By Andreas Moritz 

Seeing the high divorce rates all over the world at this time in human history, shows that we are heavily involved in clearing our hidden agendas from this life and past lives with one another. We seem to be in a great hurry to do that and having only one major relationship in life may not satisfy this need. Each new relationship allows us to tap into more of our unresolved separation issues.

After a period of being in love with all those beautiful qualities that a new friend or partner represents, we may start feeling uncomfortable with them. Why? Because we compare ourselves with them and conclude that we are not like them, although we would love to be this way. Or, we are afraid of losing the relationship and try to hold on to it, to such an extent that we make all sorts of concessions or sacrifices to ensure being loved. Admiration for another may turn into envy, resentment or jealously and, in extreme cases, feelings of hate.

Comparing ourselves with those we love can also manifest as severe self-judgment and depression. Although this seems to be negative and undesirable, it directs our attention inward and prepares the way for filling the underlying unworthiness with the very same qualities we first admired and then rejected in the other.

In time, we learn that we own everything that we love. It is not important whether we know how to play a concert piano or paint beautiful pictures. The very act of appreciating something is being it. By contrast, comparison causes a division that separates us from other people and the environment. Once there is enough self-acceptance, we begin to expand our individual boundaries and include others and the world as our extended self and find the same joy they feel when they are expressing their uniqueness to us. Thus, ‘uniqueness’ becomes a means of uniting rather than separating people. The role reversal is significant. Someone else’s joy is your joy if you have joy in your heart. Someone’s love can become your love if love is already there in you. Likewise, someone else’s pain can be your pain if you perceive pain in your heart. Accepting the contrasting attributes of life as being part of our perception of duality makes us whole. Rejecting joy, love or pain makes us feel isolated, incomplete, and separate from the world.

Our hidden agendas are our true gifts in life, although they seem so far from being rewarding. Having ‘come’ from the omnipresent source of oneness and getting ‘lost’ in the extremely dense and bewildering diversity of 3D reality has not been easy for us, to say the least. And for most of us, the current phase in our journey of discovering the oneness of diversity is the most challenging one of all. In order to create this new world of oneness of diversity (5D reality), which will have no limits to our creativity, we are compelled to face every hidden agenda that is still stored as ‘unbalanced’ in our Akashic Records. Everything that binds us to the illusion of duality must go. It is as if we are going back in time, although in truth we are simply switching our attention to our parallel realities (lives), searching for any unattended and thus unbalanced experiences that have caused us fear and still do so now.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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