FDA admits that chickens are given Arsenic

Hi, yesterday, 10th of June 2011, we received a notification by the Associated Press that the FDA had announced there was arsenic, which is  carcinogenic, in the chicken that millions and millions of Americans eat everyday. And this is an announcement that should not be taken lightly because as the FDA is admitting, arsenic is a known carcinogen that was found in the livers of these chickens.

That this is something to take actually very seriously, because we have very, very high rates of cancer in this country. And there is no study to actually link the arsenic that is being consumed by the people, by the masses, with the ever escalating cancer rates in this country.

Now I would suggest that any  known carcinogen should be avoided at all costs because we do not know what or which carcinogen can induce cancer in a person. There can be a combination of carcinogens which is more likely because we know there are many carcinogens, like formaldehyde which is added to vaccines, there are environmental poisons, there is mercury, heavy metals, there are chemicals and drugs that are known to act as carcinogens and there are poisons and toxins in our drinking water, there are hormones that have growth inducing capability which can lead to cancer. So if a very known poisonous substance like arsenic is added to the feed that is given to the chickens so that it will destroy the parasites that they might ingest, then that is an act that should be taken very seriously.

And the FDA has taken it seriously and they have told the company that is producing this particular feed it is a subsidiary of Pfizer and the company is called Alpharma and that company has been involved in producing this particular feed that contains arsenic for a long, long time. In fact chickens were given, factory chickens have been given arsenic for… since the 1940s… so for all those years, without people… the consumers… knowing anything about it, they have been given low doses of arsenic which the FDA has claimed for many, many years would not cause any problems, it will be excreted with the fecal matter, with the feces that the chicken leaves, let go of, and it is the chicken litter and that they found contains a lot of the arsenic. And they had claims that there was valid scientific research to prove that the arsenic would not accumulate in the chicken and therefore the chicken was safe to eat for the consumers.

However this was a blatant negligence because these studies were never validated, there was never really any scientific basis to them, that was just an assumption, and now that a study came out that proved beyond the reason of doubt that chicken contained arsenic in their bodies and when people eat that, they will ingest that arsenic and it may accumulate in the human body and act as a carcinogen.

So, the other fact is that the chicken litter which is filled with arsenic will be, has always, in the last twenty, thirty, forty years been used as a feed for cows, for cattle, in order to minimize the amount of real food that is given to cows. Arsenic is also a growth factor, it has been shown to increase the growth rate. So the feeding industry and the food industry that is marketing meat and chicken is obviously very happy about the side effect of arsenic. It kills parasites, so that is one of another reason why it is been given to these animals and the net side effect of all of that is that, according to the companies, that have promoted arsenic, is to keep the animals healthy.

But obviously if there is arsenic in their livers and tissues, that does not mean they are healthy, that means they are pretty much sick. A healthy animal does not need to be given arsenic, healthy animals do  not have antibiotic resistant organisms that are now found in forty-eight percent of all the chicken and cattle and beef and other meat products in the United States. Typically, a healthy animal does not have those antibiotic resistance organisms in them. Antibiotic resistant organisms develop in these animals because they are exposed again and again to antibiotics, and so different strains of bacteria evolve in order to safeguard themselves against the onslaught of antibiotics, so it is very natural that these organisms are now breeding and are found in animal flesh foods.

So I would suggest, be very careful eating any of those products because you never know what you are going to get. Particularly when it comes to arsenic, which the FDA still claim, in these small doses, arsenic is not dangerous, but how do they know? There are no scientific studies, it is just a statement that has no validity, no scientific backing, it is just that they ask us to trust them.

I would say stay on the side of caution and avoid these foods at any cost. People living outside the United states will continue most likely to have arsenic in their chicken and of course in their cattle because the chicken litter is a favorite cattle feed.

So having said that, I recommend that you take this very seriously because it can lead to potentially serious health problems… not just cancer but there are many, many illnesses that are related to arsenic. and so… it does not matter what they are… it should be taken very, very seriously.

So I recommend that do not eat any chicken, particularly if it is factory chicken, commercial chicken, for meat already have been shown to increase the risk of dying by twenty percent. If you eat chicken or meat regularly, your risk of dying increases by nineteen to twenty percent from all causes such as heart disease, diabetes and yes, cancer.

So who is to say whether it is the arsenic or whether it is not the arsenic in the chicken and in the meat that is responsible for those deaths, for that increased risk of dying, it is hard to tell, but arsenic can certainly be included on the list of carcinogens that we are exposed to on a day-to-day basis simply by living on this planet.

Thank you for listening and have a wonderful day.

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