By Andreas Moritz 

The truth behind pandemics

There is no doubt that pandemics are man-made or due to vaccination programs, starvation, poor hygiene and antibiotics, all of which compromise the immune system. Viral infection is an effect of illness, not its cause, just as bacteria are capable of infecting only unhealthy, weak or damaged cells.

Bacteria and viruses do not viciously or indiscriminately attack us. Nature does not fight against itself, if it did, we would all be dead. There is no war between humans and nature, unless of course, we try to destroy it or upset the balance of natural forces and resources and subsequently refer to the rebalancing process as disease or natural disaster. Still, the masses have fallen for this pseudo science as it has been deftly presented to them.

Analysis of the official statistics from several countries and their historical occurrences of diseases such as smallpox, diphtheria, cholera, typhoid, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, tetanus, etc has revealed astounding findings. For example, diphtheria in France increased to an all-time high with the onset of compulsory immunization and immediately dropped again after the vaccine was withdrawn.

The situation was not very different in Germany when compulsory immunization for diphtheria was introduced on a mass scale between 1925 and 1944. During this period, the number of diphtheria victims increased from 40,000 to 240,000, with the incidence of infection being higher among immunized patients. In 1945, at the end of World War II, vaccines were no longer available in Germany and, within a few years, the number of cases dropped below 50,000.

Statistical data shows that most of these diseases were in rapid and continuous decline well before the introduction of immunization programs. The big epidemics began occurring when people from the rural areas moved to the big cities. The streets were used as garbage dumps, contaminating air and water and becoming the source of infectious diseases. Only a major clean-up of these congested cities and improved sanitation, hygiene and housing were able to halt the epidemics and led to drastic improvements in individual and collective health. Vaccination programs had nothing to do with it.

Big Pharma’s Death Grip

Spreading the notion that viruses and bacteria cause diseases is more a means to keep the masses fearful and controlled, than it is a scientific fact. And there is big money to be made from such misconceptions, therefore the unsuspecting public is led to believe that vaccines are life-savers.

During the 1960s, the vaccine industry was extremely under-funded because epidemics were nowhere to be found. Plans were made to manufacture new virus strains (to use them to induce cancer in animals for ‘cancer research’). In truth, however, the mixing of certain viral strains, normally not occurring in nature, led to new possibilities of sabotaging the immune systems of even perfectly healthy people. The intention was to generate new illnesses and for which natural immunity is helpless. When injected into people through vaccines, these virus cocktails would shut down the immune system, destroy cell nuclei and trigger the production or human retroviruses such as HIV.

Yes, the AIDS story is one such shocking and tragic example. In 1962, UCLA scientists concocted a new virus strain to induce cancer in animals (purportedly for cancer research). They combined an animal virus with a smallpox virus that was then made into a smallpox vaccine by a major pharmaceutical company.

The vaccine was generously donated to Africa to vaccinate 125 million people. What a gesture of goodwill! Those with the weakest immune systems developed severe immune deficiency symptoms, which later were misinterpreted as AIDS diseases. Of the 125 million people who were vaccinated, 98 million developed AIDS. This new disease turned out to be huge money spinner and a bargaining chip for wealthy nations to make and keep these poor countries dependent on them by distributing condoms for population control and powerful (immune-destructive) AIDS drugs to ‘cure’ AIDS.

The anti-AIDS drugs that began to pour into the developing world became a means to prevent the rise and independence of the poor countries’ economies. So in order to help these countries ‘survive’ the onslaught of a deadly virus and in exchange for expensive and otherwise unaffordable medications, developed countries persuaded poor countries to sign agreements to hand over important economic production rights and natural resources.

The virus myth is a convenient tool to control people. This is a basic truth. The only real antidote to the wily games politicians and vaccine-makers play is to educate yourself and stop playing victim in this deadly power game.







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