By Andreas Moritz

Many people nowadays accept that the role of karma (often stated as: “As you sow, so shall you reap and not otherwise” or “What goes around comes around”), plays an undeniable role in the area of human interaction. For them the idea of victims co-creating their own victimization is not only plausible but the only reasonable explanation there can be. Yet the understanding of such a universal system of restoring justice is challenged when a few individuals with tremendous worldly powers negatively affect large portions of a population. Recorded history is filled with instances of mass killings, such as the genocide of millions of Armenians, the Holocaust of World War II, the eradication of Kurds, the slaughtering of thousands of Algerians and Tibetans, or the Kosovo and Bosnian conflicts, to name a few. In most of these situations, one or several people are blamed for causing such atrocities.

All these instances may raise serious doubt about the role of karma as a reliable system of natural justice. Take the Holocaust, for example; how could anything in the world justify the killing of millions of innocent people who had only one thing in common, being of Jewish descent? Yet the question arises whether the hate of just one fanatic man from Austria was sufficiently strong to make hundreds of thousands of Germans believe that Jews were pests that needed to be exterminated. How could millions of people be wiped out by a few, and have nothing to do with their own demise? Is natural justice so unfair as to let anyone get away with mass murder? These questions are not answerable in a satisfying way, just as a physical problem cannot be resolved by understanding its symptom. The causes for both remain hidden and are seemingly unrelated to their effects. Yet behind the scenes of what occurred in the concentration camps and on the battlefields of World War II lurked a deeper meaning; one that weaved the complex threads of individual and collective karmas together to lay the ground for an unprecedented spiritual awakening that would perhaps not otherwise have occurred.

The immense suffering that the German Jews experienced and finally succumbed to was part of a drama of unprecedented proportion played out by the Germans and the Jews, as well as many of the world’s nations. As horrible as it was, the holocaust was experienced with the permission of all the souls involved. The mass trauma was, in fact, a tremendous release of the destructive, non-allowing and judgmental ideas, dogmas and behavior of the people living on Earth at that time.

The war wasn’t just one person’s fault, although we like to see it that way to avoid taking responsibility. Even those that resisted, hated, and judged the Nazi Germans, were feeding them with negative energy. The Holocaust received its energy to make itself manifest because there was so much destructive energy floating around the Earth. Hitler and those who aided him were fed by that energy; it was up to them how and where to focus the destruction. Given the intensity of the collective stress and fear at the time prior to the war, the destruction would have been of a similar impact even if there hadn’t been a Hitler.

Almost all the people in the world suffered in one way or another because of the war, whether this was due to economic hardship, the loss of loved ones, or the destruction of their homes and towns. Their suffering occurred in direct response to the conflicts and wars within their own minds. They went through these incredible hardships not because they deserved to suffer, but because their souls asked to be released from that burden of collective tension to which they had contributed, each in their own way. Those who lost their lives didn’t lose anything, they simply chose to move on to the next level of their spiritual quest, and at the same time clear much of the collective and individual energies that were preventing mankind as a whole from raising its vibrational level.

Until the eruption of the greatest war this Earth has ever witnessed, the world’s population wasn’t ready for a spiritual revolution. The karmic knots were too hard to undo in a more gentle way. They needed to be cut, and although this was painful to all, it brought mankind closer than ever to the extreme side of the pendulum, representing the darkest night of the soul or the most extreme state of duality. Almost everyone at the time was involved in the dreadful labor pains that accompanied the birthing of a new era, and the destruction of the old one that was no longer appropriate for the growth of humanity. Within the relatively short period of the war, much of the karmic burden that had accumulated on the Earth during thousands of years of abuse was undone. It was a massive undertaking to get hundreds of millions of souls to incarnate on Earth in order to play out the drama of World War II and pave the way to freedom from duality.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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