By Andreas Moritz

Children often fall ‘accidentally on purpose’ if their bodies require a boost of immunity. A wound that becomes infected due to dirt very often serves as a quick self-help method to stimulate the immune system and further increase thelevel of natural resistance to disease in a child’s body. Many growth spurts are initiated in this way. We tend to think that children don’t know what is happening, but their Higher Selves and spiritual guides are ever watchful to permit only what truly is in their highest interest, even if this means injury.

However, what begins to happen is that this natural instinct or ‘innocent knowingness’ becomes gradually distorted through the varied responses the child receives from the surroundings. Basically, all reactions in life are ego-driven, which means they are rooted in the fear of separation. Without fear, there would be no reaction, only action. Since separation can only occur in the ego or consciousness of non-reality, none of what appears to be real is actually real. Separation appears so real because there is no perception of the underlying oneness.

How many of us remember having been scolded for not finishing what our mother had prepared for us? Maybe we weren’t hungry or our body’s natural instincts suppressed the urge to eat for other reasons, such as feeling unwell or upset about something. Or maybe we just didn’t like the food she cooked. Our body’s own normal and natural responses, however, were criticized with such words as: “You are a spoiled brat!” or “You don’t value what God is giving to you!”

Several years ago, I had a patient who complained to me about his eating disorder. “I can never sit at a table and eat a meal like everyone else does,” he said. When I inquired about his childhood eating habits he reluctantly told me that his mother literally used to throw portions of food at him that he was unable to eat. Although his mother truly believed that this was the proper way to teach her son to appreciate the food she was preparing for him – because of her own unfulfilled needs for love and appreciation – such ‘justified’ methods of educating her son had led to his highly disturbed relationship to food and eating. Using food as an educational tool to teach the young ones the ‘right manners’ of adulthood has become very popular. The good intention of the parents, however, has turned out to be the most influential contributing factor causing a disproportionate part of the population to suffer from eating disorders and obesity.

These people have learned from early in their lives that listening to the body is wrong. Thus, in later life, they have no way of knowing how to read or decipher the body’s language. The communication link between the inner and the outer aspects of life becomes severely disrupted and so does the spiritual connection to the Source Self.

This is an excerpt from Andreas Moritz‘s book Lifting the Veil of Duality.

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