By Andreas Moritz

Exploitation of animals by humans

None of the species on this Earth is meant to act in a superior manner toward any other. Exploitation in any form may bring short-term benefits but results in long-term losses. Exploiting humans or animals reflects loss of power and freedom for both the exploiter and the exploited. We have entered a time when every action not serving the highest interest of all involved, and that includes every person and animal on this planet, is backfiring immediately. Those who exploit animals to reap financial benefit and those who eat them or what they produce, are now treading the path of self-annihilation (of their physical bodies) through disease. This is not to say that eating flesh foods is wrong, just as it is not wrong to say that driving our cars with fossil fuels is wrong. What I am saying is that we may need to watch out for the opportunities for change, opportunities that correspond to a new level of energy waiting to be discovered and utilized for the betterment of all living creatures on Earth. Perhaps the most complex of human relationships with the animal kingdom exists between humans and cows.

Our societies are basically mute and deaf with regard to their relationship with cows. It is purely one-sided. Cows have become ‘food machines’ that provide us with our ‘daily bread’. We have concluded that this must be the reason why they exist. In truth, though, they are here to symbolize and manifest the frequencies of unconditional love and care, the feminine principles of our innermost giving nature. They also reflect to us how weak and vulnerable we have become by making ourselves so dependent on them for our livelihood and survival.

The exploitation of billions of farm animals for their meat and milk has become such a lucrative and accepted business on Earth that even the cutting down of the Earth’s rain forests to make room for cattle pastures is legalized and sanctified by governments. Yet the governments are only mirrors of the collective consciousness of the people. The rapid destruction of the planet and her species are part of what we do to ourselves, and although it seems so meaningless and wasteful, it serves as a last-minute wakeup call for every one of us to choose love over fear.

Cows are very much our equals. Just because we do not share the same language does not mean that they are non-conscious beings. Can we really be so arrogant as to believe that animals don’t think or have feelings of their own? Their Higher Selves are no less developed than are ours. In actual fact, their connection to the higher dimensions usually is much more open than ours because they have little choice but to accept who they are in each moment. Because of their high state of consciousness, out of love for humankind and the Earth, cows have even accepted centuries of abuse and exploitation for meat and milk by humans. Now it is no longer acceptable for any species, including the cows, to be used against their will.

The Milk is Turning Sour

Cows were never meant to provide milk for anyone but their own offspring. After a certain length of time, a cow’s child (that is what it is) naturally begins to forfeit milk and instead relies on solid foods. Like human babies, calves are weaned off milk and the cow’s breasts or udders become ‘dry’ until once again they fill in response to the birthing of new children. Today, cows are forced to give many times more milk in a day than is natural for them. Cows are forcefully kept pregnant to keep milk production high. The constant overuse of their reproductive organs results in disease. They receive antibiotics and growth hormones to accelerate further growth and milk output, stressing all their organs and systems beyond endurance. When they give birth, their children are often taken away from them and raised for meat and slaughtered before they even have a chance to experience the world. Humans rarely, if ever, notice the emotional trauma mother and child experience because of all this.

Cow’s milk is meant for cows and only cows, just as human milk is meant for humans only. The quality of mother’s milk is different in different species of animals. Each type of milk was specifically designed during the course of millions of years of evolution for exactly that kind of animal. For example, cow’s milk consists of relatively large amounts of protein and crude calcium, whereas human milk has hardly any protein and very little calcium. If you give human milk to a calf, it will die quickly from lack of protein and weak bones. If you give cow’s milk to a human baby, it may develop colitis, bloating, allergies, ear and throat infections, etc. in the early stages of development, and protein buildup in blood vessel walls, calcified and brittle bones, obesity, arthritis and diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. in the later stages of life.

Before cows were used for commercial reasons their milk was less poisonous than it is today. In some countries, cows were considered sacred animals and their milk was used for sacramental purposes only. The cows were traditionally honored and cared for. They were brushed, cleaned and adorned. Those who kept cows knew that in order for their milk to be nourishing they had to really care for them. When the cows felt loved and cherished, they produced milk that was even suitable for human consumption in small quantities.

Energy and information are the sole components of everything in the universe. Whatever energy and information goes into something, that is the energy and information that is going to emerge from it again. The way our cows are being treated today and the reason behind keeping them as farm animals has turned cow’s milk from being a source of joy, inspiration and nourishment to a source of destruction. There is no more sacred bond left between humans and cows. The connection has been severed. Because of this, the milk we force cows to produce is charged with the destructive elements of human collective consciousness.

Isn’t it ironic that milk, which used to be a symbol of love and nourishment, has become one of the principle causes of illness on the planet? The milk has become poisonous for us not because cows want to kill us. They merely pass on to the milk the destructive energies they receive from the human species. Highly evolved species, ones that have a flawless connection with the higher realms, never complain or hit back when they are hurt or tortured. They do not judge us when we destroy them, because they know we are only destroying ourselves. You may kick a rock because you feel angry about something, but the rock does not kick you in return; it knows that you are only hurting yourself by this action. Most of nature is like that. The poor and harmful quality of the milk produced by our cows merely reflects how we treat ourselves.

Today’s milk is not just filled with synthetic hormones, pus, antibiotics, and added chemicals but with the grief and fear hormones made by the cows due to the lack of love and care they suffer and the loss of their children. When we ingest the milk, these vibrations of grief, fear and anguish become part of our body, mind and soul.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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