By Andreas Moritz

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For many years, I have been a great fan of Suzanne Somer’s incredible courage and persistence to enlighten the people about alternative methods of treating disease, especially cancer. Before publishing her New York Times bestseller “Knockout” about cancer and the many suppressed alternative treatments for cancer, she asked me if she could quote from my book Cancer Is Not a Disease – It’s a Survival Mechanism in her new book. Given how controversial my book is in the eyes of the hardliners of conventional medicine, I felt very honored and agreed to it. While this led to a an expected defamation campaign against me, Suzanne Somers took the brunt of it; the pharma-medical establishment and hired media attacked her viciously for writing her book, which has been read by millions of people. And yet again, the undeterred Suzanne Somers, single-handedly and not taking no for answer, opened up an entire new possibility for women who have been maimed by breast surgery to regain their sense of dignity and womanhood. Bravo, Suzanne! Please share with all woman who have had breast cancer surgery.

~ Andreas Moritz

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