By:  Andreas Moritz
Book excerpt:  The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Thankfully, some very influential spokespeople and celebrities are now coming to the aid of the ostracized vaccine safety awareness movement, including business mogul Donald Trump. During an interview with Fox News on April 2, 2012, the anniversary of the fifth annual World Autism Awareness Day, Trump unexpectedly raised serious concern about vaccinations. He told viewers: “I strongly believe that Autism Spectrum Disorders are linked to exposure to vaccines [1].”

Donald Trump Tweet on Vaccines

Trump has been actively engaged in helping children with autism for many years. During the interview, the tycoon explained that a series of casual observations had led him to the conclusion that monster vaccinations cause autism.

Trump’s remarks must have been a bombshell for the most aggressive vaccine-pushers, including doctors, pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and of course, the most powerful vaccine advocate, Bill Gates. They all deny the existence of a vaccine-autism link by referring to the fraudulently altered research data the CDC had released in 2008. They have applied monumental efforts in trying to suppress and delegitimize the work that has been done on vaccine-caused autism by researchers at several universities and, most notably, by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Fortunately, through a ruling by Britain’s High Court, Dr. Wakefield’s key research colleague, Professor John Walker-Smith, has recently been vindicated of having falsified research proving the vaccine-autism link [2]. In other words, the work by these two scientists is now considered genuine and valid.

While Trump acknowledged that speaking out against vaccines and the vaccine schedule is controversial, he said, “…I couldn’t care less. I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy.”

“I’ve gotten to be pretty familiar with the subject,” Trump went on to say. “You know, I have a theory – and it’s a theory that some people believe in – and that’s the vaccinations. We never had anything like this. This is now an epidemic. It’s way, way up over the past 10 years. It’s way up over the past two years. And, you know, when you take a little baby that weighs like 12 pounds into a doctor’s office and they pump them with many, many simultaneous vaccinations – I’m all for vaccinations, but I think when you add all of these vaccinations together and then two months later the baby is so different, then lots of different things have happened. I really…I’ve known cases.”

Usually, the media which are sponsored, in large part, through advertisements paid for by pharmaceutical companies, have a financial interest in keeping their sponsors happy. I personally would like to thank Donald Trump for bringing this important issue, which concerns so many millions of individuals and their families, back into the minds of the people. He has clearly shown that he is not afraid of surprising one of the world’s leading news channels by issuing such as stern warning.


[Video Removed from YouTube]  

All vaccines significantly alter the immune system and, therefore, play a major role in triggering autoimmune diseases and numerous other health conditions. In a 2005 epidemiological study covering over 151 previously conducted studies, researchers from the Department of Healthcare and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, found an inverse association between acute infections and cancer development [3]. The study found that suppressing childhood infections with vaccines significantly increases one’s risk of developing cancer later in life.

Chronic diseases were extremely rare over 100 years ago when few vaccines were given to the population. The more vaccines are administered, the more compromised the immune system becomes [4]. Most diseases back then used to be acute infections resulting from poor hygiene and nutrition, contaminated drinking water, and overcrowded cities.

Even the CDC admits on their website that clean water is more effective in preventing infectious diseases than vaccines. The only problem with using clean water as the preferred medicine is that, unlike with mass vaccination, one cannot make the same billions of dollars of profit year after year by installing some simple water purification devices in affected communities, or by educating people that drinking clean, non-fluoridated water is what keeps the body healthy and the immune system strong (for additional information on the subject of vaccination, see Chapter 3). To remove thimerosal and other toxic vaccine ingredients from the body, I strongly recommend taking organic sulfur crystals (see Chapter 5 for details). A colleague of mine has seen the complete reversal of autism in 16 people, simply through the long-term use of organic sulfur crystals.

Learn more about the truth about Vaccines by reading his book Vaccine-nation – Poisoning the population one shot at a time.

Read more about CDC Caught Deliberately Falsifying Vaccine-Autism Research


[1] Trump warns Fox News viewers: Autism caused by vaccines, April 2, 2012, see interview at

[2] Doctor from MMR controversy wins High Court appeal – next up, Dr. Andrew Wakefield himself,

[3] Cancer Detect Prev 2006; 30(1):83-93. Epub 2006 Feb 21.

[4] For details see my book Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time

This is an excerpt from Andreas Moritz‘s book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush.

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