By Andreas Moritz

Every human being, regardless of the health problem or emotional difficulties he may experience, shares the mind-body relationship. You may have heard of ‘personality disorder’, a condition when a person accommodates up to a dozen different personalities in his physical body. Researchers and medical professionals are still puzzled by such occurrences.Women, who have three distinct personalities with different memories, feelings, and even language accents, are found to have three different menstrual periods in one month. Some of the afflicted persons may even change the color of their eyes as they make the shift from one personality to another.

Several years ago, a team of doctors in the United States studied the personality disorder of a young boy who was known to have twelve identifiable personalities. While experiencing one particular personality, the boy develops strong allergic reactions after drinking orange juice. In this state, his immune system regards orange juice as an allergen or ‘invader’. When the orange molecules contact the immune cells in his mouth cavity and intestinal tract, they begin to mass-produce antibodies to counteract the orange juice as if it were harmful bacteria. The abnormal reaction causes mouth swelling, skin eruptions, burning eyes, an asthma attack, migraine or diarrhea. After shifting to another personality, his immune system considers the same orange molecules to be ‘friendly’. Without any trace of sensitivity to orange juice, all the previous symptoms of the allergy will have disappeared.

It would be intriguing to find out which aspect of the boy’s personality triggers the allergy and which one turns it off again. However, even without knowing the cause of the allergy, we can say that a change in his thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, likes dislikes etc., which make up his personality, alters his body’s behavior so drastically that ingesting a few harmless orange molecules can lead to the destruction of his entire body.

A number of people with personality disorders suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes. Since their pancreatic cells (Islets of Langerhans) are no longer capable of producing enough of this vital hormone, the patients may require injections of insulin to keep the sugar level balanced. Conventional medicine assumes that with this form of diabetes (Type I) a large number of the afflicted pancreas cells are non-functional or quasi dead. However, after a sudden change of personality, these people no longer suffer from diabetes; their insulin levels are normal, and pancreatic cells are resurrected back to life.

One might consider this periodically occurring ‘resurrection’ of cells to be a ‘programmed miracle’, but it may be a far less mysterious phenomenon than that. The pancreas cells, which at one moment are in deep slumber and without a sign of life, the next moment, are awakened by a kind of alarm clock or a wake-up call. The sudden awakening to another personality or entity, which has a different mind with different feelings, emotions and memories, redefines the functioning of the entire body. That particular aspect of intelligence, which makes the pancreas cells tick, is active and awake when the corresponding state of mind is active and alive.

The phenomenon of personality disorders reveals a very simple but very important law of the body-mind. By avoiding a certain unresolved issue such as deferring a long due apology to a good friend or not talking to our partner about a problem that bothers us, we create a blockage in our mind that in due time begins to manifest also in our body, in our relationships and even in our environment. We cannot negate this intimate connection between body and mind, but we can use it as a tool to create a life that is perfect for our world and us. If only we could stop doubting that our mind is capable of creating anything at all, our lives would be full of miracles. Those with personality disorders, although they may not be aware of this, remind us that mind indeed rules over matter.

Note: As confirmed by my personal experiences with people who have multiple personalities, I believe that they are afflicted by soul entities that have not moved on to the ‘other side’ when their physical bodies died. Roaming the astral planes of existence, they seek to express themselves and their desires, frustrations and rage through a physical body, just as they used to when they were still alive (in human form). Through my healing system of Sacred Santémony, I have been able to remove these entities from the host, which resulted in the return of the original mono-personality. Most, if not all, bi-polar or schizophrenic personalities simply suffer from an invasion by one or several such entities, and their symptoms of mental disease vanish along with these entities.

This is an excerpt from Andreas Moritz‘s book It’s Time to Come Alive.

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