By Andreas Moritz 

Karma and Reincarnation

Frequently the word karma is being used even though it has a lot of negative connotations which I dispute. I do not agree with. karma In my opinion  is simply if you translate the Sanskrit word is action causing reaction, ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’, ‘an eye for an eye’, these are not means of punishment that if you do something bad, something bad will happen to you, if you do something good, something good will happen to you in return. These laws apply to both negative and positive. However, when something negative returns to us, it is not there to punish us, it is there to balance an old account. It is like if you incurred debts and you spend too much money and you obviously can only really – really compensate that by earning more money so that the red numbers turn into black numbers so that, you do not have debt anymore.

So, karma works in the same way and the soul, when it has concurred or has created a certain things like, I have beaten up someone, and I have had not the time to balance that that energy of guilt and shame that I have acquired from having done that to someone else then, I may have to resume this particular experience in the next lifetime, I need another one in order to remove the amount of that accumulated guilt and shame that is always in my consciousness. Because, consciousness is the only thing that does not deteriorate, it does not die, it does not get burnt, you cannot eliminate it, it is yours for ever. And so, a soul that is conscious, has consciousness to it, is not dying ever, it is a continuum, but, it seeks a renewed incarnation when there is a need to balance some of the old accounts and to end a series of guilt and shame that arose from having done something to others for which we felt guilty about and the consciousness then requires a reincarnation seeking birth in a human body, the soul is looking at the parents, often hovering above the parents for long – long time to make sure that these parents are the best suited in order to allow me to live my life according to my request which is, to balance these old accounts, to diminish the guilt and shame of wrong doing.

And then, I meet in my lifetime, of course first of all my parents, who will give me an opportunity to see a part of my self that otherwise I would not be able to see and they reflect it back to me, they allow me for example, if I had done something unkind to someone, they will be unkind to me so that I feel, I know, how it feels to be treated in a derogatory manner and so, when we then complain about ‘oh my parents are nasty, they did that to me and they are spoilt the rest of my life basically they interfered with my growth and my evolution’ then, we are still in the victim mentality role where we blame someone else for what our experiences are and that requires that we constantly have parents or friends or relationships that will continue to make us feel like we are a victim, and, as long as we feel or play the victim, we will draw like a magnet towards us, those kinds of victimizations, the moment we accept ourselves the way we are and not try to change ourselves but to accept every part of us, our weaknesses, our fault, our mistakes that we may have made, the guilt and shame that we have accumulated and gathered, that we make peace with ourselves, we accept ourselves exactly the way we are and not the way we want to be, that we actually make our, fully -fully embrace ourselves.

This then will change the entire mechanism of karma that basically prevents anything from coming back to us to haunt us because, now, with the acceptance of who we are, we no longer have the possibility of guilt and shame. And when we enter or leave rather, when we enter our new phase at the time of birth, of death, leaving this physical body, then we no longer have the requirement to come back into embodiment, acquire a new body to seek new opportunities to get rid of the guilt. So, in other words we do not have the need to, the urge, to reincarnate. We have a choice, we can always come to help others, to assist others in their journey and many of us do that but, we do  not have to come back for karmic reasons that would otherwise would bring along some kind of pain and suffering in out lives.

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