Coffee Enemas are good if one cannot do the Liver Flush

This is a commonly asked question and it comes from ‘Yaris’ and he is saying that, he is wondering what my opinion is about coffee enemas and enemas in general and whether I feel they are good for detoxifying the body.

I have written about coffee enemas in my book “THE TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” in greater detail. I do find them beneficial particularly when a person is incapable of doing liver and gall bladder flushes which are, in my opinion, far superior in detoxifying the liver than coffee enemas are.

A coffee enema, however, can be useful when in such a liver flush is not available or cannot be done by a person. It is a good way to allow the liver to remove toxins, not stones, but toxins that come out by simply putting coffee into the large intestine or at least into the rectum area through an enema.

And this will stimulate the bile flow and the bile takes toxins out of the liver and it can make a person feel energized almost immediately after doing this. Coffee enemas are not designed to clean the colon itself so does not replace the colon hydrotherapy or the colema or even the number of water enemas which can help to clean out the entire colon. So the answer is that I am all for cleaning the colon. If you cannot do the liver and gallbladder flushes, then, yes, coffee enemas are the next best thing you can do.

But you should definitely make sure that you also clean out the entire colon and in that respect I prefer colon hydrotherapy or colema board techniques and if that is not available, two to three back to back water enemas, that will help to bring the water all the way up to the other side to the ascending colon, because you do not want to just clean the rectum area or the descending colon which is on the left side but also the transverse colon and the ascending colon and that is very important particularly if there is a stricture and a tightening of the large intestine which can hold up the discharge or elimination of thicker matter and leads to obstruction and backing up of waste matter all the way out up through into the small intestine into the stomach and into the head area which can cause a number of different problems to the sensory organs and to the chest area, and also to the lymph drainage capability of the body. So if you do not clean out the colon from time to time, and I recommend to do that only once every two to three weeks or once a month, then maybe waste matter is backing up in the intestines and therefore eventually in the rest of the body which is not a great idea if you want to prevent disease from arising in the future.

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