By Andreas Moritz

The universal Law of Non-Interference can perhaps best explain the meaning of justice. Without it, we will forever wonder why some things are considered right or why some things are considered wrong. This universal law applies to every area of life, including human relations and the field of justice in particular. As beings of Spirit in human form, this law binds us all. It is to our advantage, though. The universal Law of Non-Interference is our only password to eternal freedom, for without it we would forever be entangled in the web of karma.

What’s more, interference is actually a complete impossibility in the universe. Unless we invite interference (and then we cannot call it interference any more), we are only left with what we create for ourselves or co-create along with others. In fact, since nothing and nobody can exist in true isolation, co-creation is all there is. Furthermore, every person involved in co-creation has given their consent to what is happening to them and to everyone else.

The perception of injustice, in whatever area or form, is based on the concept of interference. It implies that there are people out there, situations, laws, organizations, societies, or even entire nations that have the power to prevent me from fulfilling my needs and desires or affect me in a negative way. We have been taught from an early age that there always has been, and continues to be, great injustice in this world. By opening any history book, we face event after event that tells of relentless bloodshed and tremendous suffering in almost every society that has lived on this planet. Millions of apparently innocent people have lost their lives because of wars fought out of greed for more land and worldly influence, or through acts of crime and terrorism.

We have come to believe that many people out there have only one thing in their mind, that is, to steal from others to enrich themselves. Furthermore, a large number of them do not even hesitate to take the life of another in order to have access to more possessions or greater degrees of power. Some merely want to take revenge for the injustice they believe has been committed against them or their loved ones.

The more recent 9-11-2001 landmark assault on thousands of civilians by terrorists using commercial jet planes as weapons of mass destruction seemed to have been one of the most senseless acts of hatred seen in history, completely beyond human comprehension. There are scandals popping up in every sector of society revealing how a few people with ill intentions can manipulate and cheat the rest of us. Drug cartels have infiltrated both the poor and rich sections of society, even using children as cheap distributors of life-altering drugs. Millions of innocent children are victims of slave labor or used as prostitutes. The stories of injustice in this world seem endless. From the simple act of stealing chewing gum in a grocery store to the large-scale exploitation of the world’s poorest countries, injustice appears to have infiltrated everywhere.

Born in Germany nine years after World War II, I became a witness to the painful aftermath of the war and the forceful division of my family and my country into two parts, and so I learned to believe in injustice as everyone else did. In addition, I felt so ashamed about what the Nazi-Germans had done to the rest of the world that I couldn’t wait to leave Germany after high school. For years, I tried to hide my German identity and rid myself of anything that had to do with my country.

If anyone had told me then that there was no injustice in this world, I would have said they were out of their mind; they would have to be someone who lived in a fantasy world of peace and harmony. Today, I cannot but think differently. I am aware that this is one of the most challenging concepts to understand and to accept, but it is also one of the most liberating ones, and it may perhaps be the only one that makes any real sense.

Injustice is an illusion that is currently in the process of demystification. Already, the old systems of maintaining justice are crumbling. Law and order is still maintained, but laws cannot guarantee justice. Many nations have had a high level of law and order, but at the same time, there was great injustice to their people; for example, in East Germany, in the Soviet Union, in Tibet and in China. We are about to witness the birth of a new justice system that is not based on human laws but on Divine Law.

Manmade laws are needed greatly at a time when polarity thinking dominates the collective consciousness of the population. As long as we inject the idea that there is a ‘right’ versus a ‘wrong’ into the atmosphere of collective thinking through our own thoughts and actions, we essentially create ‘injustice’ in this world. If this most basic form of judgment – seeing one thing as right and another as wrong – ceased to dominate our awareness, there would be much less injustice around us. This is actually happening already. Manmade law is being replaced gradually with natural law, and a daily-increasing number of people look toward nature, the natural environment, and the spirit within to know how to live their lives.

Much of the current strife and struggle is a result of this transformation.The search for natural alternative energy sources, the cleaning up of our rivers, lakes and air, the attempts to save and preserve species that are dying out, the emergence of alternative forms of medicine, etc. are all definitive indications that natural law is already awakening in the mass population. This, however, creates conflict, the struggle of having to let go of the old before we can accept the new.

A person experiences injustice in life because of a need to bring to the surface of awareness any form of injustice harbored in his or her own heart. Whether this injustice is rooted in the present life or previous lifetimes is irrelevant. Because they have not come to terms with an internal discrepancy, these people literally, though unconsciously, seek a situation that permits them to get in touch with their unforgiving feelings and judgments. Humans do not err, lie, cheat, steal, etc.; they only pretend to. They unknowingly play these roles for the sake of learning from each other about themselves.

Since the Law of Non-Interference cannot be broken, no matter what the circumstances, there can never be a true victim. And if there is no victim, there can be no victimizer. A presumed victim and their corresponding victimizer co-create a situation together which outwardly looks like a conflict but in truth is a spiritual dance. It is a process of gradual awakening that involves the clearing of dualistic perception and opening to the Love Source that they are. This mighty task has taken many of us innumerable lifetimes to tackle. Now, when the perception of duality is losing its frequency basis, we are collectively moving through the illusion of injustice. The purpose of creating the illusion of injustice for everyone on this planet has been a grand one. It has given us the opportunity to learn all about our three-dimensional world, and work through all the nooks and crannies that make it up, until we find our essential self (The One Eternal Spirit) reflected in it. The recognition of Spirit in matter is our process of ascension. This will bring both fulfillment to the natural justice system of the world (replacing the illusions of injustice) and also restore peace and harmony on Earth.

Mass consciousness is currently undergoing a tremendous transformation that requires the experience of injustice. Anyone who still has roots and beliefs of separation feels agonizing pain and suffering when exposed to personal and collective calamities. When terrorists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., the senseless loss of human life was incomprehensible to almost the entire world population. It shook the very foundation of safety and security, and the belief in goodness as such.

On the other hand, it demonstrated to all of us that human life on Earth is the most precious commodity there is and that we can only survive and live through catastrophes like this when we pull together and become one united force. We realized that the petty things and differences that have so occupied our lives in the areas of politics, economics and human relationships are not that important anymore. The grave ‘injustice’ of the Attack on America carried a blessing of unconditional love, brotherhood and sisterhood into the masses that would otherwise never have been experienced by humanity. Many brave and honorable souls volunteered (on the level of their Higher Self) to initiate this urgently needed transition in the world by giving up their physical lives in the inferno of the 9-11 events – perhaps the world’s most important distress call ever made.

The distress call was and continues to be a wake-up call for us all. It urges us to find answers to the following questions: Do we continue supporting and encouraging injustice by condemning it or do we begin to forgive and respect those that incur it? Are those who commit such crimes not also people who are driven by incredible amounts of fear, anger, disappointment, abuse or other grievances that none of us has really given any attention to? Do we truly believe that the attacks were indiscriminately placed and that we have nothing to do with them except being innocent victims? Weren’t these young men, who blew themselves up to destroy others, once also beautiful, innocent children who wanted to be loved and held but were not? Who made them this bitter and why? Haven’t we all directly and indirectly contributed to the economic imbalances that have led to the extreme poverty and anguish experienced in the world today? How much do we really care about those living in horrid conditions of poverty and exploitation?

When I lived in India and other poor nations, I saw hundreds of thousands of people who literally owned nothing but their bare skin and only survived (or died) by eating scraps decomposing in massive heaps of garbage that contained, among other things, leftover foods. Children, dogs, cows, and millions of flies partook of the same ‘free meals’. The situation is even worse in Afghanistan. Have we not been breeding the very terrorists (through our insatiable desire for wealth and power) that now enter our space like angry sharks coming to our beaches in order to kill? Is retaliation the only answer to this problem?

When Mahatma Gandhi stated: “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”, he knew that seeing and retaliating against the injustice done by others in truth fosters it even more and initiates new cycles of karma, pain and suffering. We have become so blind we really believe that when adversity comes to us someone or something else is responsible for it, not us. We will only be free of anger, terror and fear when our so-called enemies are free of anger, fear and terror. And this can only happen when we see others and other countries in the Oneness that underlies them all.

As long as we see injustice in the world, we create injustice in the world. And we create more and more of it until we discover the deceptive nature of this perception and move beyond the need for judgment. Justice and injustice are opposites that appear to be so real in life that we have a hard time not taking sides. Yet behind their appearance, they form a common bond. Both serve our Higher Spirit Self to become the only reference for how to live our life.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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