By Andreas Moritz

Obesity is a result of toxicity

Our physical health and well-being are more intimately connected to our gut and bowels than we may think. After all, that’s where it all begins and ends – with digestion and elimination and, of course, everything in between. To put it simply, what we take in, how we process it and what we keep inside rather than eliminate have everything to do with the diseases we suffer from. Obesity is one of the more direct and obvious consequences of being driven towards what I call a ‘toxicity crisis.’

The mind-body connection

Add to this the mind-body connection and it lends a whole new dimension. The very same processes apply to the human mind – the thoughts and feelings that preoccupy us, how we deal with them and the things we find hard to let go of and that build up as emotional toxins.

In a perfect world, the mind and body would act in tandem to produce health and happiness. But what happens when the intestines and lymphatic system get polluted and congested?

Obesity is usually the result of internal pollution and congestion starting with the liver, small intestine, bowel and finally the lymphatic system. Of course, it is a little more complex than that but there is no escaping the fact that individuals who are overweight are actually poisoning themselves.

What the ‘experts’ say

Conventional weight-loss experts would have you believe that it is the food you eat and amount of exercise you get that determine whether you are overweight or not, and how you can shed the extra pounds. It is called the ‘calories-in, calories-out’ approachto weight loss. These ‘professionals’ suggest that you adopt complex and sophisticated diets and they even have impressive mathematical formulae to count the calories you gain and lose at every stage. Throw in some common-sense advice about regular eating habits and sleeping well and often you end up with the perfect weight-loss plan. Or so they would have you believe.

While it is a fact that the food you eat is critical in determining whether you stay healthy or not, burning fat or calories through vigorous exercise is absolutely unnecessary. Neither is pushing the limits of physical endurance, which is brutal and suggests that you care very little for your body.

Most of all, conventional weight-reduction programs address only what you see, that is, the symptoms of disease – a fatty roll under the diaphragm, belly fat, ‘love handles’ and cellulite on the upper arms and thighs. Of course, there is a different set of exercises for every body part that has piled on excess adipose.

What these weight-loss programs fail to address is the cause of obesity. Why does the body feel the need to put on pounds? What is it defending itself against? And what kind of toxicity crisis is it reeling under?

The dynamic energy that helps digest our food

Powering our very existence is the life force or chi or Prana, digesting your food is Agni or the digestive fire, and determining the movement of fluids and energy in your tissues, organs, muscles and bloodstream are the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Each dosha is distinguished from the other by its type of energy, the biological processes it governs and natural rhythms and cycles.

Disturbances in the natural energy that flows through your body and keeps you alive cause imbalances in digestive functions, waste disposal and immunological processes. This eventually leads to a state of internal pollution and congestion.

The beginning of obesity, its true causes

When the liver, stomach, intestines, bowels and lymphatic systems accumulate toxins, they get poisoned, they harden, they get distorted, and they lose their natural shape and functions in a futile attempt to adjust to this new but unhealthy internal environment. This is the beginning of obesity,gastrointestinal problems and a number of other diseases like cancer. Before we explore these processes and the consequences of their malfunctioning on obesity, let me tell you something that might surprise you.

Did you know that gallstones can lead to severe back pain? Not only does a severely congested gallbladder lead to a fatty liver and the accumulation of weight around the midriff, it also causes spasmodic pain attacks in the back region.

Is it purely coincidental that over 60 percent of Americans are estimated to have back problems and about the same percentage of Americans are overweight? Both conditions are characterized by a digestive system that is malfunctioning, choking, backing up and in distress.

As you see, the root causes of many symptoms and diseases, even obesity, are often not obvious. There is a supreme logic and rhythm to every biological process and the interactions between all of them. But addressing them in a symptomatic way as allopathic medicine does, separates you even further from the cause.

The human body is constantly searching for equilibrium. When things are out of gear, the body then tries to compensate by quite literally bending itself out of shape. This happens till it can no longer take the overload – the toxicity crisis boils over – and manifests itself as disease. Once you understand how illness, and even obesity, is ‘created’, you will also understand how to reverse it.

This is an excerpt from my book FEEL GREAT, LOSE WEIGHT

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