Pain in the liver area after doing the Liver Flush

Hi, this is with regards to a question from someone who has done three liver flushes and still has pain in the liver area.

And, I recommend that she does colon hydrotherapy, both before and after each liver flush to make sure that she gets the maximum results from doing these liver flushes.

Pain in the liver area can emanate from the gallbladder where stones are trying to come out but they cannot yet come out or from just from the liver itself. Many people have enlarged livers which can cause considerable amount of pressure or pain to the surrounding tissues or within the organ itself. Also it can emanate from a part of the colon that is touching your liver area, it is called the liver flex, that is the part of the ascending colon that moves up towards the liver and then it bends into the transverse colon and from there it descends into the descending colon. This particular area, the colon flex, the liver flex or colon flex, can be also signaling pain to the brain telling that there is congestion in that area and or there is stricture that then can show up as liver pain, whereas in reality it is pain in the particular section of the colon. And so, I seriously recommend that you clean out the entire colon thoroughly with colon hydrotherapy. I know this method is not readily available in all countries around the world but there should be some kind of alternative that you can find.

Another one is called colema. I know in Spanish speaking countries these devices, these boards where you have, like a high enema where the water is… you are lying on the board and the water if filling up the entire colon and washes it out. There are devices now in the countries of south America and in Europe obviously as well, and in America. My website has a colema board where you can clean out the entire colon within a matter of forty-five minutes by simply following the instructions that are shown in the video on my website.

Now, with regard to using other methods, the only other method I would recommend is, taking three, about two or three, water enemas one after the other. That means you fill up as much of the large intestine with water, which typically are used through these enema bags, an enema bag can hold about one liter of water and you do two or three of those one in a row, one after each other. And so that helps to at least opening up parts of the colon to allow the rest of the colon to clear out waste matter as well, but, this method is not the most ideal. So if you have the chance, get a colon hydrotherapy before and after each liver flush, there should be at least one day after the liver flush or two days after the liver flush that you do the colon hydrotherapy to make sure that the entire colon is cleaned out and any strictures that can cause pain, particularly in the right side of the colon, ascending colon can be cleared out and then you have a better chance to remove stones during the next liver flush and hopefully that will help diminish the pain in your liver area.

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