Use activated charcoal in case of food poisoning

Hi this is a question from Alonzo and he is asking in case you get toxicated eating shrimp, what you recommend?

And basically it is very simple: get activated charcoal. Activated charcoal has been shown to decrease the toxicity of any kind of poison preventing it from getting into the blood stream and entering the brain and the tissues. So this is a very, very fine powder… you can either take it as a powder or as a tablet. it is very black, it actually colors the stool black, so do not be surprised if you produce black stool after that.

The charcoal is very, very effective it has been given in hospitals to people who have been overdosing on medication or drugs and also for all kinds of other poisons because, basically what it does, it absorbs those toxins, the charcoal expands manifold, it absorbs those poisons and then takes them securely out of the system. The absorption takes place right away in the stomach, in the small intestine and in the large intestine, so it is one of the best things a person can do after ingesting any kind of poison – whether it is from food or directly from drugs – or any other kind of poisons that a person might swallow accidentally or on purpose.

There is another method that you can use and that is liquid bentonite… again it absorbs toxins, waste products, toxins, harmful poisons that otherwise could actually kill a person and it can prevent that from happening.

Once again, in case of any kind of poison, use charcoal as the first remedy. It is by far the most efficient scavenger of toxins and poisons and the second best would be the bentonite clay.

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