Video Post by: Andreas Moritz

Hi, this is a question from Gabby and she is wondering why she has fresh blood in her stool every day.

This is a question that I cannot answer unless someone is examining this properly but when the body, when the large intestine releases blood it usually means there are areas or one area where there is chronic inflammation, where there is strong irritation from exposure to either toxins or there is a polyp that is opening up or there is a hemorrhoid that is not healing and there can be numerous hemorrhoids in the intestines that are hidden, or that are more exposed, so it would be good to check it out and see if there is any of the things that apply.

However, I can tell you that bleeding is not as serious as most people think it is, because bleeding always means that the body is trying to get rid of something that is causing problems in the blood, so if there are blood toxins, the body goes into an involuntary bleeding response trying to get rid of these toxins.

It looks scary perhaps, but it is not as scary as most people are made to believe and not letting in a way, it is a way to clear up excessive Hematocrit values and to get rid of some extra proteins in the blood that otherwise can cause blood thickening and potential damage to the coronary arteries and to the brain.

So I would be very cautious in believing or making you believe that there is something seriously wrong, but if bleeding is consistent it is important to look for underlying causes of what is it that is constantly irritating you, if there is any food that you are eating that has very strong irritating effects, could be beverages as well, soft drinks, it could be animal protein, if you eat meat, that can often lead to such responses, also garlic, if you’re eating a lot of garlic, for example, which can literally irritate and burn tiny little holes into the intestinal wall, there are many things that are… in terms of processed foods… that can cause irritation and toxicity in that part of the body. So it’s good to always look at those.

Also see if the digestion is not working very well, if there is a need for cleaning out the liver so that you release more bile.

Bile has incredible healing properties, it’s not just to carry toxins out of the liver and pass them through the intestines, but also it helps with the digestion of fats, emulsifying of fat, which is necessary to digest carbohydrates and proteins and to absorb minerals. So if there is a lack of bile, you may not be able to neutralize hydrochloric acid that is secreted in the stomach sufficiently enough which then can cause a great deal of irritation in the lower intestines, but that is avoidable by cleaning out the liver and taking care of the food and also the times of eating.

If you eat a lot of heavy foods in the evening or late in the evening, then a lot of the foods will not be digested and it will sit there in the intestine, ferment and putrefy, and release a lot of toxins, as the fermenting or putrefying bacteria are producing these kinds of toxins that can then create inflammatory responses.

So having said that, again I would caution anyone to think that there is something terribly wrong, it just shows that the body is doing the right thing, given the circumstances that we somehow create through our diet and lifestyle eating habits or living habits.

So it’s good to take care of the basic factors of diet and lifestyle before jumping into the conclusion that there is a cancer, tumor or something of that nature, than just doing some experiments to see which kind of foods might be irritating, leaving them out for a while and see if the bleeding continues, before jumping into conclusions of believing that there is something very, very serious.

Thank you.

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