By Andreas Moritz

In our quest to move to mastery of self we seem to be stumbling upon many obstacles and adverse situations. The challenges we encounter in life basically occur in four major areas: relationships, health, abundance and self-worth.

Although they are all interwoven with one another, each one appears to impact us in a unique way. A broken heart, a sudden illness, the loss of money, or being abused by someone may inevitably bring up the question: “Why did this happen to me?” The question is prompting a search that can never reach a satisfactory conclusion. Trying to figure out why things go wrong in life takes you on a spiral of never-ending twists and turns. It leaves you with the disturbing discovery that for every cause there is yet another cause. However, when you finally stop searching for the answers to your problems, you begin to realize that there is no meaning to anything except the meaning you give to it.

Nothing in this world is the way it appears to be. There are no hidden meanings in our encounters and experiences, no secret agendas that influence us or have power over us. Quantum physics tells us that there are no real colors, shapes and forms in this universe except the ones we create in our minds at the time of observation. Likewise, there are no other meanings to life other than the ones we fabricate in our minds to confirm the existing beliefs we have acquired during the course of our lifetime. God doesn’t exist, unless you decide so. Likewise, Satan assumes reality only if you choose to believe in his existence. There are no angels unless you feel and know they are around you. Love is a meaningless word that comes to life only if you give it life.

You are an endless sea of consciousness that somehow is compelled to decide whatever kinds of waves it wants to be. You may either choose to become high-riding waves that display great power and strength, or assume the shape of small and fragile waves that cruelly seem overtaken by the larger ones.

In every case scenario, you are and remain the sea. Judgments arise when you begin to question your identity and look for answers as to why you are or behave a certain way. Once the perception of being a small wave begins to dominate your awareness, the knowledge of being the infinite sea of consciousness rapidly fades away. The knowledge of being the infinite sea also begins to fade if you choose to be a mighty wave. Both experiences of being powerful and weak forfeit the unbounded potential that you are.

You forsake your real nature just to gain a little pleasure or to lose a little pain. Strength and weakness are finite expressions of us just as different waves are expressions of the sea, yet in no way do they represent who you truly are.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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