By Andreas Moritz

Each one of us has a master plan. This master plan is not the kind that tells you how to get from A to B or how you can be a better person than you already are. It is a Divine Plan that helps you see that there is nothing bad in evilness and nothing good in goodness. It is a script that we are all writing in each moment. The script guides us through the seemingly complicated and intricate experiences that dominate the unfathomable world of opposites, until we arrive at the point ‘Be still and know that you are God’. Only when oneness finally clicks in do we know that the world of duality was an illusion the mind had created in order to help us identify with our true Source.

This grand plan is built within the core of our being and it is the purpose of life to bring it to fulfillment. Life and death, joy and sorrow, right and wrong, light and dark, all these are opposites and are blessings. But we only recognize them as blessings when we are in stillness, which is our only link to our infinite Source self, when we are in full acceptance of the moment. As soon as we move to prefer one thing to another, we are no longer still and thus display non-acceptance. Accepting one as good or right and rejecting the other as bad or wrong places us in the arena of struggle, the battlefield of judgment.

Holy people, when put to death in the past, often died with a blissful smile on their faces, much to the annoyance of their killers. These saints experienced no conflict within themselves for they had surpassed the limitations of life and death, right or wrong, joy and sorrow. For them joy was as equally confining as sadness, for one was bound to become the other. Physical death had little meaning to them because they had already identified with their higher, Divine Self as the one and only life there is. And what we consider life had value for them only as long as they had not ascended to their Higher Self.

After ascending, acquiring a physical body does not add any benefits (although reincarnation may be an option, many incarnating souls have taken to assist others who are going through the same process of ascension). The rest of us are following in their footsteps. They have made it easier for us by showing us the way; a path more traveled is easier to walk on. They are guiding us safely through the jungle of duality. Whichever turns we take, none of them is right or wrong, all of them have the potential to liberate us from the pangs of separation.

Every choice of ours creates a new world of possibilities that would not exist for us if we hadn’t made that choice. We alter our future destiny with every thought and feeling we choose to have, and each possible destiny or probable future is as good for us as it can be. With the help of duality, our master plan finds its fulfillment. Holy people know this and do not favor one thing over another. They have gained freedom from judgment.

This is an excerpt from my book LIFTING THE VEIL OF DUALITY

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