Ways to Balance Blood Sugar and resolve Insulin Resistance

Hi this is a great question from Kenny Chan: What is the best way to balance blood sugar or resolve insulin resistance?

In order to answer that question, we have to identify the root causes for abnormal blood sugar level and not just rectify or attack the symptoms such as high blood sugar or the inability of these cells to take up insulin that carries sugar into the cells which is called insulin resistance.

So to look at what causes insulin resistance or high blood sugar, we should not just look at sugar consumption. Obviously, sugar consumption in excess can lead to such conditions but we should also look at other factors that are hardly ever mentioned or never mentioned by medical industry, that is, the consumption of animal proteins.

If you look at any book of physiology and anatomy you will find that insulin is heavily involved in the removal of amino acids or synthesis of amino acids that are produced when you digest foods that are basically protein foods so, when amino acids are made available to the body from the digestion of protein foods, your body needs insulin in order to accomplish the synthesis. The more proteins you consume, the more insulin you require. In fact if you eat a steak from a cow you require far-far more insulin than you would if you consumed twelve teaspoons of sugar. So there is just no comparison of anything that stimulates the body.

In addition to that we know that meat is a very powerful stimulant. You require insulin to meet that stimulation because stimulation means you require sugar in order to respond to any ‘fight or flight’ response in the body, for example, it requires a lot of sugar. Eating meat requires a strong immune response in the gut and that requires energy, to fulfill the needs for additional energy your body has to take the energy from any ingested food or from the blood stream and resupply that into the blood stream, and that requires a lot of insulin to deliver that extra sugar to the cells so that they can meet the demand that results from the stimulation.

So once again it is not such a clear cut thing; sugar increases blood sugar, the biggest cause of increased insulin resistance is meat consumption, animal protein consumption because of the high stimulation and because of the increased demand for insulin that will basically make the cells more and more sensitive to insulin. This is a protective effect, the diabetes is not a disease it is a protective mechanism that sets in when there is far too much insulin available.

Insulin can cause cancer, so if you produce too much of this hormone insulin, then this is a leading cause for self mutation and cancer growth. So you want to keep your insulin secretion at the level that the body can handle it, if you make too much insulin, the cells will try to shut the doors for that insulin to come in to deliver the sugar, and so the doors are closed and therefore the sugar is building up in the blood stream and that can be identified through tests that show that you have a higher blood sugar level than normal, so this is more or less a protective mechanism for the cells to avoid too much insulin exposure so these cells do not become cancerous, its side effect is that you have high blood sugar.

So when you take this, when you understand the mechanism, it makes it easier to deal with the root causes of the insulin resistance or diabetes, resulting diabetes, than just suppressing the symptom which is high blood sugar which can make matters actually worse. So that’s why you have such high complications when you take a drug that lowers the blood sugar; these drugs are very dangerous they can cause brain damage and heart disease and many other issues that are now well known because of scientific research that has been done on those drugs.

I recommend that you take recourse to natural ways of dealing with high blood sugar besides changing the diet, avoiding animal proteins and high sugar corn syrup or products, soft drinks, sweets, foods that are high in white flour, pastry, cookies and so on and use natural sweeteners you like, like honey or palm sugar or coconut sugar instead of regular sugar which does not cause these same sugar spikes. And to take recourse to exercise.

Exercise has been shown to be a very effective way in lowering the blood sugar far more effective than medication can be. And so when you exercise you actually require more sugar to leave the blood stream to get into the muscles, so your body will therefore lower the blood sugar quite naturally. Its similar effect is accomplished by exposing the body to the sun on a regular basis, sunbathing and even exercising in the sun, it has even a stronger effect in reducing or balancing the blood sugar levels.

There are many scientific research studies that is done on the effect of sunshine and the resulting vitamin D production in the body that in itself has an immune balancing effect and a blood sugar balancing effect, it also helps to strengthen the pancreas and the insulin producing capacity of the pancreatic cells. So there are natural things you can do through diet, lifestyle changes, sleep patterns, we now know that if you sleep between ten o’clock at night and six’ clock in the morning, get a good eight hour sleep, you will balance the blood sugar level quite naturally.

Going to bed late or after eleven, twelve, one clock and it will upset your blood sugar levels. There are things that are written in my book “TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION” about it, you can read up on it and it is basically self explanatory but, it is very important that we stop the epidemic, the epidemic of diabetes that is engulfing this country. It is not a disease, it is a metabolic disorder that is caused by lifestyle and dietary abnormalities that we have fallen into collectively, that we are no longer capable of living healthy lives. Anything that puts toxins in the body can affect the immune system and the blood regulating mechanisms of the liver.

I always recommend that anyone who has blood sugar issues to do the liver and gall bladder flushes, many people who do them find that automatically the body’s blood sugar mechanism, regulating mechanisms, become normalized indirectly. Just cleaning out the blood, making the liver more effective in dealing with proteins and sugars because basically all sugars have to be converted by the liver… if the liver is not capable of removing, or converting, glucose into complex sugar reserves in the body and storing them, then obviously, you will have too much sugar in the blood stream. So cleaning out the liver bile duct which enhances the liver’s ability to deal with the sugar properly without leaving a surplus of the sugar in the blood stream is very effective.

 So sunshine, exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, sleeping at the regular normal hours of the night – all these are very powerful ways of making sure that the blood sugar is normal and you do not have insulin resistance.

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