By Andreas Moritz

The united force of your body, mind and spirit continually seeks to provide you with nourishment, vitality and happiness. The body uses food, water and air to renew and sustain itself. The mind chooses a task that keeps it creative and active. The spirit looks for ways to expand by generating waves of love, peace and freedom, and to share happiness with the world as a means of gaining fulfillment.

Everything that you do and experience – physically, mentally and emotionally – has a profound bearing on your entire being. Each one of your thoughts, feelings and emotions sparks profound changes in your body, mind and spirit.

A German professor of medicine, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, proved that every physical illness is triggered or preceded by the effects of an unresolved conflict in the life of a patient. Two decades of studies and treating more than 31,000 patients later, Dr. Hamer was able to scientifically prove that biological conflict-shock results in a cold cancerous or necrotic phase and that after the conflict is resolved, the cancerous or necrotic development is reversed to fix the damage and render a person fit again.

That the resolution of conflict can naturally stop or reverse the symptomatic occurrence of what we refer to as ‘disease’ is not difficult to understand: for example, the calm and reassuring words of a friend can trigger powerful biochemical responses in your body that change your posture, relax your physical expression, and improve your mood.

All of our thoughts, feelings, desires, beliefs, realizations and recognitions are translated into neuropeptides or neurotransmitters in the brain. Over 100 different neuropeptides have been discovered, and many more are believed to exist. These are chemical messengers of information, which determine how your body functions.

How do the millions of neurons know which type of neurotransmitter they need to make for each specific thought, right at the moment of its occurrence? What causes their simultaneous ‘firing’ throughout the brain? And, more astonishing, how does one neuron know what the other neuron thinks when there is no direct physical connection between the two?

In recent years, scientists have discovered that these chemical messengers are not only made by brain cells, but also by all other cells in the body. This raises the question whether we think only with our brain cells, or also with other cells in the body? There is enough scientific evidence to show that all cells throughout the body have the same remarkable ability to think, emote and make decisions as brain cells.

Our body’s cells are equipped with receptor sites for these peptides, which explains why every cell knows what every other cell does or thinks. There cannot be any secrets between cells. Every instruction given or received somewhere is felt as an instruction everywhere.

If all of our cells are in tune and are so receptive to every thought and emotion that runs through our minds, the power of love and love-based actions that comes from every one of us is how we can meet cellular thinking to fill our lives, and our cells, with love.

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