Sunscreens do not protect against skin cancer

Hi, this is with regard to your question whether sunscreens are still useful or beneficial in some respect… and I tend to negate that. Sunscreens have notoriously been shown to create problems and not just to the skin but to the rest of the body. Mind you that most of the sunscreens that exist are synthetically produced chemicals that have carcinogenic effects so it is not just that you put this stuff on your skin, but it goes actually into your blood and once it is carried to the liver, a lot of strong reactions can occur that can lead to bile duct congestion and then poor blood circulation to the skin itself which can weaken it and make it, in fact, prone to injury against, from, ultraviolet radiation particularly UV-A rays.

Now sunscreens do not always work the way they are designed to work, many times you have areas in the skin that are not completely covered and even if the sunscreens block out the UV-A and the UV-B, there will still be areas where UV-A penetration is coming though, goes very, very deeply. One you block UV-B with sunscreens, UV-A goes so much deeper than it is normally possible and that can create damage to skin cells. There has been no proof however that UV-A can destroy or can damage the genes directly, in fact, the opposite is true it has been proven that sunlight and UV radiation cannot cause genetic mutation leading to skin cancers.

So there is a lot of misconception in this field and I want to clarify as well, that in places where sunscreens are used on a mandatory basis, like a town for example in Australia, where every single person is putting sunscreens on their skin and they have the highest skin cancer rates in the world!!! And places where sunscreens are not used at all, you go, for example, to places in Italy where Italians, they just do not even know about sunscreens, they do not put it on their skin and they have virtually no skin cancers in those areas. Also near the Equator in Caribbean countries, people living there rarely ever have skin cancers.

Besides, skin cancers occur to the most extent in areas of the skin that are never even exposed to the sun, so that cannot be explained that way, by saying we were using sunscreens. Most people do not put it under the arms or in the buttocks area or in places where they are covered up by swimsuits anyway. So the idea that the sun causes skin cancer is so unscientific, it has nothing to do with the reality of the matter and again, there is no scientific proof as yet to show after so many years trying to that, the sun causes skin cancer.

On the other had there is research to show that indirectly, sunglasses, having sunshades on the eyes, can contribute to skin cancer and how does that happen? Well there is a powerful hormone in the brain that responds to light, and so when you put sunshades or sunglasses and you are out in the nature and the sun does shine, your body does not recognize that it is light outside and it will stop the production of melanin which is the natural sunscreen of the body, and if the melanin is not produced sufficiently, then the UV-A rays and UV-B, which are responsible for, the latter… responsible for  sunburn, if you get over exposed, then you can develop damage to the skin. So again, one has to look at what is natural and what is not.

Sunglasses are not natural, if we had a need for them we would have been born with sunshades in our eyes, in the lenses of our eyes, but we are not supposed to do that, we are supposed to trigger the production of melanin as soon as we are exposed to the sun and that protects our skin against any potential harm from the sun.

There are some body types that are prevalent in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway – very, very light skin color, reddish skin tones, they are called Pitta types, the most prone to the heat and any form of heat that includes heat from the sun, the Pitta types, and I have discussed that in great detail in my book in “HEAL YOURSELF WITH SUNLIGHT” and also in “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” which discuses the different body types and the Pitta body type is the only one that has to be more careful about going into the sun for various reasons and one of which is to not over heat, very important for the pitta type, he needs to be more in cold places. They still benefit from being out in nature and exposing the skin indirectly to the sun, there is still ultra violet radiation even in the shade but for them it is very important to do that as well. Having said that, because otherwise they do not develop vitamin D production which is by the steroid hormone that regulates numerous functions in the body, controls thousands of genes and it is also responsible for making sure that skin cancer does not occur.

The imbalance that many people  experience when they do get exposed to the sun and get skin damage or reddening or burning, it is more likely because of an acid-forming diet and lifestyle, eating fats, for example, that are derived from fried foods, refined foods, hydrogenated vegetable oils particularly damaging to the skin, and once ultra violet radiation combines with these trans fatty acids that are in the skin membranes, then there can be a very strong reaction… basically a reaction to get rid of some of these fatty acids which, as they make their way out through the skin, can cause damage or healing reactions which are known to be skin problems.

So the skin problem or the eruption or even the skin cancer is not really a disease it is corrective mechanism and it is important to differentiate between a disease and a healing response. So when the body is trying to get rid of the carcinogenic chemicals contained in the sunscreens, then that is a natural normal reaction, the skin tries to shed these poisons , chemicals, that cause inflammation of skin cells.

So, having said that, there is just something that came in the news this morning that professors of dermatology now even recommend that people put the sunscreen on before they go to bed in the evening or even a month before they plan to go out in the sun. Which is horrific because putting these deadly chemicals, if they were ingested through the food a person will become poisoned, but it is irresponsible to make people and young children to absorb poisons even faster through the skin.

The skin can absorb so many chemicals that normally could not cause as much damage as if you ingested them with your food. So it is very, very risky advice to tell people they need to use sunscreen. There are some oils that have protective effects… like coconut oil… which is much preferable than any of the UV blocking chemicals found in sunscreens.

Thank you.

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