By Andreas Moritz 

In the core of our being, we are one with the world, the universe, God, or by whatever name we call the omnipresence of Being. Separation exists only as a belief system, which we have acquired collectively over a period of thousands of years. In truth, we are all that there is.

True mind is not localized; I am not closer to my body than I am to the universe. The particles or rays of light (photons) that beam down on me from the sun, which is billions of light years away, enter my body within the flash of a moment. This is possible because my body and the sun are part of the same enormous field of existence. As Albert Einstein said in 1920: “There is no atom, there is only field.” Nothing exists outside that field, everything is the field. We also are made of the same stuff. What we call matter is essentially ‘non-matter’, even if our physical senses do not agree with that. The sun is my body and the stars are my body, too. I cannot live without them, they are as necessary to my body’s functioning as my heart and my lungs.

If someone removed the moon, Mars, Saturn, or Venus from our planetary system, our bodies would quickly disintegrate and die. We see our bodies as distinctly different from the environment, yet this is only so because the veil of sensory illusion conceals the consciousness that underlies all physical manifestations.

Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s most renowned physicists stated once: “The universe is, with no beginning and ending of time and no edges in space.” If we were situated in the middle of a large bubble we would recognize neither its beginning nor or its end, simply because the bubble doesn’t have a starting or an end point. Linear time, which gives rise to the two-dimensional world, would simply be non-existent. This notion of timelessness, however, would tumble if we started drawing a line from one point of the bubble to another. The experience of time and space, life and death, matter, etc. is an illusion, which we have created in order to act out our karma and thereby increase the frequency of universal Being or Spirit. We see limitations where limitations do not exist. Spirit is the non-physical aspect of the universe, which is in all of space and time i.e. in the past, present and future. We also are in all of space and time. We are one with eternal Being or Spirit. We are Spirit. This may be the ultimate science of life, but it is purely subjective science.

A scientist, who is also essentially nothing but pure subjectivity, may decide to study something else such as the behavior of a subatomic particle but in reality he only studies another viewpoint of the same field. By trying to be objective, he disconnects himself from the object he wants to examine, thinking they are two incompatible things. Such an approach leads to incomplete knowledge i.e. more ignorance, and to possibly harmful consequences. Among them are the warnings that the sun can be dangerous to your health or that ozone holes further the destruction of our planet. Apart from spreading ignorance faster than knowledge, purely objective science takes all the fun out of life.

People are made of subjectivity, they have feelings and a soul that does not act or work like a computerized machine or robot. Eighty percent of the people who fall ill get sick from a stressful experience and seventy percent die from it. This may be an objective finding, but stress reactions are purely subjective experiences. One person responds to a stressful situation by having a heart attack, which is an “I can’t cope” experience, another feels positively challenged by the same problem and thrives on it. Similarly, out of ten people who suffer the same cancer and share the same age and risk factors of disease, five may die, three improve and two have a spontaneous remission. There is no objective answer to the question of why the same deadly cancer does not kill all of them.

Objective science is incomplete because it does not account for the subjective experiences people may have when they interact with one another, with nature, or with the sun. Scientists know, for example, that sun spot cycles influence our weather patterns. However, this represents only a tiny fraction of the truth. To know what the sun is really there for, one has to know oneself and to love and honor life, the sun and the universe.

Knowledge of any kind is only correct and fundamentally useful when we know ourselves. Once we fuse objective science with its subjective source, i.e. spiritual science, we will have a truly universal science rather than just a human science. This will open us to possibilities previously believed impossible, including sustained space travel, neutralization of nuclear waste, and controlling gravity. The marriage between physical matter, including human biology, Spirit within matter, and the relationship and co-ordination of these two, is what will make this world a paradise. The real power and understanding lies in the spiritual, and not in the physical or mental. The Native Americans identified with the Great Spirit within them and thus had direct access to the power and wisdom that is contained in the spirits of the moon, the sun, the stars, the Earth and all of nature. They adored the sun as a God, something found in many ancient cultures, and they cherished their personal relationship with the sun, a practice that sounds so meaningless to us in our purely ‘objective’ world.

The sun is our support system and we can rely on it in every way. Nevertheless, it appears we need to prove to the sun that we are sincere and really value life. We have to do our bit, which is to have a pure and uncluttered consciousness, to clean up our bodies and the mess we have created in our environment. As the sun’s energies are drastically increasing now, negative thoughts are greatly energized and amplified as well; they literally can turn into poison, thereby causing havoc in the body. For this reason, today there are so many more psychosomatic i.e. stress-related diseases than there were half a century ago. By contrast, everything that supports life and promotes happiness is also becoming tremendously empowered now. In other words, at a time when disease can strike so easily, given the insights and energies to create a new way of life that will allow us to have only constructive thoughts and healthy bodies.

What we require now, more than ever before, is openness, honesty and a trusting relationship with the sun, the moon, the stars, the Earth and our fellow human beings. This actually is easier done than it sounds. By deciding for yourself that this is what you want, you set the ball rolling in the right direction. The communication links with our surroundings and fellow human beings are already established. All we need to do is to identify with the essence of our subjective nature, which is unlimited love, and the whole world will get to feel and know about it.

This is an excerpt from my book IT’S TIME TO COME ALIVE

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