Strong Proponent of Vegetarian Diet (Patrick Timpone interviews Andreas Moritz)

From the hill country, in Texas, this is One Radio Network

Patrick Timpone: And a very pleasant good evening to you this is it is a Monday, the 23rd of February 2009. This is Patrick Timpone and it is very, very nice to be here with you. We have another great week lined up for you. This week on Wednesday the real world money with Andrew Gass and boy! has it been silly out there in the world, money, as you probably figured out already on Thursday I asked a Dr. Massy and he is going to be here, he is a good one from  Texas an MD that is gone straight and you will be able to call up and ask questions. Tomorrow night we are going to be talking about the constitution and some folks that will teach us how to take the constitution into the court room if we ever need to go there hope we don’t, and also about gardening and home studying tomorrow night and then later on the week we are going to talk about the whole mouth, the appropriate suction and the bite and how the whole thing is hooked together with the jaw and cranial and pretty cool stuff with a gentleman up in Pennsylvania. So we have a full week lined up for you. So you join us anytime you can here is our phone number 888-663-63-86. Well we are looking forward to talking with the man tonight because we are very proud to be able to have him on every few months for we talk him into it, he is in the South Carolina area and it is Andreas Moritz one of our favorites. Andreas how are you?

Andreas Moritz: I am doing well thank you. Thank for having me again.

Patrick Timpone: Nice to have you. yeah We already have a bunch of emails people said why you are not calling Andreas is in we want to talk to him. Well you do quite a bit of consultations right on the telephone that is how you spend your time.

Andreas Moritz: right I am still doing that.

Patrick Timpone: and are you seen any kinds of trends or similar things over the years do they change much?

Andreas Moritz: I think they are coming in phases. In the last couple of months I have had mostly terminal cancer patients calling me up, so it is sometimes I get like couple of months just people for heart problems, high blood pressure problems and so I am just getting cancer patients, so it is really strange, that, and then there is a phase where just diabetics turn up. So I do not know why it does but it happens to happen.

Patrick Timpone: how do you think all of the stuff going on in the world, we know it affects our health give us some of your ideas and the money thing and jobs and all that and how this is all tied in with our health?

Andreas Moritz: I think it is completely tied in with our health, lot of people respond to the current crisis with a great deal of anxiety and it translates into very powerful changes in our body. I get a lot of people who are so worried that, literally, the body has started to malfunction and you see that it translates into digestive problems, foremost of all they feel in the stomach you can no longer digest food very well, they get bloated and then they get symptoms of pain or symptoms of distention and again anxiety in the body, and so what is happening is that people perceive the current situation in a negative way and because it is perceived negatively, there could theoretically see it in a positive light and that is the power of perception but they see it in a negative way so they see the destructiveness of it and then they translate it, literally translate that into the bio chemistry that is become destructive in our body, so we produce two sets of chemicals, some that are enhancing our well being and other that diminish it and so if you produce for example stress hormones on a regular basis, not just when you are facing a difficult moment where you have to fight or run away, which is the ‘fight or flight’ response for which we are suppose to make those stress hormones, but many people make them all the time now, that means they are producing cortisol they are producing adrenaline, noradrenaline and cholesterol, which is by the way a very powerful stress hormone, most people do not refer to it as a stress hormone whereas it is a stress hormone, it is healing hormone, so if you produce too much of any of them, then it can create a whole effect of changes in our body such as suppressing the immune system, cortisol for example or rather adrenaline, obviously enhancing the circulation in the peripheral parts in the body in the muscles and in the bones and that allows you to run away but it does not allow you to get enough blood in the gastrointestinal track so you do not digest your food well anymore. Under stress literally the digestion stops.

Patrick Timpone: oh that is so interesting. Let’s invite the listeners in, here is the number 888-663-63-86. For the shy among you that is the email with Andreas Moritz who has been in the health care arena for thirty five years and he says probably some lifetimes before that. His website is He has a lots of books and some cool products there. He also has a revised edition of the “AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER FLUSH” one of my favorite books, “CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE” and “SIMPLE STEPS TO TOTAL HEALTH“, lots of books, he is a busy man and he talks to people as consultations where you can arrange with him so he does interesting work and so he is a joy to have him here. So that is very interesting, Andreas, about the stress and the blood and the digestion. Because I was going to ask you how that all ties in. so when we are stressed out and we think need to run away from a tiger or something, then the blood then leaves the digestive track and then we eat anyway, probably, and then it does not work.

Andreas Moritz: yeas a lot of people eat emotionally when it happens, so we are running out of energy, we are looking for foods that immediately can get the sugar level up and so they start eventually craving those kinds of food. The cells they will not get energy form those types of food and will crave more of the same, so the cells actually become nervous, they become anxious, they become irritable, every single cell can produce adrenaline and noradrenaline and cortisol, so all the stress hormones that are adrenal glands can produce the cells, can produce the same, and therefore you start getting nervousness on the cellular level. Most people do not think in terms of that, they think the cells are just like little machines and they are all obeying the larger machinery we call the body, and somehow this whole thing is working like a machine, but that is not how it functions. The cells in our body have a consciousness to them, they feel, they have emotions, they send signals that are comprised of enzymes, and also light signals as it was recently discovered, to the heart, to the brain, to every other cell in the body, so every cell knows what every other cell is up to. So if the liver cells for example become stressed because you are eating certain kinds of food that are contaminated or you taking medications, medical drugs, which always interferes with liver functions and it is contaminating the liver particularly the bile ducts of the liver so they start getting clogged up, they start making intra-hepatic gallstones, that inhibits the bile flow form the liver into the small intestine, then you do not digest your food well because you need bile to digest food, so less bile you make the less you are capable of digesting you food and therefore you have a lot of undigested food, less absorption of nutrients to the cells, the cells will cry out and say where is my food. They start complaining and the complaint is basically nervousness, anxiousness, you feel stressed from the inside out. Something triggers more stress form the outside and that comes into the body, then that can be too much for you to handle, a lot of people start eating emotionally, so they are starving inside, they are locking for a satisfaction from the out side because it is just… life is become too stressful then it causes more digestive problems and then eventually they develop an illness,

Patrick Timpone: is it that, what kinds of foods can we eat if we just really need to eat something, whether emotionally or we feel like we are hungry but we are stressed is it best just not to eat anything at all?

Andreas Moritz: the best is to for example you could drink a glass of water and you might find the stress levels immediately come down because the blood chemistry is such, when you are under stress, everything tightens up in the body and the blood becomes thicker, so if you thin the blood, if you drink a glass of water it is a dialectic so immediately causes thinness of the blood you may start relaxing because of that, so you also create a dilution of the stress hormones in the blood so that  is a very good thing. So overall your irritation level will go down. We now know that you  can lower the blood pressure, which by the way goes up when you are under stress, you can lower the blood pressure simply by drinking a glass of water, now once you have done that and you feel a little calmer, then you can eat something.

Patrick Timpone: when we….

Andreas Moritz: if you eat something right after you are sort of angry or upset or anxious you are not going to digest it

Patrick Timpone: …are not going to do well, when we get those hunger pains, is that a good sign and is that a time when it is important for us to eat when we get that real hunger?

Andreas Moritz: if it is real hunger then definitely that is a signal that your body requires  more nutrients, if you do not give those nutrients to the body, the body will start digesting itself. That can be very uncomfortable.

Patrick Timpone: we do not want that to happen

Andreas Moritz: so that is called starvation. So you do not really want to get there but if you do, if this is not a real hunger sensation it can be because your body is digesting waste products, your stomach is breaking down some waste products that have been accumulated in the pit of the stomach and when that is being attacked by the body, the body is digesting that, trying to dissolve it or break it up, then you may get gas and you may sort of burp and you feel like something is bothering you in the stomach, that is uncomfortable and that is not the real hunger that is like the body you may feel I want to eat something so I can stop this process of cleansing.

Patrick Timpone: yeah lets take this call. 888-663-63-86. With Andreas Moritz. It is a Monday night live here  Hi what is your first name. where are you calling form?

John: John  from …..

Patrick Timpone: could you speak up John?

John: yes, I have a quick question for Andreas. Good evening.

Andreas Moritz: hi John

John: Hi, I don not know if you have any theories regarding lipomas in the body?

Andreas Moritz: Yes, lipomas are basically fat deposits that the skin is trying to get rid of when the liver is not able to do that, and so most of the lipomas they would disappear once the liver bile ducts are completely cleaned out and the body can retrieve or take back or dissolve those exit substances. Basically lipomas are formed when there are certain kinds of toxins that are kept in neutral by fatty substances and when the liver is not able to remove the fat compound in the body and they are recycling, they are sort of in recirculation, for example if you eat a chicken and you would have a blood test, right after that, you would take a fair amount of blood out of your body and you would put in a little test tube, what you will find within a couple of minutes is that one third of the blood sample will have fat floating on top of it. That means one third of the whole blood sample will be fat. So a lot of the fat that people eat they think that is all going to be just fine I am going to digest it. No it is ending up in your blood stream within half an hour or forty five minutes. And that is the issue that the liver does not cope with very well because it would have to remove that from the blood stream, but it is very, very unsuccessful when there is so much fat floating about. And when the liver bile ducts are clogged up anyway, then that uptake is diminished and then the body will have to dump fat into the connective tissues where they will make their way eventually through into those skin areas and then it is just a matter of time for those things to pop out and come out through the skin. So and there are certain tiny red blood vessels that in the same process become clogged up and then it shows up as red things that are some people have then all over the body.

John: so the best rid to get rid of this then would be to flush the liver and gall bladder ?

Andreas Moritz: that is correct, the liver is primarily responsible for keeping the blood clean and healthy and balanced and the second most important thing is not to eat those kinds of food that are directly involved in clogging up the bile ducts and also turning basically fatty substances diverting them into the skin.

Patrick Timpone: have you ever done a liver flush John?

John: Yes I have. I have done one and I was just I was not sure if I needed to  do more.

Andreas Moritz: yes It is good to not stop them because once you have opened up the liver bile ducts there will be stones, more stones even coming from the back parts of the liver, from the rear ends of the liver, moving forward to the frontal areas where the exiting bile ducts are. There are two major bile ducts that are found near the exit where the common bile duct is formed and these two bile ducts they can hold a lot of stones once you open them up and you release stones then immediately within two three days more stones form the rear part are traveling towards these two exiting bile ducts and they clog them up again. Sometimes even more than before. So you want to make sure that you keep cleansing the liver until no more stones are coming from the back parts of the liver coming forward, that means the liver is clean

Patrick Timpone: how often, every couple of weeks is okay?

Andreas Moritz: yes two three four weeks I usually recommend three to four weeks

Patrick Timpone: in between each one

Andreas Moritz: yes.

Patrick Timpone: but you want to stay with it then because otherwise it could be even more problems

Andreas Moritz: yes

John: one question I had Andreas to was that I did do a follow up one and I did not get as many stones from the follow up one several weeks later.

Andreas Moritz: yes there are two reasons for that usually, one is that you open the first biliary tree which is usually the one that gives in and releases stones readily, the second biliary tree does not, it tends to be more stuck, basically the stones are sitting there they are tighter, they are bigger, and they do not open up very easily, so it’s maybe that you… during the first cleanse you passed, cleared out the first biliary tree and you have not opened the second one, that means temporarily, like for one cleanse, you may not have as many stones and you find that when the second one opens you may have even more stones than the first one.

John: okay

Andreas Moritz: the second reason is that if a person does not cleanse the colon after the liver flush… you may have passed more stones but they did not come out during the colonic irrigation, that is why it is so important to do a colonic irrigation after the liver flush or a colema. If you do not know what a colema board is, you can look up at my website you can check one out, it is basically cleaning out the entire colon during the liver flush there almost every person has some stones that are not coming out after the liver flush so you want to clean out the colon so every single stone is being released.

Patrick Timpone: so you want us to do a colonic or colema one or two days after the flush.

Andreas Moritz: yes correct.

Patrick Timpone: and I have to tell you folks, I have used Andreas Moritz’s protocol out of his book and it has been the most successful one that I tried, and I tried a few of them around. And so I recommend it if you just try his instructions exactly, I think you will have good results and the best way to do it is get his book “THE AMAZING LIVER AND GALLBLADDER CLEANSE” the book


Patrick Timpone: oh I am sorry FLUSH, the book, and I think do you have a revised version now too.

Andreas Moritz: no that is the updated one

Patrick Timpone: that is the updated version on your website. Folks can get that on follow those directions and I think you will have a good experience. 22 minutes after the hour, more calls. 888-663-63-86. Hi what is your first name. where are you calling form?

Jim: hi this is Jim and I am from California

Patrick Timpone: Hi Jim, go ahead you are on the air.

Jim: first of all I want to make a comment, do the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies really want us to be well ?

Andreas Moritz:  Is that a comment?

Jim: that is a question and a comment

Andreas Moritz: oh that is a question, okay…

Patrick Timpone: sounded like a comment too, but that is okay.

Andreas Moritz: they are business so they are in there for the money, obviously because they have to really make the shareholders happy and they have to make a lot of money to be able to produce a lot more of those drugs if you know how big the markup is on certain drugs and the most common drugs and that is ranging between fifty thousand and three hundred thousand in some cases to six hundred thousand percent so there is a lot of money to be made. Their vested interest is only to make money, and they have already stated that on may occasions so you cannot expect they have the intentions to actually make person healthy, because if they did, if they really made people healthy they could be out of business, so it is important to understand that you do not go to people or places that are there to make sure that people do not get quite healthy, that they are only stopping the symptoms so that people are happy for a moment but they will come back, because once you have… as soon as you treat the symptom, you suppress it, you cannot heal a symptom without suppressing it, that means you have to stop it somehow at the track and drugs are designed to do that. So the very design of something that suppresses something in the body is not going to heal anyone and if you do not heal the real issue, the root cause of the problem, you are only fixing the symptom, you are bound to develop a secondary problem  that is going to be worse than the previous one and that is why you have also so many side effects with these drugs because they will generate simple by suppressing one thing they are bound to destroy or destruct something else. For example pain killers, which are now becoming a leading cause of heat disease, for  you may stop a pain on a regular basis because you have these reoccurring headaches for example, and then you develop a congestive heart problem, or you have like an infection, and you take an antibiotic, obviously that will clear the germs but it does not really stop the disease, because the germs were only attracted into the body because there is some contamination, there is some toxin that the body is trying to get rid of, it cannot get rid of them naturally, so it will engage bacteria. Bacteria only go into a contaminated body, they do not infect healthy cells, they can only infect unhealthy cells that are already half dead or that are not functioning very well that need to be disposed of, so just like an apple falling from the tree, you know that after a couple of days there will be bacteria on it and it will start smelling, it will start being fermented, that is the natural occurrence, so to blame the bacteria, obviously medicines as well, we kill the germs and than the person can go home not really knowing it, they know that the person has to come back eventually because there will be a re-infection, so that is why you have one thing after another and if you have an infection five, ten, twenty, times you are ready to develop far more serious illnesses such as cancer and that is why antibiotics are now becoming the leading cause of cancer.

Jim: right now you were talking about water if your blood pressure goes up to drink some water, that is, does it mean that you have a healthy and normal heart?

Andreas Moritz: the heart itself is not the issue, if you have… the heart itself is a very, very strong pump and the pipes that lead into the heart, the blood vessel, the arteries, if they get thicker if you have eaten let’s say a lot of protein,  animal proteins, the protein  will thicken the blood stream which puts a lot of stress on the heart by itself, then the body will try to dump the protein, dump it into the connective tissues which cause problems on the cellular level, so the body will try to convert those proteins  into collagen fiber which is a fibrous form of protein  and build it into the blood vessel wall, into the basement membranes of the blood vessel walls that make the blood vessel walls stiff, and so once you have stiffer blood vessel walls, the blood pressure will increase and that puts a lot of extra workload on the heart, so then the heart eventually will become tired, if you want to make sure that the heart is functional, fully functional, it is important to make changes to the diet that does not cause problems to the heart blood vessel or the coronary blood vessel.

Patrick Timpone: and what kinds of foods are you suggesting are hard on the heart and the blood pressure Andreas?

Andreas Moritz: basically all animal proteins that means chicken, fish, eggs,  and any protein  that is heating the body. Just the other week there was an announcement about a new study and that sent shock waves through the medical community, they do not want to acknowledge that yet, but it was shown that the consumption of meat products has cause a absolute and massive increase of blood cancers, leukemia, especially among children. And another study came out a couple of days later than that prostate cancer rises with the consumption of meat products by forty two percent. So that is a massive increase by simply eating animal proteins, so they are not just causing prostrate or blood cancers, they cause many other health problems, particularly heart problems. So congestive heart problems arose, particularly when you eat foods that are causing lymph congestion, and all those foods they are never completely digested. If you eat a chicken for example, you can only digest it up to perhaps fifteen to twenty percent if you are really, really healthy, the rest of the eighty percent cannot be digested, simply because the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is very, very, very, very low compared to carnivorous animals like a cat. So if the cat eats the chicken it can even dissolve the bones, if you eat the chicken you can only digest up to twenty percent, so you have eighty percent undigested chicken in your intestines, which will have to be decomposed and the decomposing bacteria that produce poisons they are called nitrosamines or cadaverine or putrescine, these are carcinogens, they are very, very powerful cancer producing chemicals and substances. In addition to the undigested protein  or degenerated protein,  the problem is that there are additives in the meat, so if you have pink meat you know that is caused by preservatives which are carcinogens and these are nitrates, and nitrates and so there are coloring the meat red or pink and that is not their natural color, the meat which looks grey or greenish, and you would not touch it, you will think something is wrong with it, so they color it and these coloring agents are extremely cancerous so we get a lot of problems because of that too. Now all of those poisons they will cause lymphatic congestion in the little part of the abdomen, that will be the first place and that will take a rounded shape that means an extension, and so the lymph system there is directly connected to the chest area thorough a tube, it is called the thoracic duct, that is the main lymph drainage duct, so, when the lymph vessel in the belly area is getting clogged up the thoracic duct gets clogged up. That one is draining the heart so if you are basically not digesting food very well you clog up the lymph system and you prevent the drainage of metabolic waste products such as lactic acid and uric acid and urea and ammonia and other acids from the heart itself that can cause a lot of problems to the heart muscles, and in addition and the eating of any of these foods, the meat products will clog up the blood vessel, the tiny capillary walls becoming thicker and thicker with these proteins  so they do not nourish the heart muscles any more and the heart becomes weaker because of that as well, and in addition if there is any damage to any of the blood vessels that means there are many wounds and lesions created because of the accumulated protein, they will start accumulating cholesterol in order to patch up these wounds, cholesterol is a stress hormone as I mentioned earlier, it is responsible for healing up wounds, it is immediately going to areas where there are little lesions or wounds and will touch them up so then you have a layer of cholesterol building inside the artery wall in addition to the external sort of the external protein layers building up there, stiffening the blood vessel, so you damage the blood vessel internally, externally and if there is a blood clot coming out of one of those wall you have a heart attack or stroke, now that is perfectly preventable.

Jim: so what about your, how important is the pH in the body?

Andreas Moritz: the pH?

Jim: yeah

Andreas Moritz: the pH is different in different parts of the body, you have a different one in your mouth and your small intestine and your large intestine, in your liver, and different organs, and so it is important to have acid areas and alkaline areas. Now for example, you can disturb the acid alkaline balance immediately by eating or with combining certain foods, for example if you eat a chicken which requires an acid environment, that means you have to produce pectin hydrochloric acid to digest the chicken, and then you eat some starch food, like potatoes or rice or some bread with it that requires an alkaline environment, so you cannot digest either of them because you are now creating complete confusion within the stomach itself, and then you cancel out these digestive secretions and neither of the foods will be digested, and hence you will get a lot of unfermented food that means it will start decomposing, produce gases and creating toxins, and the meat will be putrefied and you produce nitrosamines and other contaminants, so all of that will enter the lymphatic system and clog up your colon which may then backwash some of the waste into the upper part of the body which then clogs up perhaps your throat area, you may start getting tooth decay, you may start getting bad breath, your ear ducts may get clogged up, you do not hear as well anymore or then go into the eye sockets, they start putting pressure and a lot of fluid and a lot of stagnated substances and toxins which will sit behind the eyes and they can cause eye problems, or they go up into the hair follicles and then the hair will fall out, so there are many, many different problems that can arise simply because you did not digest your food well or you ate food that were not really supportive of your body.

Patrick Timpone: Andreas in an ongoing basis if we are testing of urine ph, for example people want to get 6.5 to 7.0, is it really realistic to stay in that range and is it optimal?

Andreas Moritz: no if you try to take certain things, that will immediately get your ph into an alkaline level of the urine then what you will develop is kidney stones. So you need an acid urine, do not try to manipulate that so it is important to use food as the regulatory mechanism.

Patrick Timpone: so the ph is going to go up and down then ?

Andreas Moritz: oh absolutely, yes, there are natural fluctuations in them, sometimes  you have to excrete more minerals because you have and excess of them and sometimes you do not. And so that is, that will change the ph of your urine. So in the early, like 25 years ago, I was hooked to the idea, well let’s  see if you bring your urine back to the alkaline level, then that will show that the rest of the body is becoming alkaline and then once we have more alkaline then the rest of the body functions better. I had to give up on that.

Patrick Timpone: we are finding that more and more we have been talking to people and just make sense and try to keep it up in that alkaline range, it does not seem normal.

Andreas Moritz: no, it is not we do need both types of food but there are some extreme acid forming foods that are robbing our body of minerals and so these are cadaver foods that means dead animals that cannot be brought back to life when you cook them, when you heat them, they coagulate, they basically destroy the three dimensional structure of the protein  and that is very, very very hard on the body

Patrick Timpone: and the condition of those meats that are sold today ninety five percent of them they should not be there, there are others that the best food and by the time they get to there market…

Andreas Moritz: again even if it is organic and free range, it is still dead. There is still not enough hydrochloric acid in the human stomach to digest them. We are not cats, well fortunately, carnivorous animals sleep between 18 and 20 up to 22 hours. So if you look at, lived in Africa and observed cats, the big cats, the lion for example, they sleep from easily 22 hours a day so they are not active animals, they only live for procreation, keeping their  ecological balance and keep themselves packed full with blood food, it will sit in their stomach, but it is eaten fresh basically, almost alive.

Patrick Timpone: oh sure

Andreas Moritz: and they have a completely different stomach where the secretions are absolutely so concentrated that if we had that, we would say well ours is watered down, it is literally diluted to only about 20 percent of that of a carnivorous animal. So if we eat the same animal foods, then our body will basically have to deal with the burden of most of it being undigested and unfortunately some of the protein  will end up in your blood stream almost right away.

Jim: one question

Patrick Timpone: yeah go ahead

Jim: yeah I have been reading a little bit about fluoride and aspartame that they are supposed to kill, all additives that they put into our water and food?

Patrick Timpone: okay yeah john we just did a show on those, Andreas, and boy, they are both of those are not good substances, are they, Andreas?

Andreas Moritz: no these, the aspartame, that is why coca-cola is trying to get out of that because there are many too many lawsuits coming at them because they have known it for all along that aspartame is a one of the most deadly brain destroying substances around and it has been obviously kept secret or has been, the FDA has been involved in making sure that people no longer know or can do anything about this destructiveness of that, those kinds of chemicals, but there are so many out there, just the pharmaceutical industry is pouring enormous amounts of outdated drugs that can no longer be put in the market because they have basically they are outdated…

Patrick Timpone: yeah

Andreas Moritz: …and no longer working. So they put them into the water supply, so you are literally drinking from… drugs you are drinking drugs dissolved in the water

Patrick Timpone: here is an email from Gerry. Gerry is in somewhere in California saying I am enjoying the show thank you for being on, Andreas and Patrick, and I have a hypo thyroid and Andreas it is epidemic the amount of emails and calls we get about low thyroid in this country, what is your opinion, why it is such a rampant problem and what kind of things can folks do dietary wise to boost the thyroid?

Andreas Moritz: there can be many,  many different causes of hypo thyroidism. But the most common is lymph drainage problems

Patrick Timpone: lymph

Andreas Moritz: yes because when you look at a person who is having hypo thyroid, if you look at the belly area, you will find there is a protrusion, there is an enlargement, there is some lymph congestion, they may even feel when they touch in the belly button area, there is an area of hardness or tightness, and so this is called lymphedema and that is in the so called cisterna chyli vessel, that is the main lymph drainage center of the body and it is draining the metabolic waste products from all the organs, from the rib cage down including the reproductive organs, the liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, the liver, small intestine, large intestine, the legs and the testicles in the men, and the prostrate, and in women the uterus and the ovaries, so everything from the rib cage down has to go through that lymph center, and if your food is not digested well and you add more toxins to that area then the lymph vessels, cisterna chyli vessels become overtaxed, in order to neutralize some of the toxins it falls on the lymph fluid and that becomes harder, that means it becomes odemic. So the major lymph drainage duct that runs from here, from the middle part of the abdomen all the way up to your throat it is called the thoracic duct and the thoracic duct drains the thyroid. So if you are having lymph congestion into the belly area, then the thoracic duct gets clogged out too and the lymph drainage form the thyroid that tries to get rid of all the daily produced metabolic waste products such as urea, ammonia, uric acid or lactic acid and so on, they go straight back in the thyroid, so the thyroid is actually suffocating in its own waste, and it can start becoming little bigger and can get enlarged because of that problem, and then the thyroid hormone starts going out of balance.

Patrick Timpone: very interesting, and some foods or some things we can do to get a boost up again?

Andreas Moritz: well a lot of people are taking recourse to iodine and those kelp food or some other supplements. Ideally it is best not to, but once you have progressed to a certain level and then you may want to take recourse to that, but the foods that are always highly stimulating, that are stimulating the insulin secretion are the meat foods, they are the greatest insulin stimulants, so anything that is over stimulating the body can eventually cause those gastrointestinal problems. Now one thing that we have not mentioned is that the thyroid is controlled by melatonin mostly. Melatonin is a very powerful brain hormone  that is secreted in the evening around nine thirty provided your eyes are shut, you do not see any light that means there is no light shining on your skin or on your eyes, and you are going to sleep, so when you make melatonin, that melatonin literally regulates these thyroid functions and the thyroid controls all the other endocrine organs so it is a very, very powerful sequence of effect. So the boss is not the thyroid, the melatonin is the boss of the thyroid. So you want to make sure that your sleep cycle is such that you sleep before ten o clock, so that you make enough melatonin so that your thyroid can function at a normal level.

Patrick Timpone: and we need to be in bed by ten to make the melatonin?

Andreas Moritz: yes

Patrick Timpone: is that right?

Andreas Moritz: yes if you go to bed by eleven, because the peak secretions of melatonin are around midnight one o’clock, so if you go to bed by eleven or eleven thirty you only make about half of the melatonin that your body is supposed to make and that is not good enough to keep the thyroid functioning, plus your body needs a lot of, give up a lot of blood to the liver and the liver works between ten and two more than any other time of night, and so the liver like a sponge, it is filling up with an enormous amount of blood and it gets the blood from the back of the brain and gets it from the digestive system and from the muscles and from the bones so you do not need the blood there you need it in the liver, so that the liver can work with it and if you are not doing that, you create blood problems which can again interfere with the thyroid. A lot of toxins get caught in the thyroid tissue if you are not removing the toxins from the blood

Patrick Timpone: so that is why it is a good idea to try to have your evening meal no later than about six or so you have a chance to digest it

Andreas Moritz: and to have the lightest meal in the evening because otherwise your body is struggling to try to get rid of that undigested food because its digestive ability is only about ten fifteen percent than what it is at lunch time. So if you have a meal in the evening it is bothering your stomach and your intestines and the body will eventually try to get as much blood as there is possible to get rid of the undigested food

Patrick Timpone: so we actually have less hydrochloric acid in the night than we do during the day

Andreas Moritz: oh yes

Patrick Timpone: oh really

Andreas Moritz: there is hardly anything going on in the digestive system because again the body needs the blood in the liver, it does not, it is not supposed to be on a high stimuli, you need stimulation to digest food so if you eat  a lot of food at night then you divert the energy and the resources and the blood from the most important organ in the body, the liver, the biggest factory in the body, the liver, and then the liver cannot do its five hundred different jobs.

Patrick Timpone: here is an email from Bill… please ask Andreas about the benefits of using betaine hydrochloric acid to boost up the digestive acid when eating meat or digestive enzymes.

Andreas Moritz: the problem is once you start using crutches like that,  you will become dependent on them, the other problem is when you introduce a lot of hydrochloric acid and you do not have enough bile coming out of your liver, then the hydrochloric acid can literally damage your lower intestines, you know hydrochloric acid is very caustic it can burn holes into your intestines you can get a leaky gut literally. So I would not advice to take just one thing like this because yes, it makes sense if you want to eat meat, add more hydrochloric acid, and but the problem is that you will have more disturbances in the lower intestines, you do not win by adding one thing or another, many people take digestive enzymes, it is very, very popular now, so while using the enzymes to digest the food, the issue again is that you are missing out on the bile, now the reason why people do not digest food well anymore is because there is not enough bile coming out of the bile ducts in the liver, they are clogged up and the intra-hepatic gallstones block the bile flow; instead of making one and a half quarts of bile per day, which we are supposed to, many people make a cupful and that is not good enough to stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which bile is responsible for, there is a feedback mechanism how much bile is coming out, that is how much hydrochloric acid will collaborate with the secreted bile.

Patrick Timpone: so the bile is what makes the hydrochloric acid do its thing?

Andreas Moritz: yes so if you make less bile, it is a disadvantage to make too much hydrochloric acid because it will cause problems to your intestine, you will start digesting them, so your body is very, very controlling of making sure one thing does not work well, the body will curb back on another one as well to protect you. It is not that many people say well I am aging, I am going older, I make less hydrochloric acid, I need a supplement. That is not really how it works, you look at what is blocked in the body because there are people that are a hundred years old they have perfect digestion, they do not have, they never had, any health problems, they never saw a doctor. I just saw a recent show on that centenarians, they are riding horses and they are in the field and they are working, they never use eye glasses, they do not have any vision problems or hearing problems they are laughing all the time, they are very happy so what is aging really? Aging is accumulated toxins, waste products, bile ducts getting clogged up, and the blood vessel walls getting thicker and thicker, the lymph system being clogged out, people put on weight because of that, first in the waist area and then the rest of the body ,as the lymph is not drained from other parts of the body as well, so all those different issues they are related to gastrointestinal disturbances which can be rectified, cleaning the body, cleaning the main organs of elimination the liver, kidney and the large intestines, and changing diet to the point that the body is actually happy to digest these foods and capable of digesting these foods, taking the main meal at lunch time instead of the evening, that will get rid of a lot of undigested food, you will have much better digestion and the assimilation of those nutrients and in the same stroke you will have probably have normal levels of hydrochloric acid, many people have heart burn when they eat a heavy evening meal, it is natural to have heart burn if you have a heavy evening meal because there is naturally less hydrochloric acid in the evening.

Patrick Timpone: yeah now you.. obviously after listening to you for some other shows and this one. Andreas Moritz, or an advocate of a vegetarian diet, are there some tricks that people that are going to be vegetarians need to be or some certain steps that they should add to the regimen to ensure they are getting everything that they need to get?

Andreas Moritz: there I have written a book, it is pretty comprehensive, it is about 550 pages, it is called “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” and chapter six in that book is a really answering that question so well because there is so many different things that need to be considered like your body type. There are different body types there are the thin body types that move very quickly, that talk very quickly, they have dry skin, they have very thin bones and then there are heavy body types, that means the muscular ones, the ones that have lot of connective tissues lot of fluid in the body, a lot of oily skin and so very, very shiny skin, and so, there are a very different body type, then there is the pitta types who can be recognized by their red hair, for example in Caucasian white people, so red hair, very fair skin, reddish skin, so each person digests food in a different way, so not all food is good for everyone, each person requires sort of some differences, if you give the red hot pitta type a lot of chilly peppers to eat, he will go out of balance in no time, you want to give cooling foods to that person, whereas you want to give a vata type who always feels cold if he is unbalanced, cold hands, cold feet even in the summer, you want to give them the warming foods or heating foods that means foods that have heating qualities, it does not necessarily mean the temperature, but there are certain foods that have cooling effects, that calm down the heat or increase the heat. So it is important to know a little bit that there are foods that have different effects on different people and that will make a big difference to one’s health. Whereas if you eat like everything there is no animal on the planet that can eat everything…

Patrick Timpone: yeah you just eat whatever you want. What about the juicing and fasting, folks do a lot about that, do you think that it as good for us to really not eat any food for a certain period of time, a week or so?

Andreas Moritz: there is one body type that can afford it that is the kapha body type, with the other body type it is a little bit dodgy.

Patrick Timpone: kapha is the more heavy and thick, something like that…

Andreas Moritz: yeah now if you have a vata type, the thin body type, they are like typically like those that are walking down the.. sort of… the runway models, in the moving fast, very, very agile and looking good in clothes that is why they are chosen. Now if you give, if you have that vata type fast you can get it really out of balance because the vata type makes  the least amount of bile, when you do not eat food when you just fast on fluid without fat, they need a lot of fat in their diet, if they do not get it, their bile is drying out in the gallbladder, to get the gallbladder running again when it has dried its bile out during the fasting, that is a difficult job now, the kapha, they contain a lot more bile, their gallbladder is a lot more bigger so they keep it there and they have a lot more moisture in the body than the vata types so again you can have a kapha body type and it will probably be good for them to skip a meal or skip a day, not eat anything, just the fluids. Then the vata type and the pitta types they get very nervous if you do not give them the food, they get angry.

Patrick Timpone: yeah, yeah. What about a lot of folks have a hard time with complex carbohydrates, even with rice and potatoes and things like that, where they just they go up and down, and it is a blood sugar thing, what is out of whack there where they cannot eat these kinds  of carbohydrates?

Andreas Moritz: well usually this is because they are eating lots of protein,  so then the carbohydrates get fermented and they just do not get digested and the other thing is if you have been not digesting food very well, if you are not making enough bile to digest carbohydrates, you need to have fat, if there is not fat in the carbohydrates let’s say rice or potatoes, then that food will run into the small intestine in record time undigested, so when you have the fat in that food that you are having enough bile coming out of your live,r then you do not digest the fat and therefore you do not digest the carbohydrates, and that is why you have digestive problems in that respect as well, so again it goes back to the liver

Patrick Timpone: so you suggest eating what we want to have, fat with carbohydrates?

Andreas Moritz: oh absolutely

Patrick Timpone: what kind of fat with rice, butter maybe

Andreas Moritz: yeah oils like olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, butter, unsalted butter is better than salted butter, there is palm oil, coconut oil, yeah, so cold pressed oils, that means natural oils but in the evening it is better to avoid oils so butter and ghee is better

Patrick Timpone:                  I see so that is easier than the olive oil or something

Andreas Moritz: oil takes a long time to leave the stomach so you want to have something, the food, like a vegetable soup with some butter or ghee in it or maybe a bread with some butter on it. that is a light evening meal, that will be digested fairly quickly and then you sleep like a baby.

Patrick Timpone: what about castor oil, necessary?

Andreas Moritz: castor oil is a laxative

Patrick Timpone: I mean, I am sorry, not castor oil, cod liver oil

Andreas Moritz: what, cod liver oil?

Patrick Timpone: cod liver oil, yes

Andreas Moritz: cod liver oil it has vitamin A in it and recently it was found that cod liver oil, because of… it is high in vitamin A, causes liver damage. So you do not want to, it is a poison and it acts like a poison, so you do not want to go near cod liver oil. It is been disputed, its beneficial effects, so recently some serious incidents of death, the chance of dying increase by sixteen percent  when you take vitamin A

Patrick Timpone: so the liver does not like cod liver oil at all.

Andreas Moritz: no. when you think of liver, liver is an organ that is trapping or talking out poisons harmful substance, noxious substances and, if you take let’s say, and that applies to all animals, because it is the detoxifying organ in all animals, so if you take the substance, some part of the liver, or substance that is formed by the liver like cod liver oil, then it is toxin to the body because of its vitamin A , vitamin A should not be taken as a vitamin, it should be formed, allow the body to form it, from keratin, things like vegetables, carrot or green leafy vegetables or colored vegetables, so these are, that is where the liver will make its own vitamin A and it should be left to the liver. If you introduce vitamin A as in cod liver in high concentrations, you are creating an imbalance, you may interfere with the vitamin D production as well.

Patrick Timpone: what about flax, hemp, those kinds of oils?

Andreas Moritz: hemp oil is great, if you had the distilled hemp oil you would actually be able to cure cancer within a couple of weeks.

Patrick Timpone: distilled?

Andreas Moritz: yes but it is illegal. It is from marijuana. So it the oil, like the essential oil from the hemp

Patrick Timpone: oh I have never even heard of that distilled

Andreas Moritz: yeah it is from the hemp plant. Hope one day it will be legalized and then this remedy will become popular

Patrick Timpone: what does that do to the body for cancer, how does that fit in?

Andreas Moritz: it will basically dissolve tumors, it literally breaks them up.

Patrick Timpone: distilled hemp oil!

Andreas Moritz: yeah the real hemp oil, not the hemp oil that is from the hemp nut

Patrick Timpone: oh, this is, where is it from?

Andreas Moritz: from the hemp plant which is marijuana.

Patrick Timpone: oh marijuana, I see, could that be the reason why that hence so much trouble into marijuana

Andreas Moritz: exactly

Patrick Timpone: never heard that before

Andreas Moritz: yes, yes.

Patrick Timpone: I’ll be darned! So they actually make oil from that marijuana plant the one with THC

Andreas Moritz: right, they fill it out of the plant and so it leaves that oil, is like an essential oil, you do not need very much, but that can virtually clear out any cancer in the body.

Patrick Timpone: wow! And do they do that in some parts of the world, do they use it?

Andreas Moritz: oh there are some people that do it illegally

Patrick Timpone: yeah, yeah.

Andreas Moritz: of course in the Netherlands and inside Switzerland you can have access to marijuana, yeah, so yeah, you can smell that there are certain places, it is public, you are allowed, it is legalized and it is used as medicine more and more so there is so much medicine in these things that have been forbidden there is much more damage of course from smoking cigarettes that have been polluted or have been chemicalized, so there are hundred and ten deadly chemicals in cigarettes. Now the tobacco plant is a healing plant.

Patrick Timpone: yes I have heard that.

Andreas Moritz: they were used like the Indians used it, the native Americans used to use them, you could heal a lot of health problems but they again they basically turned it into something terrible.

Patrick Timpone: where do you think it is going with the freedoms of the health in health in this country? Do you see some things that you are real concerned about?

Andreas Moritz: the health is going down the drain because there are legislations introduced and more and more that will out phase the access to natural remedies and due to codex you have probably talked about that making, trying to make sure, when I speak to people in another countries, I get people calling me from all over the world and the European countries like Norway is completely codexcised,

Patrick Timpone: is it really?

Andreas Moritz: so you cannot get natural things, in Germany very difficult to get natural products, and vitamins can no longer be received in higher doses so…

Patrick Timpone: really! Really!

Andreas Moritz: yeah so you have to get a doctor to prescribe them and the same attempt is being done here, so you will find more and more FDA coming down on people that are making a statements that certain things are have a positive value especially if they have been, if there is evidence by scientific research that substantiates that for example cherries, there is a study to show…

Patrick Timpone: sure

Andreas Moritz: that cherries have oxide so you are not allowed to state that, if you as soon as you state that on a website you are saying cherry extract has been shown to be very beneficial for arthritis, if you do the FDA is going to find out, they are going to shut down your website because you are not allowed to say that, because it will turn cherry into a drug, only drugs can heal.

Patrick Timpone: so it is

Andreas Moritz: foods are not allowed to heal and as soon as you say a food that heals it is a drug and it is illegal

Patrick Timpone: it seems to me that then well, it is all going to go, we are all going to have to learn by necessity the mother of invention, to use those food to heal because that is that only thing that we are going to get probably.

Andreas Moritz: food will still… when they are contaminating, they are trying to contaminate the food as well of course

Patrick Timpone: it is tough, yeah.

Andreas Moritz: so the, but there will be an end to that because the whole economic system the way it is running right now is collapsing  very fast

Patrick Timpone: it sure is

Andreas Moritz: and with it will be the collapse of the medical industry so you will sees a lot of changes in that respect that people will be forced to go back to the backyard and grow their own things again and become self sufficient and then have a different type of economy growing out of this that will be supporting that, people support one another not take from one another.

Patrick Timpone: so you see that coming?

Andreas Moritz: oh big time

Patrick Timpone: yeah I think so too and

Andreas Moritz: and fast

Patrick Timpone: it is happening fast we are going to do tomorrow night about the home studying and the gardening, tomorrow night at eight o’clock. Andreas, it is always fun having you here, thanks

Andreas Moritz: thank you

Patrick Timpone: for spending some time with us

Andreas Moritz: sure

Patrick Timpone: once again your website is with a dash in there right?

Andreas Moritz: yes

Patrick Timpone: yes with a dash in there and you have all your stuff and you got some cool products and people can do consultation and books and

Andreas Moritz: yes

Patrick Timpone: alright so please stay out of trouble and if you need something you let us know, will you?

Andreas Moritz: okay, thank you so much

Patrick Timpone: Andreas so much

Andreas Moritz: bye, bye.

Patrick Timpone: Andreas Moritz, lot of books there too. you can really go up and get the whole story. Any he mentioned the one about the vegetarian diet which one was in “SIMPLE STEPS TO TOTAL HEALTH” he has got a whole book I think does in chapter six for you vegetarians and you want to just really kind of check that one and make sure you get in everything that you really need. We are going to see you tomorrow night and talk about the constitution because it is a brave new world out there. We do it every Tuesday at seven o’clock about the constitution, liberty, those kinds of issues, and then at eight o clock on Tuesday we do more things in the way of physical sustainability and taking care of ourselves, we do a lot of gardening shows, I think we are talking with the gentleman all about home studying and just give you some tips on how to take care of ourselves and the and the money show every Wednesday with Andrew Gust and then Thursday Dr. Richard Merci and he is a good one, we are going to be taking and your calls, ask Dr. Merci, and some surprise this week I will see you then on open phone Friday at seven o clock on Friday, so that is our week, so I hope you come by sometime this week, my name is Patrick Timpone I love you all very much I will see you tomorrow night at seven o clock on

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