Healing Lyme Disease

Hi, this is a question from Mary and she is concerned about Lyme disease and she is wondering how I explain Lyme disease.

This is a very complex question even though it sounds very simple because it involves many, many factors that influence the body’s immune system. Lyme disease in my opinion is not necessarily due to the tick bite, that the parasite that is transferred by ticks into the human body, but it is rather a response by the body to a host of different influences that are of a toxic nature. An immune system that is already burdened by toxins and environmental factors as well as thoughts, feeling, emotions that inhibit the immune system. There could be things like lack of vitamin D which is again associated with Lyme disease, not being exposed on a regular basis to sunshine, ultra violet light, that diminished the vitamin D content in the body. Many people blame the tick for causing the Lyme disease and most doctors would, but you can have the symptom of Lyme disease in people who were never exposed to tick bites. So there is a lot of misconception in this field. And destroying the bacterium with antibiotics is in most cases not sufficient, it may lead to flare up very shortly after, because the underlying weakness of the immune system is still prevailing.

I have a different approach to that.  I would suggest cleaning out the liver so that the immune system can pick up again. The liver and gall bladder cleanse is very important in restoring the digestive functions and to allow the body to eliminate and break down any pathogenic invaders that may be causing the direct sickness or the feeling ill and weak because of so called Lyme disease. So, I would prefer to deal with the underlying causes rather than simply the effect of that particular infection and once again looking at the body in a holistic way that, infection is a reaction to something that the body is incapable of clearing up silently without much fuss, It has to use inflammation in order to deal with it because the body is incapable of removing any invading organism in the natural way.

So, the best approach in my opinion is getting vitamin D back up, regular sun exposure, drinking a good water, I would suggest adya clarity, using that water to remove any contaminants in that water which happens when you add a  couple of drops of adya clarity to your drinking water, like eight ounces of drinking water, you will see sediments at the bottom of a glass, even filtered water has these kinds of sediments that includes heavy metals and other contaminants which are important to remove and it also minimalizes the waters so, it enhances the immune system while allowing the body to get rid of existing toxins, chemicals and heavy metals which always seem to play a major role in Lyme disease. You can find adya clarity on the internet. It spells A-D-Y-A and then clarity, as in clarity of mind. It has many, many benefits, but combined with liver cleansing, this would be the best strategy. I would suggest also changing the diet to a vegetarian diet. Avoiding any kind of meat, chicken, fish, anything that can recontaminate the body and burden the immune system. Sugar as well, sugar should be avoided, because, with Lyme disease there is also a large flare up of Candida growth involved which you do not want to feed by adding more sugar to your diet.

Hope this might be helpful to you, and once again if you need more information “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” is a book that contains everything that you need to know in order to restore your health from ground up rather than targeting symptoms such as Lyme disease which is merely a symptom of an underlying issue that has not emerged, that has not shown up before, but a trigger like a tick bite might just bring them to surface and allow the body to deal with it more effectively. But it is always important to support the body through it rather than stop the body at its trying.

Thank you

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