Avoid feeding packaged food to your pets

Hi, this is a question from Deborah and she is asking whether there is an ideal food for her little dog,

And I can only tell you that what applies to humans, applies to animals, pets, as well… the more they receive processed foods, refined foods, these smart-type foods where they pack everything into them like vitamins and minerals… these foods… they typically cause a deterioration of the pets’ digestive system and it lowers the immunity. It can leads to many, many subtle changes that eventually manifest as the same kind of diseases that humans nowadays have, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes tooth decay, many things that would not happen if the animal were just to receive natural foods or close to natural foods as possible.

I had… when I was a child, we had little dogs, and obviously they do not eat as much sometimes… just a tiny amount would be sufficient for them. My mother used to give them always some vegetables, dogs like all kinds of food and sometimes some fish or some meat but, meat ideally should not be cooked, they do very well with uncooked organically grown meats that are digested pretty quickly.

Cooking things may not be the best way to go about it, but definitely stay away from packaged foods, readymade foods, these dry cereal-type of foods, they are notorious for causing issues to pets’ digestive systems, and the nourishment they receive from food is very, very limited, so you can even cause many, many problems which you may not see right away because pets… dogs, cats… they do have a strong immune system to begin with, but eventually they succumb to the same issues that humans do when they get exposed to processed foods and vaccinations, vaccines are leading cause of pet diseases, so, I would suggest to try to avoid that as much as possible.

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