting these things that don’t really exist like darkness, we can bring in the second element, turn on the light, focus on being grateful for what we have, because when we are grateful for what we have we become, we draw more towards, the same things the same things towards us, if we are focusing on creativity rather than on the goal of creativity like fulfilling let’s say ‘next year I want to make 500,000 dollars, just focus on the joy of creating which makes you fulfilled rather than looking forward to something that may never happen, could happen, and get stressed over if it doesn’t happen, and so we are making our lives miserable simply because we are not able to accept the blessings that we already have and the blessings sometimes come in disguise of negative events.

When Jesus Christ said ‘love your enemies’, he made a point, he said ‘love your enemies’ which in a translation really means love your adversities, love the things you don’t like, love the diseases that you are suffering from, because it feels do, you are in the acceptance mode, you are inviting these enemies into your home, and when these enemies are in your home, and you feed them and you cherish them and you care about, then they become your best friends.

Richard Miller: that’s when you realize that they don’t exist, right? Because it just came to me when you said fighting things that don’t exist, in a way that is the act of creation. You are creating the evils and well, it’s also grasping, the act of grasping things that you think your desires is the act of creating desires, but they don’t exist either.

Andreas Moritz: no, life is like a river and it takes twists and turns and it sometimes goes left, sometimes right but the river doesn’t complain, maybe it’s a left handed river and just doesn’t like right turns, but that’s just an artefact of our imagination, there is nothing wrong about going down when the wave is going up, it has to come down, and if the wave doesn’t come down then it cannot go up again so, life is made of opposites but we don’t have to participate in the opposites, we can be in the middle.

It’s just like being in the equator, and you when you are there, you no longer influenced by the south pole, the magnetic force, and the north pole, you are in the middle, you are suspended in the middle, and neither of them have any power over you. So, in a way, you can enjoy both the north and the south while being there, and have the best form of ultraviolet radiation which is found to be preventing people from multiple sclerosis and cancer, you have the lowest skin cancers and other types of cancer, and multiple sclerosis and diabetes and heart disease and osteoporosis in the equator area, because people have multiple exposure.

So what we are doing on our planet we are vilifying the sun and saying it’s a terrible thing because it causes cancer, even though it’s been proved that most people develop who skin cancer are the indoor people, they hardly ever have exposure to the sunlight. So we are turning things that are not really the enemy, we are turning them into the enemy, and then we are trying then we are pumping people full of drugs because the body no longer makes vitamin D to sustain its immune system, so now we are taking drugs to suppress infections so the body can no longer clean itself, can no longer purify and heal itself, and so it’s like that with everything.

We are looking at a problem, economic problem, and we are fighting it, so we are treating those symptoms, we are bailing out big large corporations that have sort of have overgrown, they are just no longer sustainable and so we are creating another problem because of bailing them out, we create another problem so suddenly out of one problem we have made hundreds of problems and so then the problem becomes so big that we are forced to let go.

When we lose something in life we only lose it because it’s in our best interest to lose it so that something else can come in to replace it and if we hang on to what we are losing we are not just not getting the new, because life is evolving after all, we are not only getting the opportunity to create something new, we are dying with what is disappearing and so we are suffering because we are hanging on, we are attached to what is already long overdue to be lost.

If a person loses a job and is becoming depressed over it because he is saying “Oh my god! Something terrible is happening to me I am losing something!” You cannot lose anything that is not already useless for you.

So it is part of the growth and if we hang on to it and we are terrified of losing it, the new thing cannot evolve. We cannot open a new door because we are still hanging on to the old door that is about to shut, and so this is true for every event. There are no problems, there are no …

Richard Miller: I would like to kind of set up an image and then ask a question and maybe it’s like when you said the new door and the old door well these two doors are like conceptual doors right, they are concept or corporation or you know when you are closing the door on a large corporation you said maybe it’s over, it’s a concept right and then we open another concept another corporation is falling and letting them fall which we never would before or basically what we are saying from before, we were saying, the way we believe to cure the world, to cure our lives is to pour energy into the situation which we call a problem, ok well that problem is a conceptual, it’s like a, it’s a concept, it’s a description, it’s an interpretation and the image I want to set up is just the everything in the world is such a marvelous diversity, I mean, you could just start to say like, physically, I mean when people say there is no two snowflakes that are the same there is such a diversity, there’s no two humans that are the same, there’s no two tress that are the same, there is so much of a diversity and I just make this up I don’t know if it’s true or not but let’s just say, within this diversity everything comes and manifests in its full range, in its full glory, so that means like from the most complicated to the most simple, from the most rudimentary up to…, so basically, I don’t want to give too many examples on that, like healthy tree or a sick tree, or a, but let’s just go to a human thought forms and say that the most simple thought forms are the most simple concepts are just like “I exist”, “me and the other” or “me and you” and that would be the very most simple and then the most complicated would be all kinds of world analyses and scientific discovery and all kinds of stories about you know, it might even be about astrology or how the planets affect us, or you know, it gets really, really complicated and I just want to say ok let’s say that these concepts are somehow like a totem pole, you know what comes to my mind is that like Middle Eastern meat, I think its gyros or something, like these things that go around and it starts small and then it goes big and so it’s like this totem pole but these are mental forms, these are our concepts, and what we are used to is like we are living at one level of these things, and we have certain amount of concepts and somehow these concepts turn sour, or we are going to call, ok this one is a problem, and we pour in more and more energy into these concepts and so what we usually do is somehow, okay here is this totem pole of these concepts from the most simple to the most complicated, somewhere we enter in the middle and we try to explain something, give the cause and effect and what to do about it, and here we are, but we are resting on all these lower concepts and saying okay we accept these as reality. Now I want to ask you like what is this non duality or what is duality or what are we talking about but let’s try to enter this hotdog so we are down low and not enter up too high where we have a lot of stories to accept and just say like, I mean can we simplify it and just strip away a lot of the concepts and just say what the heck is this things and what is life really all about?

Andreas Moritz: yes that’s probably one of the most important and beautiful questions that one can ask, because you will ultimately come to a point as quantum physics relates to as unified field of natural law, and so you will find that nature doesn’t, like trees and animals, we know the ecological system that works in synergy, and doesn’t work against itself even if it includes that some are the predators that are killing others to keep the ecological balance intact so we even have forest fires and that make sure that new forests are become invigorating, that new growth is possible. So we learn that everything that was different, all the differences have an underlying current or an underlying field that unites it all, and that’s where everything is synchronized with everything else and that’s where humans, even though on the surface as individuals that have a physical body, we are separated from one another but we also are more than just physical bodies, we have consciousness. And consciousness cannot be divided, it cannot be put into categories, it cannot be sliced up because consciousness is one, and so there is an underlines oneness that coincides with that oneness that quantum physics describes where there is a zero point energy, where all the energies that are creating everything are consolidated and one, and it’s not something that just happens on this planet, now we are connected on a level with everything else, or every life form that exists outside our little universe called earth, and we realize that there is a larger, there is a larger life everywhere and there is an interest that what happens on this planet will help to facilitate new life forms on other planets as well and that’s why you know the whole UFO talk and the conference that just happened that shows, clearly proves, that people that were involved in concealing that UFO or alien life form exists, now is actually recognizing it and confirming it and proving that it exists, and so it bring these things to the forefront of our awareness to realize that we are not alone here and so we are just the tiny speck in the life forms but the universe just as such is so extremely complex yet on an another level is the simply thing that can exists it holds everything together, all the atoms that are making up our body, all the atoms the almost infinite number of atoms that make the molecules and the molecules making the cells in our body and the cells making the organs and the blood and the brain, and so everything that we are physically finds itself to be sub atomic particles that make up these atoms, and the sub atomic particles are basically fields of energy and information, there is no physical matter underlying it all, but it is a field and that field is merging with everyone else’s field. So in reality we, you and I and the animals and the air that we breathe in and the birds that sing, we are all one and so we cannot divide ourselves, we cannot separate ourselves from anything.

So the events that we call situations in life, circumstances, relationships, our economic growth of lack thereof, health, the treatment of disease, all of that is irrelevant on that level because we cannot be touched by limitations, any kind of limitation when we share that oneness with one another, that’s why we can function. So the quest to discover who we are, of who we are not like finding any treasure or finding something else but being who we are, accepting who we are, if we have the courage to accept ourselves, like if I accepted myself exactly the way I am right now with all my flaws, my mistakes, my shortcomings, the weaknesses, the guilt that I may have because I have done this and this to someone, my neighbor or my friend or whatever, if I were to accept myself exactly the way that I am, I am able to accept everyone else around me. So all we need is really ourselves, our relationship with ourselves and not try to improve on it, not to try to change it but to accept it. That’s why when Jesus said “love your enemy, love thy neighbor as thy loveth thyself,” you can only love your neighbor if you love yourself and that means you can only love yourself when you also love the weaknesses, the shortcomings, your mistakes, if you can make mistakes and enjoy making mistakes… every time I make a mistake I celebrate, because I know that the mistakes are part of my truth finding… my discoveries.

When I was 12 years old I was given one year to live and so I suffered from a varied numbers of severe illnesses and I looked for help like everyone else, and doctors couldn’t help me so I had to give up the idea that I can improve myself because nobody else could, and the moment I did that and I let go of the trying, when I accepted what happened, that suddenly I had intuition come into me, that’s when things opened up so oh maybe I should do this I never tried that before, I stop eating animal protein and it worked for me. It may not work for everyone but it worked for me, and so by this…

Richard Miller: let me say a few things because there is so much material here it is going down the river and I got to grab some of it, but one of them is, ok like there are predators and a lot of people are puzzled why there is seems to be injustice in the animal kingdom and there’s predators and there’s weak ones that get eaten and stuff like that, I would just remind everyone that all of life, all of sentient beings have a mouth and it’s attached to another sentient being somewhere and that’s just life, that’s just it, and whether you want to call that just or unjust, or it could be done better or worse, anyhow, and that that is simple it. One thing I wanted to say is like, we are talking about our confusion of our physical body being separate, and we may know that and we may not, may be we don’t know that, and then other people talk about you are not your body, you are not your mind, as if people are confused that I am this individual body but I would say that nobody is confused that they are the body, that they don’t even know what the body is. They are only confused that the concept of the body and they are all working on this is my body, and it’s like a language type, its only. It’s actually only appears in humanity because humans are the only one that had this level of language and this level of concepts and it doesn’t really appear that a wolf says I am my body or I am forgetting that I am not a part of nature, I am just this individual wolf, and I wanted to say something about acceptance too, because acceptance, in a way is an, when you said it to your truth finding, you are acceptance but still you are in this what should I call it this hotdog, this gyros, you are in the middle of these concepts somewhere and your truth finding is going down or up in these concepts and I am not saying they are there, and that’s how this life manifests with those concepts and they seem to verify themselves and all that, so that they show up, and then sometimes we are able to make a jump in our conceptuals or they kind of fall apart or few of them just deconstruct and we have a new life open up for us, but I am just saying like let’s try to enter in that concept thing as low as we can I mean people try to do it with meditation and stuff like that but they still have the concept that this meditation is going to get me somewhere, but they are trying to go, let’s just I don’t know, this we are all in this conceptual mesh as human beings, now these are the life forms that you are talking about are they, are they suffering the same limitations or what’s up with them?

Andreas Moritz: well, a different kind of limitations. You saw the, like I am talking a lot to people that have crossed over and they give you a lot of information about, information that we don’t have direct access to very often times, there are many beings, we call angelic beings, they are basically rays of light, angles of light, angle of light, that’s where the name of angels come from and so they have particular frequency, very high frequencies, sort of very, very pure beings, most people think that beings can only exist if they have physical body but that’s not true.

So the vast majority of beings and there are trillions of beings they don’t need the physicality of the physical body, or they have the ability to shape shift they can become any appearance they want to, they are beings out there that travel through extended beings they have to extend themselves into spacecrafts. So when beings come out of space they have a space ship, this space ship is not like a machine that we refer to, like when we are flying an airplane, as if the airplane is of course separate from us, but for them, the airplane or the space craft is an extension of themselves and it responds to their mind, so they can change the spacecraft just by thinking we make it disappear, we lift its frequency it cannot be seen by earthlings, or it becomes something else, so it can literally create a different shape, so there are many different possibilities and technologies available to other beings, but one of things that many of these civilizations miss is and that’s why they are observing us so closely is the ability to have ‘human emotions’ and emotion is considered like the ultimate treasure of these beings.

So many of the pure beings, whether they are from other universes or solar systems, or whether they are angelic beings that don’t carry a physicality to them, many of them want to actually be born as human beings ,and many of the alien beings are actually here, they have birthed themselves through the normal birthing process and they are now here, they remember who they are and so, I have found a lot of them, I see them, when I talk to them they recognize that there is a connection. I personally remember also the places where I came from, so it’s something that nobody has to believe, anyone can make up these things, but for me that is my truth, and if someone believes in it, it doesn’t matter to me if someone doesn’t believe, it doesn’t matter to me either. And so ….

Richard Miller: ….so it’s interesting that you said like just by their minds they can make a spaceship or they can make themselves into a, into a, let’s call it a vehicle, or let’s just call it a wave that just can go around the universe or whether they need to or not, or maybe they just project themselves on, but what we said was mind, so then, that’s part of this totem pole that we are talking about that has, it actually is conceptual too, and so then the juicy part of our lives is the fact that we are this physical body and can feel things which we are basically feeling our thoughts and our believes and that’s kind of, like, to be celebrated then …

Andreas Moritz: it is because now we know that because our life on earth is very much connected with the experience of duality. That means opposites, and these opposites provide contrasts. Imagine a world that is just lit up all the time. There is just sun, there is just light, but there is no experience of death because shadow is not formed. We know when the sun is trying to set how beautiful it can get, right?

Richard Miller: right.

Andreas Moritz: and the darkness sets, and so the contrast, the depth of objects is only possible because there is shadow. There is its opposite. The opposite to life, and so if we vilify the negative things, then we lose the purpose of the experience, it’s not all that valuable and therefore we are stuck with the notion that we are threatened, but in truth, life is never threatening, and its only our perception of it is threatening, and so when a person experiences something terrible, like he is going through cancer, I usually encourage the person to see the positive reason why it happens, and it changes everything. Like when you read “Cancer Is Not A Disease” I get a lot of feedback from people who have cancer or had cancer who read my books it took their fear away of cancer. They say “wow! I get it! It’s actually something positive, it can change my entire life!” and many confirmed that that had cancer, like a very good friend of mine she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer a little over a year ago and so I did not talk about the cancer because it’s irrelevant. What is relevant is to get joy back into your life. So I said focus on this, get out in the sun, get a lot of vitamin D, go for walks, have good great food, make some changes with your sleeping habits and start cleansing a little bit.. your liver.. so that your insides feel good too, and so she did all that of course there is no cancer, after three months there was no trace of the cancer, completely gone, as if it never was there, and so it happens all the time.

But if you focus on all the things that is negative and say no, I use that as an opportunity to further myself, to grow stronger in areas where I have not been strong enough, where I have been weak, where I have denounced myself, where I have judged myself, and so by picking up that particular event and turning it into something useful, it removes the fear of it.

So now she has no fear of cancer, she has no fear of dying either, so there is no death fright, so her system is not collapsing because she is not terrified anymore ,and so she has turned something that was potentially threatening into something that is extremely uplifting and she is the happiest person. She looks twenty years younger, she is seventy-two, and she is so happy she has no wrinkles on her face, she looks like a young girl.

Richard Miller: that is just what we were saying in the beginning like we are trying to make every solution in an anxiety based way. And you are just saying that there is no solution and an anxiety based solutions are all false, and they just suffering and somehow she has discovered that.

Andreas Moritz: and it is good for us to sink, to fall. You remember when we were toddlers, and we were trying to walk and when we fall on our rear, behind, and we start crying “oh! It’s disappointing to fall”, you trying to walk and you can’t keep yourself on your feet, and so you try again and then you try again fall again. Every time you fall you learn how to get up a little more and to be more, you learn how to be more steady on your feet. And so as you grow, in age, and you start learning how to walk, and then you are able to run and you run fast, so each stage of growth is inflicted with failure and disappointment but each disappointment makes you stronger, more self-confident because you get up again and so after a while you are no longer afraid of failing and that is called self-confidence. Self-confidence means no longer being afraid of failing. Even if you fail, it’s not diminishing your self-confidence.

Richard Miller: maybe we have a whole different definition of failure. We don’t define it anymore like that.

Andreas Moritz: failure is good. Because, let’s say, you were looking for your mother, “Mom is going to help me, preventing me from falling,” that person will not develop self-confidence because throughout life he will look for someone else to hold him up. To keep them straight, to keep them on their feet, and if you do that you become a victim, because if something happens to you and your mother is not there to save you, then you feel like ‘oh my god I am not in control, I am completely helpless’, but this is just an illusion, and so education has contributed to that, in that, it points out, it divides us, it literally says there is a part of you that is bad and the other one is good, and it divides us by emphasizing learning things by heart, use your left brain, when most of the emphasis in life is based on using your right brain. The right brain access allows us to access our heart, the emphasis is on the left brain, it is just to think about things and analyze them and then correct the flaws, but that takes us away from the solutions because the left brain computes 15 bytes per second there is nothing happening to resolve problems when we use the left brain, it’s the right brain has the allows us to compute 1.5 million cycles per second. So it has a lot more energy flow to it. It allows us to connect through our hearts…

Richard Miller: what did you say 15 bytes and 1 and a half million or??

Andreas Moritz: million….

Richard Miller: and the other one is only 15 fifteen???

Andreas Moritz: 15 bytes per second

Richard Miller: Oh my god! Thoughts are pretty slow, you know. But that is the whole where everything is born, division is born, so that we can simplify and just look at one part of this at a time, and maybe make a series about that I guess?

Andreas Moritz: why do so many kids fail at school? Because they are programmed to use their left brain to remember things by heart that 99 % of the things they would never even remember when they are adults, or use, for that sake. And so education is not stimulating our creative juices which is the right brain based, so it is connecting to our own hearts, so we are disassociating ourselves from our own being who we are, our heart, and so we are learning to become heartless, and we are learning how to not trust our heart, to not trust our instincts or intuition, we are learning to only to trust our rational mind, and so here we are, treating a conflict, a conflict of the individual that within themselves they are part of, you can trust some part where you cannot trust the other.

So here we create the … divisive individuals, people that are split, and that’s what our educational institutions instill. Now that is part of our age of ignorance, so we are creating that, so that we eventually use all of those negative, so called negative trends, and create their opposite counterpart, the deeper the darkness is re-entering, the more dark the ignorance is, the more light we can start bringing in, because opposites attract each other. So we are, I am not vilifying the negative trends – the economic trends, the educational trends, the healthcare disaster that we are experiencing because the worse it gets, the more powerful and the more increased the influx of light and knowledge will be, true knowledge, so we are setting ourselves up for a massive transformation where the negative events in life become so extreme that the pendulum will have reached its extreme level and it will swing back and it will integrate the opposite counterparts, so that’s where suddenly we will find technologies that will be completely different, as a new…

Richard Miller: let me ask a question because you know like we have a certain audience or we have a certain heritage or our roots, we call it non duality or there is a word called Advaita which means something from India, I think, and you have a big experience in that, as far as I understand…

Andreas Moritz: of India. Yeah.

Richard Miller: yes. And so here is the question like I made this image okay and I said okay everything on earth manifests in a wide through a wide maximum range and I choose to talk about language, conceptual language and actually kind of like duality or like explanations or interpretations, let’s say, an interpretation could be the simplest simplest or the most complex and I am saying like is there a way where we can go down and get simpler so that we don’t have to stand on so many images and so my like, we don’t have to trust so many of our interpretations are true or correct, we can just go underneath the appearance and go say well what about underneath there, so then maybe what I am trying to suggest or maybe what some of these advaita people who are our listeners are trying to suggest is that there is a place where mind doesn’t exist or where mind is encapsulated inside a being-ness, I don’t know if that’s true or not, and I am not saying that we should live there or anything like that, because it’s almost like when you were saying that we are embodied and at birth might be our death, and I said I am well I guess I am here so that must be for some reason, so I am just going to accept it and go with it, and so okay I would say the same thing, I live in a sea of concepts and they manifest for me and I and its happening and so I guess that’s part of life and so I am going to go, I am not trying to say discard that stuff but I am saying, is there a place or is non-duality, something a real low in this totem pole where there is no concepts, or is there a place where there is no concepts and there is just connection, there is not even connection anymore, just everything exists and being-ness is there and there is no labels, no titles, no overlays, no… is there such a place like that, or is that part of a life, because much of what you have been saying is also story based, you know, coz you are like saying okay you saw all the German people dying in a vision, and they were avoiding World War III and that is kind of, like a very mental, maybe it came to you that way and that’s fine, I mean, I am not saying anything about that, but I mean what is this advaita, a lot of baloney or what?

Andreas Moritz: no I, avidya which means ignorance, vidya means knowledge so Avidya is against or anti knowledge so this the ignorance, it’s a very important to experience because once you have ignorance you can evolve through knowledge, to vidya, so avidya becomes vidya and through the path of ignorance we discover what we are not, literally we discovering who we are not, and if we find out we are not this, we are not the body, we are not our relationships, we are not the job we hold, we are not the expert that we pretend to be…

Richard Miller: basically we are not our concepts.

Andreas Moritz: yeah, we are not extensions or the concepts that we have of ourselves, we don’t have an identity per se. Because we can change the identity, so tomorrow I can instead of being an author I can be a gardener.

Richard Miller: just through that new concept right?

Andreas Moritz: so suddenly I am a different. So what IS me? Who is me? If it can change all the time, who am I then? And the question that is answered simply by the question because ‘I’ is what associates itself so many things but the ‘I’ will always be the same. But as soon as I say ‘I am this’ then I am lost in the experience ‘I am a doctor’ but if I say ‘I am’ that’s it. So in a way

Richard Miller: I am everything. Right?

Andreas Moritz: or I can be anything. But I prefer not to be so I just remain ‘I am’ and so I remain my consciousness. So the consciousness, the conscious being that I am, can associate with many different concepts or identifications and say ‘I am a doctor, I am a lawyer, I am a movie star, I am nothing’. I can be, I can associate myself with ‘I am a failure’, I can so make up all this, so none of them are true. Because that’s not who I am, it’s like telling the sap of the tree what it becomes, a sap of the tree can become a leaf, it can become a fruit, it can become a branch, it can become part of the stem of the tree, it can become part of the roots of the tree, so it becomes all these different things but it is the sap is still sap. It is still something that is not manifested yet. So we are both. We are the unmanifest transcendent stage of the ‘I – ness: I am’ – and then I can also become all those different things the branches, the leaves, the fruit and the roots. So both is true. And there is no untruth of life. So everyone speaks the truth, but it’s on their level and the truth is depending on what stage of consciousness you are, if you say I am a lawyer you are absolutely right, if you are one. If I am a saying something about what I am that’s the truth, too, if I say I saw those individuals dying and siphoning, and taking off, siphoning off the negative collective stress from the planet, and saving us from World War III, then that is the truth too. Now someone says the opposite, that’s their truth as well, so there is no level of non-truth, there is just degrees of insights that are totally irrelevant on the level of ‘I am’, on the level of …

Richard Miller: yeah we want to say, I guess, just because we are minds we want to say, well ‘I am’ is the greater truth because it’s got the more options, you know, and can I ask you like what is the experience of ‘I am’, is there an experience to it or it doesn’t it even register? Does it have to have a content in order to register?

Andreas Moritz: as soon as you have an experience, you are outside it. Transcendence by definition is the state of being; you are not being something, so if you have an experience, you are outside. So I taught meditation for twenty five years and helped people to go into that state of transcendental consciousness or beyond the physicality of the experience where you are totally disassociated from your physical body, from your senses, you have no thought, you have no feeling, you are just you. You are being, without being something else, and it’s a very blissful state. It’s not that you experience happiness, you are happiness, you are that bliss, you are that total satisfaction and fulfillment, it’s like, you cannot compare it, that’s why Jesus Christ had such great difficulties describing heaven to people because you cannot describe it, because there is no description, it is outside experience, it is just a state of transcendental being. Now the purpose of it is not to go beyond the little dance, forget the world, the purpose of experiencing that state is to integrate it with your daily experiences of thinking, laughing, you’re sweating, you’re talking whatever, it is the integration, that means you are in that state of being where you can also have thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences, and relationships and joy and sadness and everything, and you are not losing yourself in those experiences and that is the purpose really of your self-discovery if that were, it’s pretty misleading because you are not discovering yourself, you are the one that makes a discovery, the ‘I’, so in a way there is no journey of self-discovery people, I lived in India and I had gurus and I worshipped and I tried to get though meditation to that state of enlightenment until I realized that you are already there before you started that journey, and you don’t have to look outside yourself to find it, you cannot find yourself because the moment you try to find yourself, you have a concept of who you are going to find, and you are lost, you are basically are lost to yourself, you cannot, it’s the learning or the acceptance of who you are that takes you instantly to the state of enlightenment because then you realize you can be imperfect, you can be weak, you can be this, but you have no judgment of it, you accept yourself the way you are, and that puts you into the space of being. Being-ness.

Richard Miller: you were talking about meditation and teaching meditation for many years, but the purpose of that is not to escape but to integrate that in your life, in other words if you find that bliss or you find that peace, then you can experience all these let’s call them pluses and minuses because we judge it, and then you still holding, you are not even holding, you are just centered in that peace in that but I mean is there actually, you taught mediation for 25 years, but is there a also teaching of integration or does integration just happen by itself, or is it, I mean, that seems to be the tricky part coz a lot of people will sit down on a cushion and say I love it, but they will not get back there, you know.

Andreas Moritz: it’s true. I have quite a few lifetimes that I remember as a monk. 5000 years ago I was walking with Buddha, the Buddha, and I actually I remembered looking into the eyes of the individuals that were lined up on the street, and I looked in their eyes and I told them what they needed to do, because they suffered from physical problems and I told them what herbs to take so I became a iridologist that was the thing I was most interested in, alternative medicine, when I came into this lifetime, I, as a child when I was six years old, my uncle who was a leading iridologist, he taught me how to read people’s eyes, and I didn’t need much training because I remembered how to do that. And so, but eventually I was so attracted to become a monk and so I remember a lifetime in a Tibetan monastery where I was totally, just indulged in meditation like all day long, and chanting, so that would take you into an altered state of mind into the transcendental state of consciousness or Samadhi and then that stage you would be completely disassociated from any physical existences, and it was fine, that’s what I needed to do, and eventually I desired to be born in the western world, because I felt something was missing, so I needed to lose myself completely, forget about mediation and everything and just be indulged in the capitalistic sort of experience..

Richard Miller: but in that lifetime did your high meditations integrate into your life too, coz we were saying that was the purpose?

Andreas Moritz: because I needed to create the contrast, so I needed to forget about everything spiritual and become just a superficial being. So I needed to have both experiences before I could integrate them, and then in this lifetime the integration took place, so part of it, I spend quite a lot of time meditating 10-12 hours day, I literally did that for a number of years and then I had to let it go, and so I am not meditating now and so integrated with the world of business or I had to learn to indulge myself in that so it became both, a spiritual being, being in a physical body, doing the worldly things while being involved in spiritual activities and dealing with disease, and dealing, and then developing the insights into what causes illness, and so that allowed me to become a more integrated being, so that’s why there are no untruths. Every experience is valid and every person that goes through certain things whether there is pressure or not, religious or non-religious or whatever. It’s a valid important experience for them, and they should not underpin it or undermine it or get rid of it. It’s a matter of accepting it, because once we accept those experiences, they become glorified, they become a part of the path of becoming integrated with the depths of our being, which is the infinite transcendent being. Once we are connected, once we accept, we also connect with it more, we connect with what is known as our higher self or the….

Richard Miller: you know you said it earlier we must be lost in order to be found, somehow that was an amazing thing that you, I don’t want to lose it one bit, I mean that was amazing.

Andreas Moritz: it is.

Richard Miller: that whole adage gives value to this whole life. Tremendous value.

Andreas Moritz: it gives value to everything. So we dismiss one experience we are not doing justice to us being here, and so everything is valuable. From one experience to the other, negative to the positive and everything in between and that’s how everything is synchronized with our purpose right now on this planet, and some of the purpose is individual, that we help certain things that we deal with our relationships and others are collective, because we are not here by accident, w e are here to facilitate a quantum leap that allows the planet itself to also integrate with its own transcendental state, because everything that exists has being-ness underlying it, and there is consciousness in everything, including the atoms that make up a stone, a rock, and they are sentient being-ness in everything…

Richard Miller: that bears repeating, you know, that really bears repeating it, that everything, the whole existence is sentient.

Andreas Moritz: it is, because otherwise quantum physics would obviously be useless. But there is energy and information in everything. Why would an atom, out of the blue, that you inhale the atom, somehow integrates to help form a brain cell that you can think with, and so this happens all the time. We have trillions of atoms zooming into our body and zooming out of our body constantly. We have electrons constantly moving in and out of the chair that you are sitting on. Constantly. So there is change, we think that the chair is solid, that’s an illusion because there is nothing solid, there is nothing hard on this planet, it’s just because we don’t understand it or because we cannot feel how there is life in a piece of rock and it looks like it’s in the same place all the time, but the subatomic particles, they are constantly zooming in and zooming out of that rock, that means the rock gets recreated at every moment in time with an incredible amount of speed, with lighting speed, so there is nothing in the universe that is not constantly shifting and changing, it’s a movement, and if we are making the movements stagnant and we are saying that things are wrong, we are putting the stop sign on them.

Richard Miller: so the only thing that is stagnant or to only way to make that movement stagnant is to have a concept because a concept is stagnant. It doesn’t move, and that’s why it goes out of date and that’s why it feels bad because it doesn’t work and so then all the concepts are stagnant and that’s what our attempt with concepts is to make a, what should we call it, let’s just say, continuity, continuity is stagnancy.

Andreas Moritz: you are, yeah, you are right. It’s, as again it’s like that river and the river flows in varied directions and it doesn’t complain and there’s no effort in the river flowing, downhill or you turn left or right, it doesn’t complain, there is no complain in the planet, in our planet moving around the earth, there is no expenditure of energy or loss of energy and so the entire galactic systems, there is no complains. Nobody complains. The tree doesn’t complain that it has to move anti-gravity that it grows in the opposite direction. There is no effort involved in the creative process. But when we start holding up the stream and we say “oh the stream is, it’s a threat to my life” so and that you can apply to medicine, economics, anything, so as soon as we stand up and say ‘I don’t like what I see because I am afraid it can hurt me because I have learned from the beginning when I grew up there are bad things out there that can damage me, that can harm me’ and the moment you are putting yourself in that through that vulnerable position that you have to protect yourself and defend yourself, you become a magnet to attract offence. You will attract those very same things that you are afraid of.

Richard Miller: you know I want to just ask one thing because I kind of have an interest in Alzheimer’s, and if you would make some comments on Alzheimer’s.

Andreas Moritz: what question would you have about it?

Richard Miller: well I mean is it the same, that your system is kind of clogged up with excess protein, or I mean what? Is it all emotional? Is it stress based? I mean, is it similar?

Andreas Moritz: it’s a combination of things, and it’s varied from person to person, homocysteine levels are closely related to Alzheimer’s, the lower the homocysteine level that protein in the blood, the lesser risk you have. That’s physically spoken. But what I found… when I speak with a person or communicate with a person on a higher-self level, I get a different sense of information.

In some of these individuals, they just have a hard time to come to grips, of a certain situations in their life, they just want to blank out. They don’t what to know. They don’t want to touch certain experiences, they could not cope with certain experiences, so there is a lot of trauma that may have happened when they were younger, but whatever happens to us is recorded in our consciousness. Not in our brain. A brain merely expresses what our consciousness has known or knows. Our consciousness can never develop Alzheimer’s, only our brain. It’s almost like the, it’s like a radio broadcast. The broadcast is there but maybe the radio is not functioning very well, and you can no longer transmit the broadcast, so that the listener will understand it. So the listener will only get bits and pieces, and so our brain is like the radio station, it’s like the transmitter of what our consciousness knows, and in the Alzheimer’s stage, in the dementia state, there is nothing wrong with the consciousness, the person still computes everything perfectly well, but to express it though the radio station, or the brain, becomes more difficult. So now you have a contrast, you have a disconnect between the person trying to express what it feels and the other person who is listening like a child, like a daughter, so the person has no, is forgetting, no longer remembering that person, and the consciousness still does, so the person actually retreats from life without dying fully. What I found is that the soul many times leaves the physical body, is no longer in the physical body, and it is basically therefore disconnecting for the time being, and the outside person is saying “oh, person doesn’t remember me anymore”, It’s like nobody is in that person, it has to be Alzheimer’s.

Richard Miller: so then that means that the soul just comes and goes, you know, retreats, and comes and goes, if not went totally, it would be a death, right?

Andreas Moritz: exactly. So there is a partial withdrawal, like when my father died, he died three times before he finally left, he was brought back to life though pacemakers and some intervention, medical intervention, and the third time he died, his stomach was, he basically bled to death from the inside, he had been given antibiotics for a whole year but the first time he died, he described to me how he died and he went through a dark channels, like a dark tunnel type thing, and there was a lot of light flooding in and he was so attracted to the light, all he wanted was to get there, and there were beings and these beings talking to them and there was beautiful music that he had never heard before and the beautiful colors, and it was just so enchanting, so he was pulled in that direction, and suddenly he felt he was pulled back by a cord and he described that cord as a very thin cord, it wasn’t physical, but it was definitely a connection and that connection pulled him like a rope pulling him back into the physical body, and so that was pretty terrible, because his body was not healthy, and he felt like dying as he was pulled back, and so he said to me “if I really die physically, don’t worry about it, the place I am going is just phenomenal”, and so he made, he gave me confidence that, well, we shouldn’t mourn over his death because he is in a much better state and condition once he will have made the transition. So…

Richard Miller: is there a way to kind of like pull that person back, or like you know, like as long as they are alive, just to pull them back, or do you just let them come and go as they want, or how much of it is just a physical part of the debenture of the radio station, the brain going haywire?

Andreas Moritz: well in the face of, in the case of the Alzheimer’s, the condition, the thread, that cord is intact, and so a person is pulled back. It is not similar to what happens to us when we sleep, because when we move into deep sleep we literally are… get out of the body, we have an out of body experience. And we do a lot of things that we don’t remember, there are some dreams that give us some clues sometimes, because we meet people that we have not met before, or we have certain some kind of recall of certain experiences we don’t remember clearly, but there is certain things, experiences that we have, so people don’t realize that they are outside the body and they have those experiences… now in the case of Alzheimer, they enjoy being outside of the body more than being inside the body because the body is clogged up. The brain is so congested with lymphatic waste materials, the lymph drainage is not clearing properly and they have an inability to be fluent in their expression, so they more and more enjoy being outside the body and then sometimes they are more outside the body than inside the body. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just again we vilify that experience, we don’t honor the experience and the choice that the person is making for themselves. Again, it’s our judgment which gets in the way, I personally don’t find fault with it, but if a person wants to reverse that, there are possibilities.

You clean out their system, you remove the heavy metals, particularly aluminum and mercury that these people accumulate in large amounts, you clean out their liver which allows the body to decontaminate the blood, and draw back or pull back those elements, toxins, waste materials, you put them out in the sun, so that they start making vitamin D, so that their gastrointestinal system, their cardiovascular system, and nervous system can repair themselves from any damage that may have occurred, because vitamin D controls 2000 genes that are closely involved with circulation, with cardiovascular functions, with the immune functions, and with repair mechanisms… that means healing responses in the body… and so there are many things one can do to get to the point of reversing this….

Richard Miller: you know about 5 or 6 years ago I went to a dentist and I had all my fillings removed and got all the amalgam out, but then I thought it would make a huge difference in my back pains and all kinds of things but really I didn’t feel any different whatsoever, I don’t know.

Andreas Moritz: I had chronic back problems and I never had fillings in my mouth because I didn’t have any sugar when I grew up, my mother just didn’t give us anything that had sugar in it, and that’s why I have all my teeth intact and I have all my wisdom teeth there, I don’t know whether they contribute to extra wisdom, but the wisdom teeth are all straight and normal, and they are part of the normal tooth makeup. However the there are many other reasons why we have back problems, and so the liver and I can see that seeing your face that the liver bile ducts are more…..

Richard Miller: I shouldn’t have shown you my eyes, right?

Andreas Moritz: when I had chronic back pain, and I literally… I could not stand longer than a minute before my entire back was aching, and I had just chronic back pain, lower back and middle pain, and shoulder pain, and neck pain, and when once I cleaned out my liver and gallbladder and I passed about three and a half thousand stones, I, according to my own recipe “The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush” then I, virtually I don’t have any pain anywhere in my body, it literally disappeared. My wife Lillian, she had a lot of calcified stones in her gall bladder, one of them was over two inches in diameter, and so once she passed that during her ninth liver flush, she again, she had the same thing, she never had any pain after that in her body, whereas before, every part of body was aching including her back and her neck, the vertebrae were just rubbing on one another and created excruciating pain to chronic debilities and so again..

Richard Miller: you know I just found you in April and am already like I don’t know if I am a true believer but I have done three liver cleanses and I highly, highly recommend it, I put it on our website and I have referred to it, and Andreas, you know, I mean we, it’s so fascinating getting into so much I would keep you forever here you know, and keep this going, but I know you have some appointments, but I do sincerely hope that the, that there’s a time when we can reconnect and maybe focus in on some of these things, these subjects in a very intense way. Just to make it clear you know, to make it clear to everybody, that life is simple and that actually you have to get lost before you can get found so, let’s just get lost.

Andreas Moritz: exactly, you know sometimes people say I am confused and I say great! Fantastic! Because during the state of confusion that’s when transition can occur….

Richard Miller: the old logic system is breaking down right?

Andreas Moritz: yes, exactly and when people say “oh my heart is broken” I say fantastic; obviously it needed to break open I mean because only closed hearts can break. You cannot break an open heart, it cannot be insulted, an open heart can never be put down, if someone insults you or deceives you, you don’t an open heart never feels deceived because it’s never a victim. You cannot blame anyone for attacking you because if you don’t feel attacked, why would you blame someone? You can only blame someone for the things that happen to you or against you if you feel like defending yourself, if there is a vulnerable point that gets sort of brought to the surface, a grievance that you have about yourself that then becomes like a big issue, whereas if an attack goes right through you because you understand it has nothing to do with me.

If you criticize me and I don’t feel criticized, you know, there is no harm done. If I criticize you and then I feel so unhappy that I feel the need a need to criticize you and that has everything to do with me. It’s my business, and so if someone criticizes me it’s their business, it’s not my business, it’s their unhappiness that they are projecting and maybe I can help them, I put my hand out and say “is there anything I can do for you?” maybe you are going through a difficult period in life. I don’t have to counter attack them because they are unhappy about something in themselves because only unhappy people can put other people down. So it’s a simple thing, conflicts will be virtually be absent if we start accepting who we are, we accept our own mistakes, our own short comings; we start accepting other people’s mistakes and shortcomings and weaknesses as well. We no longer take fault in ourselves and we cannot take fault at other people and so relationships don’t have to be conflicted if we took a couple of breaths every time something negative happened to us, and we are just a breath away from seeing it differently and we all have is that choice… we can either say “something bad is happening to me,” or we can say “well, let me just breathe through this for a while and see if something positive comes out a bit”, you don’t have to respond right away, you can just let it be. Like the song “let it be, let it be”, it was a beautiful song because it helped people, and it came at a time when people were helpless, when they were disillusioned about life, and here someone says “let it be” and just by letting it be, it can take its own course, its own direction, life can start flowing again without us holding up the stream and it’s simple advice but letting it be holds a lot of truth and maybe this is a good conclusion, because it’s so valuable and letting things be, accepting them the way they are, and then we can take advantage of everything that happens to us, both negative and positive.

Richard Miller: thank you Andreas. That’s just beautiful advice but I mean way more than that, I mean what a beautiful encounter we have had, I am just thrilled and just totally blown open and spacious and I do dearly hope that we, this is not the first and last time we should become true friends, and I am sure a lot of people are going to become true, true friend watching this….

Andreas Moritz: thank you very much, Richard, and it’s a just a beautiful connection, because we are connected, we were connected before that’s why we reconnect; the synchronization is wonderful, everything happens for a reason, and this was one of those beautiful reasons.

Richard Miller: that’s how, I found you I knew so fast when I found you, I really, I did never think we were connected before, but let it be, you know, let it be. So everybody, Andreas Moritz, and I am blown away and I hope you love it and we are going to give a lot of energy to Andreas ,and so please stay with us for that and just stay with us for discovering yourself and just letting it be, just stay with us for letting it be. We have nothing to give you but yourself. And so then that’s it for today. So…..

Andreas Moritz: thanks for giving me the opportunity and enjoy…

Richard Miller: yes

Andreas Moritz: enjoy your life.

Richard Miller: of course.

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