By Andreas Moritz 

Most of us were brought up with the belief that disease is caused by external things. Few people know that germs can only ‘germinate’ in a dead and toxic medium or environment. Parents who see their children go through one infectious illness after another are especially concerned about giving their offspring every possible protection against infectious diseases. Immunization seems to be one way of safeguarding their children’s lives. If their child still happens to ‘catch’ an infection, antibacterial or antiviral drugs are generally considered the best treatment option.

Being so used to blaming external pathogens (disease-causing factors) such as bacteria or viruses for an infection, not many people even consider the possibility that their health problems may have something to do with the food they eat. Could it really be possible that children (and also adults) who suffer from repeated infections are, in fact, only reaping the consequences of being poisoned by such unhealthful products as soft drinks, ice cream, chips, processed chocolate products, candy, ‘light’ foods, ‘fast’ foods, processed breakfast cereals, frozen meals, canned foods, and bottled salad dressings?

Over 40,000 different food items now occupy the shelves of modern grocery stores. Ninety-eight percent of them have nothing to do with what nature intended a human being to eat. Our digestive system has no way to make use of foods robbed of their natural, intrinsic life energy or manipulated and processed to a point of uselessness, regardless of the wonderful ingredients listed on their product labels. If foods are made in a laboratory, as most of them are, you can no longer consider them food. Instead, they have turned into poison. With their immune systems impaired by large amounts of these man-made, acid-forming foods and the chemical additives they contain, children barely stand a chance of fighting off the normally harmless germs that are part of our natural environment.

The situation is worsened if children haven’t been breastfed long enough to build up their natural immunity. Many infants are still being fed commercial formulas, and these contain rancid (oxidized) cholesterol which results from the milk-drying process. The solid foods that most mothers introduce during the first year of a baby’s life are generally sterilized during the canning process, resulting in a total degradation of their original life force. Rancid fat/cholesterol is a cancer-producing substance and the cause of many diseases, including allergies. Several years ago, the British government discovered that nine brands of commonly used infant formula contained potentially harmful chemicals. Formula made with cow’s milk is a product that has been chemically altered in a laboratory. The same applies to both soy-based and protein hydrolysate formulas. There is nothing natural about these foods. Just imagine what feeding lifeless, factory foods to human infants must do to them! How many infants are regularly seen by doctors because of various illnesses? Giving formula to a baby poses a major health risk, particularly because his immune system has not yet fully developed, leaving the infant unable to defend himself against these chemically altered, unnatural foods.

The food that most closely resembles breast milk is coconut milk. Many people in tropical parts of the world have raised healthy children on coconut milk when breast milk was not an option. Unless raised on breast or coconut milk, nearly every child will suffer from some ailment or another.

In addition, an entire cocktail of contaminants and noxious substances may be present in a child’s drinking water, as well as in the indoor and outdoor environment. These may easily suppress the just developing immune system of the child, making him susceptible to a whole range of illnesses. All of this has a great influence on how well a growing child will be able to navigate through the many physical, mental and emotional challenges he may have to meet in his life.

Today’s younger generation is sicker than any generation has ever been before. Schools and colleges feed our children cheap, low-nutrition foods, and the situation at home is not much better. Many diseases that used to strike only the adult population are now commonly found among young people. Would you have believed even 25 years ago that hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and obesity would one day be as common among children as they are today? Childhood obesity increased from 5 percent in 1964 to about 20 percent today – and it is rising. Children spend an average of 5 to 6 hours a day on sedentary activities, including watching television, using the computer, and playing video games. Today’s children are bombarded and brainwashed with well-crafted TV ads from fast-food chains and other purveyors of high-fat, high-sugar meals and snacks. When one totals the sugar intake of the average American, including refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners, the shocking intake is 142 pounds a year, or roughly 2 ½ pounds per week, according to a report by CBS Broadcasting on June 17, 2007. This figure has risen 23 percent in the last 25 years and is a major cause of soaring rates of obesity and diabetes. Children make up a large proportion of the sugar-consuming population.

A recent study reported that two-to-six-year-olds who watch television are more likely to choose food products advertised on TV than children who do not watch such commercials. All of this has produced a generation of children who are at high risk for obesity-associated medical conditions. Doctors report a surge in young adolescents who are developing Type 2 diabetes – which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, stroke, limb amputations, blindness and, of course, a diminished quality of life and shortened life span.

The consumption of foods that are of no use to the body is a major cause of disease, including infection. Meat or other flesh foods belong in that category. When you eat meat, your body can extract only a fraction of the meat’s constituents, and the rest has to be disposed of in different ways. A large portion of the undigested meat protein is broken down by the meat’s own cellular enzymes and also by bacteria present within the intestinal tract.

Heating animal proteins hardens and destroys them. This is called coagulation. For example, a raw egg, which is liquid to begin with, becomes hard when boiled or fried. Its proteins lose their natural three-dimensional structure, which makes them practically useless for the body.

Since decomposed meat cells consist of degenerated and coagulated protein, their putrefaction results in the release of putrescine and cadaverine, which are deadly and highly irritating cadaver poisons. Colorless, foul-smelling ptomaines, produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms, putrescine and cadaverine were first described by the Berlin physician Ludwig Brieger in 1885. The two compounds are largely responsible for the foul odor of putrefying flesh, but also contribute to the odor of such processes as bad breath and bacterial vaginosis.

Other carcinogenic chemicals, such as heterocyclic amines (HCAs), are formed from the cooking of muscle meats such as beef, pork, fowl and fish. Research conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as well as by Japanese and European scientists indicates that heterocyclic amines are created within muscle meats during most types of high temperature cooking. Such powerful poisons alone are enough to leave the body vulnerable to any kind of infection.

In most hospitals, both young and older patients are given meat, such as sausages, eggs, fish and poultry to eat, sometimes on the day after the patient has undergone surgery or other invasive treatments. These procedures cause the digestive system to be at its weakest. The patients’ already strained digestive and immune systems are unable to handle these additional toxins, while also trying to eliminate as much fecal waste from the bowel as possible. Many hospital patients suffer from constipation because of drug treatments, lying in bed all day, or eating constipating foods, such as meat and potatoes. Congested bowels are a highly fertile ground for microbial infection, which is more likely to occur in the hospital environment where germs are present in larger quantities. In essence, hospitals and their diet plans pose a serious danger to people who are already ill.

The life of a sick child may depend on whether he is able to remove most of the decomposing substances in his intestines before they are absorbed into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. If gallstones obstruct the liver bile ducts (now quite common among children, too), the liver is no longer able to remove all the toxins that enter the blood via the bowel; hence ‘food poisoning’ occurs. Most so-called epidemics are in fact forms of food poisoning or chemical poisoning. They occur among people with high levels of toxicity and low immunity, meaning, those who are already ill. Instead of giving hospital patients easy-to-digest liquid foods to eat, they are most often given solid, concentrated foods, such as meat, pork, eggs, etc. This will merely deplete the little energy they have left in them. This energy must now be used to attend to the newly ingested food, when the body should be using its energy stores to overcome the toxicity crisis. An immune system that has already been compromised by a massive influx of toxins is no longer able to effectively ward off bacteria, parasites or viruses. In fact, these germs become the body’s last resort to deal with the toxic load.

A child who is fed meat, eggs and dairy products, including milk, as well as junk food (low in, or void of, nutritional value) is much more likely to develop digestive problems and children’s diseases such as diphtheria, smallpox or septic fever, than a child who eats fruits, salads, vegetables, grain foods, nuts and drinks plenty of fresh water. Most parents feel responsible for the health and safety of their children. By becoming more conscious of their own eating habits, they will automatically want to give their children the best and most nutritious foods and beverages available. This can contribute greatly toward creating a generation of healthy young people who will be known for their absence of illness.

This is an excerpt from my book TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH & REJUVENATION

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