My opinion on drinking green smoothies

This is a question regarding green smoothies – a la victoria boutenko instead of all the diet programmes in the world. To be honest I have personally have never been into green smoothies. It is, in my opinion, a matter of taste, if you like it, go for it, but, I caution everyone to monitor your health and how your body is responding to these green juices because, for example, if you take wheat grass and you make a juice out of it, you will have to consider that this juice contains an enormous amount of plant toxins that are antibodies used by the plant’s immune system to defend itself against the insects and micro organisms.  So when you juice the grasses or the green leafy vegetables, you get a lot of wonderful things coming through into your body but you will also get a lot of toxins coming into the system.

When you cook the green leaves slightly, these toxins… they disintegrate and disappear. So I personally favour eating them sautéed, slightly cooked, than juicing them and thereby avoiding any toxicity that arises from the juices. So there are also some body types that absolutely do not benefit from green smoothies and particularly the vata body type which is described in great detail in my book “Timeless Secrets Of Health And Rejuvenation” and when they eat or ingest bigger substances which are prevalent in these green grasses, carrot for example, then they can get constipated, they can react very strongly, they will get irritable, because bitter taste is not something that is very conducive to their health. So for the pitta body type bitter taste is actually very good so they may benefit more from these green smoothies than the vata type.

So I would be cautious. First find out what body type you have or you are made of, before you are making some major changes to a diet like this. I have seen a lot of people into green, choosing green, drinking green juices that they have developed bloating, a lot of gas and indigestion because of that, whereas, other people they do not seem to have any problems with it. So it is once again something you have to try out. See for yourself and check it out for a longer period of time, what happens after you have done this for a week or two weeks or longer. If you start feeling unwell, if you get weak or bloated or gassy then you may want to reduce the number of juices that you have per week to maybe to twice a week or even just once a week and see if that works for you better.

Thank you.

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