Eating organic, non Genetically Modified foods

Hi, this is a question with regard to genetically modified food, where can we find non GMO foods?

And the answer to that question is actually not very easy to give. Here in the United States, there is no real legislation that differentiates between non-GMO (genetically modified) and genetically modified foods. The only safety factor that can determine whether you get the real food, not the artificially produced food, is to go buy organic foods. So when you see, generally organically grown, then at least you have a chance to get the real thing. So far, organically grown foods are not genetically modified. Now if you eat non organic foods you may eat genetically modified foods. There is hardly anything that can protect you against that, given the lack of labeling on these foods. Now there are a number of foods that are highly modified and that includes soy beans and also the soy bean products like soy milk and soy beans themselves of course, and tofu and other soy products. So I would be very careful eating those kinds of foods. Ninety-three percent of them are modified. Corn is another one, corn or maize, of which eighty-six percent are genetically modified and that again refers to the practice in United States. All over the world it is applying only to twenty-six percent of the foods. So, the rest of them are non GMO foods corn products.

With regards to cotton seed, cotton seed oil, almost ninety-five percent of cotton seed is genetically modified so that is something to consider. With regard to alfalfa, alfalfa was banned from 2005 to 2007 as a feed for animals, cattle, and so on. Now this ban has been lifted recently in 2011 so alfalfa is something that is being genetically modified once again.

With regard to the popular food papaya, the Hawaiian papaya is eighty percent genetically modified, so better stay away from that and seek other sources of papaya than that coming from Hawaii. Tomatoes were genetically modified, there were attempts made, but it did not succeed, the crop failure was far too large to use GMO techniques to modify it. There is another popular food and that is canola oil which is a genetically modified oil, which is basically derived from rape seed oil and rape seed oil is coming from the plant rape seed and in order to make it non toxic for human consumption, to modify it, they had to genetically alter the plant seeds so that it would not have such a high toxicity, so, stay away from canola oil, canola oil has been shown in laboratory experiments to produce brain cancers in mice. So it is not something you want to take lightly. It was introduced in a hurry for the need for a very low cholesterol oil and it was approved without any testing done on it. Sugarcane is pretty safe in that respect but I do not recommend sugar that is refined. If you want to eat sugar then some of the best sugars are palm sugar or coconut sugar as it is called, and that has highly valuable nutrients in it that can be useful, besides it does not create the same insulin effects as regular sugar does.

Then there is small a amount of zucchini squash that is genetically modified, about thirteen percent and again if you go for the organic version of zucchini then you are safe, if you eat pesticide treated zucchini, you do not know whether you are eating genetically modified zucchini or regular zucchini.

There are some other foods that are being listed for genetic modification in the future but for right now these are the main foods, so I would highly recommend to stay away from that. Be safe , eat organically grown fruits and vegetables at least for the time being it is your safety rod.

Thank you so much, bon appétit.

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