Tap Water Vs Bottled Water

This is a question from Shivanand and it relates to water, particularly to tap water and they were wondering what I think about tap water Vs. bottled water and also knowing that water can stay or go through pipes, dirty pipes, and stay there for a long time and also with knowing that water can stay in plastic bottles for a long, long time before they are sold.

These are certainly concerning facts because we know that plastic bottles leach harmful cancer-producing chemicals into the water. So there is a big issue now with regards to these chemicals raising the body’s hormones, estrogens particularly, which can lead to certain types of cancer growth. They act like growth hormones, they lead to excessive growth patterns in cells. So I am certainly not in favour of any bottled water unless it is a plastic that does not let parts of chemicals enter the water. So once again I am very, very conscious about any bottles. Drinking bottled water means also that you are drinking tap water because that is basically what it is. These companies, they just take regular tap water and then they use a system, mostly reverse osmosis, and they bottle it and then sell it for more money than actually gas, gasoline. So it is a big money- making scheme and it is a scam. I personally do not promote it.

So what I do is, I have a filtration system that filters my tap water. In this way, I know I can remove the contaminants from that water, and it is flowing water and flowing water is always better than stagnant water. Stagnant water is pretty much dead, so it sits in a bottle for a long time, there is really no life force in it, whereas water that you use in your home, you know there is a constant flow because you are flushing toilets, you are showering, you are drinking, you using this water for food, so the water is never stagnant for a long time. Older homes obviously have pipes that can leak, heavy metals that can come through. So a good filtration system is advised in this respect, so I would encourage you to get one and not just drink tap water, but drink tap water that has been filtered, properly filtered, then it is very safe and you are sure that you are not going to be harmed by plastic elements and other noxious substances that may be in the bottled water.

We now know that there are lots of harmful things in bottled water and it is not as clean as it looks.

Thank you.

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