One can even pass a 2cm stone during a Liver Flush

Hi, this is a question from someone who is concerned whether her two centimeter gallstone will come out for sure.

I cannot tell that your stone will come out for sure during a liver or gallbladder flush, but I can tell you from many thousands of people who had that kind of stone, that sized stone in the gallbladder, that it actually did come out. I personally had many such stones and mine came out during the liver flushes six and seven. My wife passed a stone that was fully calcified that came from the gall bladder and that was two and a half inches long and by an inch wide and that stone came out without any problem, from passing through the gall bladder and the common bile duct into the small and large intestine for excretion, however, when it came out from the anus that is when she felt some discomfort, almost pain, because the stone was very rugged, had sort of crystals structures on them on it and that created irritation just for the time of passing it. She felt like she gave birth to a rock. And so that is the only discomfort you might expect when the stone of that size passes, though the two centimeters is still very small comparatively.

I have seen in many people that these kinds of stones… they tend to sit in the gallbladder for a long time until other stones like the cholesterol stones, which you cannot see on an ultra sound, have come out first. In other words the gall bladder must be able to take in enough bile, there must be enough room , enough space for enough bile to come in so that these kinds of heavier stones sitting at the bottom of the gall bladder will eventually come out along with the bile. The bile itself is very oily so, if you do a liver flush you secrete a lot of bile that is prompted by ingesting the oil mixture, then, theses stones have an opportunity to come out without getting stuck in the common bile duct, without creating a gallstone attack, because the bile, the amount of bile that you secrete and the oiliness that it consists of is far too slippery for stones to have a chance to get stuck anywhere.

The other thing that prevents a gallstone attack from releasing these kinds of stones is that you take Epsom salts twice before you do the actual liver flush and then twice again in the morning to make sure you have at least like a twelve-fourteen hour time zone where any stones that are released cannot get stuck or what magnesium sulfite, the Epsom salt, or magnesium citrate does is that it keeps the bile ducts relaxed so that it is totally relaxed, so that any stone that passed through them will not get stuck because only when for example you eat a heavy meal and you have a gallstone passing from the gall bladder or from the bile ducts of the liver passing into the common bile duct, in that case, you could have a gallstone attack.

I had forty of such gallstone attacks, they are extremely painful. Many people feel so scared that they run to the emergency room and oftentimes doctors are taking out the gallbladder right away. I find this to be highly unnecessary, the pain itself helps eventually to wear out the common bile duct to the point that it relaxes itself and then typically the gall stone passes. But again it is very, very uncomfortable.

There are many things one can do. If you have a gallstone attack after eating a fatty meal, for example a steak or greasy meal, fried foods, eggs, which is typical instigator or prompter for having a gallstone attack, then you can drink a glass of Epsom salts, that is one tablespoon dissolved in a glass of water, and, drink that on an empty stomach, This typically relaxes the bile duct so that any trapped stone or stones can pass easily and quickly.

The other thing you can do is massage the small toes, the second and third toe on each foot very vigorously, really squeeze them hard and that can basically relax the gall bladder as well. There is a meridian that goes from… through the… gallbladder into the second smallest toe and  by just massaging very strongly it can relax the gallbladder and the common bile duct as well so that the stone can pass.

There is another thing you can do if you had a gallstone attack is, put some warm apple cider vinegar, just soak a little hand towel in warm apple cider vinegar and hold it over the liver area and that can also relax the liver gall bladder and the common bile duct to release the stone.

The fourth thing you could do is drink a glass of or cup at least of red beet juice during the following meals, each meal, have a glass of that red beet juice and drink that slowly during the entire meal and that will also help out with any gallstone attacks a person might have.

But again doing liver flushes you do not have that because the liver flush is designed in  a way that you cannot have a gallstone attack. It does the exact opposite, it prevents gallstone attacks. After my first liver flush, following these forty gall stones attacks I had over a number of years, I never had a gallstone attack again. So doing liver flushes is probably the best thing to prevent gallstone attacks and if you have a gallstone attack the guidelines I just have given you are probably the most effective ones and many people have followed them, they never had to go to the hospital and they were afterwards starting to do liver flushes and then had never a gallstone attack.

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